Not waiting for Ying Qi to return to God.

Another tyrannical thunder blasted down.

It was more terrifying than the power contained in the thunder just now.

If this thunder strikes the Daqin world, it will definitely turn tens of thousands of miles into a piece of scorched earth, and life will be wiped out.

This is also the reason why Ying Qi chose to transcend the tribulation in a different dimension.


Ying Qi transferred his true essence, and a sword was cut out, and another vast stegosaurus roared out.

Four thunders in front.

For Ying Qi, there is not much of a threat, although he is only in the Immortal Second Realm, his real strength is not that simple.

But after the fifth Thunder.

Ying Qi couldn't help but look serious.

"A sword separates the world. 35

"God's Will of the Four Elephants. 39

All kinds of ultimate moves came out of Ying Qi's hands.

Two more Thunder Thunder Dragons were smashed. "Nine Zero"

"It turned out to be the Nine Nine Heavens Tribulation. 35

"Dao, you really look down on me.

But after the sixth thunder, the eye of the avenue still stared indifferently.

Immediately following, a stronger thunder slammed down.

Seventh Thunder.

In addition to this, Ying Qi has to endure the three tribulations of immortal robbery and thunder.


"The power of the Immortal Four Realm or above."

Ying Qi stared at the thunder.

In the case that Dantian's true essence is almost exhausted.

Ying Qi directly transferred his spiritual power.


Ying Qi shouted angrily.

The Demon Slayer Sword in his hand turned into countless sword shadows, forming a sword circle, completely protecting Ying Qi under the sword circle.


Ying Qi blessed all his spiritual power on the Demon Slayer Sword. ,

Thunder blasted.

The sword circle trembled.

did not crash.


The eighth thunder blasted.


Thunder Dragon howled, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.


Win Qi most of the spiritual power blessing.

The sword circle trembled, blocking the eighth thunder.

However, with a humming sound from the Demon Slayer Sword, thousands of sword shadows dissipated and landed next to Ying Qi again.

"Last Thunder. 99

Ying Qi Shennian moved.

Summoned Pantianyin.

Seeing the thunder slammed down with a mighty momentum.

Ying Qi stimulated the last spiritual power and true essence at the same time.

Fan Tianyin took the strength of the sky and headed towards the last Thunder Town.


The powerful aftermath of the energy spreads out.

The entire alien space presents a scene of silence.

But under the power of Fantianyin, this last thunderbolt was also directly suppressed.

Accompanying this.

The terrifying suppression in the sky is also quickly dissipating.


The sky has regained its clarity.

The eyes of the avenue stared at Ying Qi for a moment.

Still no waves.

It just dropped a stream of energy and fell towards Ying Qi's body.

"Get the unknown power, get 50 million experience points, the experience points are enough." The system prompts.

"Upgrade." Ying Qi said immediately.

next moment.

Glittering gold.

The energy in Ying Qi Dantian began to transform, transformed into the power possessed by immortals.

same time.

Ying Qi's level has risen to level 83.

"The power of the law of time and space is detected, does the host comprehend it?" the system prompted.


Ying Qi said immediately.


In addition to the transformation of energy and the transformation of levels, there is also a kind of overriding, that is, the power of being able to use the law.

Only by comprehending the power of the law can one be called a true immortal.

And now.

Ying Qi has become a real immortal.

With the immortal robbery completely descended.

The Eye of the Dao glanced at Ying Qi, and instantly disappeared.

The power that originally maintained this different space also disappeared in an instant.


Boom, boom, boom.

Enduring nine thunder catastrophe, enduring Ying Qi's full strength, the different space that had already collapsed was full of collapsed scenes, and the space was broken.

"The different dimension of the soul gate is in the past tense.

Ying Qi glanced at the alien space under his feet and smiled lightly.

A wave of hands.

A passage appeared directly in front of him, Ying Qi stepped into it, and disappeared immediately.

With the power of winning Qi.

This alien space was completely shattered, and everything inside was swallowed up by the turbulent currents.

Everything became empty.

If it is said that there are still survivors of this soul gate in this different space that day, but after this moment, even the powerhouse of the transcendence realm will fall.

The space is broken.

If it is not a real Immortal Realm powerhouse, there is no way to escape from this broken space, and it will eventually be swallowed by the space.

Look around.

Ying Qi belongs to the Heavenly Palace.

Looking at this will be the heavenly palace of Ling Jueding.

There was a kind of contemplation on Ying Qi's face.

"The level of the world is increasing, and the heavens should be manifested. 35

"Now I have no heaven in Daqin, so let me open up the heaven."

After a long time.

Ying Qi's eyes were certain, and he finally made a decision.

reached the fairyland.

Has the power to open up space.

After opening up the space, the meaning lies in being able to link to the core of the world and multiply the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the space.

But for Ying Qi.

This is optional, what he wants is the Daqin imperial family, the majesty and solemnity of the Daqin Empire in the eyes of its subjects.

Ying Qi wanted the capital of Daqin to exist in the heaven he created with his own hands.

"Devil Slayer Sword."

Ying Qi raised his hand, and the Demon Slayer Sword appeared in his hand.

Immortal Realm, to open up space, is to cut it with force, and then stabilize the space.


To open up space is not to create the world.

Everything in space still needs to be formed from the real world.

Just like the multiple different dimensions of the Dou Qi world, everything in their dimensions is in the original world.

It is equivalent to stripping the original space of heaven and earth from the main world 1.7.

"The different dimension in the Dou Qi world is no more than five hundred miles away.

"I will open up a different dimension of ten thousand miles.

"With the Demon Slayer Sword and the Seal of the Heavens, it's enough."

Ying Qi smiled in his heart.

Staring at the earth beneath the heavenly palace.

After the upgrade, Ying Qi returned to his peak and became stronger, so he wanted to try something bigger.

Thousands of miles of space.

This is equivalent to a small world.

As long as the opening is successful.

This will be the heaven that belongs to Daqin.

The heaven that is revered by hundreds of millions of sentient beings in Daqin.

Think of this.

Ying Qi did not hesitate.

The Demon Slayer Sword in his hand showed a sharp edge.

It slashed towards the space thousands of miles away.

A sword light is like a rainbow.


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