Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 436 Open up the heaven and establish the gate of heaven

A sword light is like a rainbow.


The void thousands of miles away.

A sword light that slashed the sky appeared, and the sword light with a rule, slashed straight into the sky, slashed into the unsettled space, and suddenly set off a strange wave.

directly from the sky to the earth.

The space thousands of miles away was directly cut off from the world.

"A sword that separates the world.


Ying Qi couldn't help but say.

Perform martial arts.

Three swords were cut with all his strength.

Every sword slashed thousands of miles away in all directions.

almost at the same time.


The space within ten thousand miles suddenly trembled.

directly separated from the world.

In this ten thousand miles of space, Ying Qi, with all his strength, directly separated from the world.

But after being cut apart.

This space is not opened up.

Under the power of the invisible world, this space seems to be about to collapse.

If you don't win Qi and don't take action, 05 is maintained.

This space is bound to collapse, and all living beings in the space will be destroyed by the turbulent flow of the void.

And the shock of the moment.

Also let the heaven above.

The entire Xianyang city.

Even all the people in this space city within ten thousand miles are terrified.

"what happened?"

"Isn't the promotion of the world over? Why is there another earthquake?"

"No, this earthquake is unusual. 35

Those who can live in Xianyang City, or even in the ten thousand li area, are all knowledgeable people. The sudden change at this moment has caused countless people to fall into anxiety.

Many cultivators also flew out one after another, watching the sudden changes in the void in all directions.

Above the Heavenly Palace.

Many Da Qin courtiers, offering sacrifices also appeared one after another.

"No need to panic."

"I, open up space. 95

"From now on, Xianyang Wanli Space will become a world of its own.

At this moment that made countless subjects panic, Ying Qi's voice sounded in this space.

I heard Ying Qi's voice.

Countless subjects were instantly relieved.

"It turned out to be the divine power of the emperor, so there is no accident.

"The emperor is a strong immortal god, who is above all living beings and opens up space, what kind of divine power this is.

"Xianyang Wanli Space is a world of its own, what an honor it is? We will be residents of the upper world of Daqin in the future.""

"Hahaha, yes, since the emperor has opened up the space, it has its own usefulness, and we may get a chance because of this. 39

"Good luck...""

When Ying Qi's words fell, the subjects in Wanli Space were relieved, and at the same time, they also fell into a kind of ecstasy.

Because they all know that they seem to have a great opportunity.

"The power of immortals is really powerful. 99

"A wave of a hand can affect the world.

"My son, great."

Ying Zheng looked up at Ying Qi in the sky and smiled with relief.

Eyes turned.

After winning Qi's words.

All subjects rest assured.

And Ying Qi didn't waste time.

If the open space is not maintained and the space collapses, then a major event will occur.

Therefore, it is not easy to open up space, and Ying Qi is directly opening up the space of thousands of miles, which is extremely difficult for Immortal Realm.

No one in the Dou Qi world has ever done it before, and the space they have opened up is only a few hundred kilometers.

"The law of time and space."


Ying Qi sank into Divine Mind, fell into the void, and was connected with the law of time and space in the dark.

next moment.

To mobilize with true essence, with the help of the power of law.

The power of time and space appeared and instantly fell on the Wanli space opened up by Ying Qi.

The space that had been difficult to maintain and was about to collapse instantly stabilized.

And with the spread of the power of the law.

The space becomes more stable.


At this time again.

Ying Qi slashed out with another sword, directly severing the original void.

Under the power of powerful laws.

This ten thousand miles of space directly entered the void and disappeared into the world.

Open up space, hide into the void, and separate from the world.

"It worked.

Looking at the space that was successfully isolated from the world, Ying Qi smiled.

Although opening up space is not a breakthrough, it also gives Ying Qi a feeling of opening up the world.


Now there is the most crucial step.

That is to set up a space portal.

It is also the only outside passage in this space.


Ying Qi was already prepared.

God thought a move.

Directly summoned a magic weapon that had been refined for a long time, and under the control of Ying Qi, it directly turned into a stalwart portal, connected with the space, and became the only portal of this space.

"Heaven's Gate.

Ying Qi smiled, his spiritual thoughts moved.

On this stalwart portal, two words were added immediately, Tianmen.

This also means that the space opened up by Ying Qi is the heaven of Da Qin, which belongs to the supreme world of Da Qin.

Then look outside the space that Ying Qi opened up.

A turbulent fault has occurred.

The two sides of the world are separated by thousands of miles, because Xianyang is isolated by thousands of miles, which seems to form a huge gap.


Naturally, Ying Qi doesn't need to worry about this.


Ying Qi shouted at the void.


Daqin Tiandao appeared above the void.

When looking at the Earth 903 Void Fault in this world, the Tao of Heaven did not hesitate, and the power of the world was running.

The land that was originally separated began to close quickly.


This chasm of thousands of miles has turned into a whole new land.


Many cities, Yongcheng and Lantian, which were once thousands of miles away from Xianyang, all entered this area.

"The teleportation formation in the heaven will also move out and stand outside the gate of heaven.

"There is no need for other spaces with special buildings.

Win Qi thought.

entered the heaven.

Directly transfer all the teleportation arrays inside to outside Tianmen.


It is impossible to enter the heaven through the teleportation array, and it is necessary to pass through the gate of heaven.

Apart from that.

Ying Qi integrated the many space entrances that originally connected to the Tiangong and put them in other places.

Do it all.

Ying Qi returned to the Palace of the King of Qin.


"I have opened up a space of thousands of miles, and it will be the heaven from now on."

"In the future, the heaven is the high-level world of Daqin. If you want to enter the heaven, you must be summoned by the imperial court. You send someone to guard the heaven gate, and then make some orders for the heaven gate. Outside the heaven world, you must enter with an order. Ying Qi explained to Ying Xi.

"My son will follow the decree. Ying Xi respectfully replied.

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