Above the Heavenly Palace.

Hundreds of officials gathered.

Many worshippers of Daqin are also gathered here.

Just like the promotion of the world in the past.

This time, Ying Qi also summoned hundreds of officials to witness this scene together.

World promotion.

Everything between heaven and earth will change accordingly, spiritual energy, world level, and even the suppression of the world on cultivators will also be reduced a lot.

After a successful promotion.

The power of the Great Qin Empire will climb to another level.

"Your Excellencies. 95

"After this promotion. 35

"My Daqin world level will be stronger, Daqin can also have the existence of immortals.

"At the beginning of the promotion of the world, it was an opportunity.

"Whether you can seize this opportunity is up to Zhu Qing. 99

Ying Qi turned around and looked at the Manchu civil and martial arts behind him.

"The ministers will never live up to the expectations of the emperor, and will seize the opportunity of promotion in the world.

All the courtiers replied solemnly.

It has been more than half a year since the victory of the army.

The Dou Qi world was completely pacified by Da Qin. Of course, those cats and dogs hidden in the dark could not be killed, but that was irrelevant. The local officials in the Dou Qi world and the strong left behind were enough to deal with it.


Many powerful men in Daqin have returned triumphantly.

It was at this time that Ying Qi summoned them and opened the world for promotion.

Give them a chance to break through.

The world of fighting spirit.

Fight with the strong.

Although the Daqin strong man has also fallen a few.

But it is not too much, at least the real top powerhouses above the Tribulation Realm have not fallen.

In the battle of life and death.

Many strong men in Daqin also ushered in a breakthrough in strength.

Just like Juggernaut.

Now that his strength has reached the ninth level of transcending calamity, he is only one level away from entering the peak of transcending calamity.


Reaching this level, it may be difficult to break through for a hundred years, or a thousand years.

The promotion of the world, the manifestation of the laws between heaven and earth, this is a great opportunity for breakthrough.

As long as he breaks through the peak of transcending tribulation, he is only one step away from the realm of immortals.


Apart from Ying Qi, he must be the first person to break through the Immortal Realm.

"The system will imprison the world of Dou Qi."

Ying Qi said.

After successfully controlling the world of Dou Qi, naturally, as before, he received the power of confinement rewarded by the system, imprisoning the way of heaven.

Similarly, there is a fairy-order treasure chest.


A golden light shot out, and the shattered void disappeared.


The space portal appears.

from it.

As always.

A colorful ball of light appeared in front of Ying Qi and all the civil and military officials in Daqin.

"Heavenly Dao. Year


Looking at this ball of light, although he was imprisoned, the terrifying heavenly might that exuded made all the ministers in Great Qin feel an unspeakable sense of suffocation.

"The power of the emperor, imprisoned the way of heaven.

"This kind of power cannot be possessed by ordinary immortals at all." Ying Xi looked at his father and emperor with reverence.

Looking at the imprisoned Dou Qi Tiandao, Ying Qi's face remained calm.

Under the restraint of the system, no matter how hard this Dou Qi Tiandao struggled, he could not break free.

It seems that this power is born to restrain the heaven.

so many years.

Ying Qi also personally destroyed the Tao of Heaven in many worlds.

Controlling the order of a world, above all living beings, is incomparably fragile in the face of being truly controlled, just like a creature that Heaven regards as a must-have.


Ying Qiwei shouted.


Daqin Tiandao appeared in front of Ying Qi in vain.

A huge eye of the sky hangs on the top of the void.

Heaven is full of power.

The Dao of Heaven in the world of Daqin has already reached the level of high martial arts, and under the power of Ying Qi, it has surpassed countless levels.

Ying Qi saw Da Qin's transformation with his own eyes, and also personally transformed the Tao of Heaven.

Da Qin Tiandao looked at anyone with indifference and majesty, but only Ying Qi looked at him with awe.

"Swallow it.

Ying Qi pointed at the imprisoned Dou Qi Tiandao and ordered Daqin Tiandao.


Da Qin Tiandao's huge eyes stared at the source of Dou Qi Tiandao, and there was a wave in the giant eyes without any emotional waves.

For the Tao of Heaven, only the origin of the Tao of Heaven can make it move.

Because it can truly transform the world.

In an instant.

As always.

Daqin Tiandao directly turned into a huge mouth, biting towards Dou Qi Tiandao fiercely.

Go down in one bite.

Directly swallow the Dou Qi Tiandao into the power of his own law.

In an instant.

The consciousness of Dou Qi Tiandao was shattered and turned into the purest source power.

Daqin Tiandao naturally refused to come, and devoured all the origins belonging to this world of Dou Qi.

Time passed slowly.

above the void.

An even more terrifying Tianwei erupted.


Daqin Tiandao has completely devoured the source of Tiandao in this world of Dou Qi and turned it into his own use.

"`" succeeded. "

"My Daqin World's Heavenly Dao devours the power of this otherworldly Heavenly Dao and will usher in promotion again.

"Everything in my Daqin will usher in a transformation. 99

Manchao Wenwu looked at the more eye of heaven, and his heart was also very excited.

Da Qin Tiandao is stronger.

For their servants,

There will also be endless benefits.

"Return to the core of the world and advance to the world.

Ying Qi spoke to Heavenly Dao.

Daqin Tiandao did not hesitate, and directly returned (Qian Nuo's) to the core of the world.

"Your Excellency.

"The world is promoted.

"take the chance.

Ying Qi turned around again and said to the ministers.

"Xie Dijun Longen.

All the courtiers enshrined with anticipation, waiting for the moment when the world was promoted.

With the way of heaven returned to the core of the world.

Between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous shock Xian.

For ordinary people, it may not be so obvious.

But for practitioners, this invisible transformation will be felt by them.

"The void between heaven and earth is transforming and strengthening.

"It has reached the level of space where we are fighting in another world."

"The world is changing, the level of space is increasing, and the earth is becoming stable.""

"After this promotion, what will the aura between heaven and earth reach?

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