Feel the fluctuations and changes brought about by the void of heaven and earth this time.

The courtiers and military officials behind Ying Qi are full of expectations.

The higher the transformation of the world, the more helpful it will be for their cultivation.

after all.

They have all tasted the sweetness of the promotion of the world.

Gradually over time.

The changes between heaven and earth are getting bigger and bigger.

The void becomes more stable and the earth becomes heavier.

On the heavenly palace that is closest to the sky in the world, it becomes more and more obvious that one can feel the changes of the void.

in a blink.

Ten days have passed.

A month has passed.

Three months have passed.

The change between heaven and earth is finally over.

The higher the world level, the longer it takes to advance.

"Finally the point. 35

Ying Qi looked at the void and smiled slightly.

The real topic is that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth increases, and the world of vindictiveness is pulled into the world barrier of Daqin.


A shock for the entire Daqin world swept in again.

It was stronger than the hidden shock of the void just now.

The whole world is shaking 890 mountains.

"The world is changing again."

"I didn't expect to see two world transformations in my lifetime, I'm overjoyed."

"Last time, the emperor's favor, the world changed, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth skyrocketed, and I successfully broke through to the great master. This time, as long as I seize the opportunity, I may be able to break through heaven and man.

"The grace of the emperor, you must not miss it.

"There is another vibration, don't worry, although the vibration is big, it won't hurt anyone.

"Don't be afraid, children."

The Daqin world was shaking constantly.

But for the people of Daqin who have experienced it, there is no panic at all, they are all looking at it plainly.

Those who were not born in the last promotion were apprehensive, but they all calmed down when they saw that the elders did not have any worries.

"The world of Dou Qi is completely under the control of my Da Qin.

Under Ying Qi's perception.

The world of Dou Qi has completely entered the world barrier of Da Qin.

at the moment of inclusion.

It also means that Da Qin has completely controlled the world of Dou Qi.

Because this means that the way of heaven in that world has been completely destroyed, and there is no chance for it to exist anymore.

(afbh) Daqin Tiandao controls that side of the world.

As the world merges and merges.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!!

above the void.

Countless void passages appeared in vain.

These passages are all connected to the core of the world.


From that passage, the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth was released from it, and with the entire Daqin world as the main body, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to skyrocket wildly.

Thirty times.

fifty times.

A hundred times.

The growth of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely terrifying.

Just like a cultivator, the transformation brought about by each level of the world level is enormous.

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has grown so much.

"Seize this opportunity and you will be able to make great progress.

"Don't miss it.

"Hahaha, cool."

"Today, I will break through the realm of heaven and man.""

"I want to break through the Broken Realm today.

"Teacher honestly doesn't deceive me, such an increase in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, only the real place where I, the Great Qin Empire, has such a spiritual energy. The world I live in does not have such spiritual energy at all, which has a great obstacle to cultivation.

"To get such a spiritual energy of the world, you must cultivate to make great progress..."

With the sky-earth aura soaring.

The subjects in the entire Daqin world were ecstatic.

For them, the opportunity to break through cultivation has finally arrived.

Take this opportunity.

Everyone seizes the opportunity to break through the cultivation base.

And this opportunity.

Only the Daqin world can have it. As for the other worlds under Daqin’s command, although there will be a slight increase in the world’s promotion of spiritual energy, it is not a lot. Therefore, for the practitioners of the Daqin Empire, only the core world of the Daqin Empire can be used. is their pursuit.

Only this.

They can find better breakthrough opportunities.


Above the Heavenly Palace.

All the civil and military are extremely excited, and no one will miss this great opportunity.

"The world is promoted, the law is manifested, and it is more able to comprehend the Tao."

"It turns out that this is what troubles me in kendo, I understand."

Juggernaut looked at the void obsessively, and seemed to see something in his eyes.


A powerful sword intent was released from his body, which shocked the world.

He will break through.

Not only him.

The bodies worshiped by many Great Qin officials also released a very terrifying aura, each of which was enough to shake the void.

The Tribulation Realm, the Void Realm, and the Broken Realm are endless.


"Seize this opportunity, you can enter the Tribulation Realm."

Ying Qi said to Ying Xi.

"Yes, Royal Father. 95

Yingxi replied immediately.

Do your best to seize this opportunity and attack towards the bottleneck of cultivation.

After this world promotion.

The overall strength of Daqin will usher in an overall improvement again.

Ying Qi watched this scene silently.

Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth skyrocketed, for Ying Qi, these spiritual energy of heaven and earth could not bring much.

Ying Qi doesn't need to do this either.

"After passing the Immortal Tribulation, you can enter the Immortal Martial World to take a look.

"Just to travel.

"Increase strength.

Ying Qi secretly said in his heart.

Although he was very peaceful in Daqin, Ying Qi didn't enjoy this kind of peace. He still wanted to enter another world, kill enemies, and fight.

This is his pursuit.

And now there is a world, and Ying Qi still has a chance to open a copy portal that has not been used.


Ying Qi still has two opportunities to break the world.

After a triumphant return.

Win Qi has already decided.

After passing the immortal robbery, he opened the dungeon portal, traveled in another world, and improved his strength along the way.

Compared with the boring practice, Ying Qi still needs to kill the enemy.

time flies.


Another few months have passed.

A sword intent was released from the Juggernaut's body.

Soaring into the sky.

The entire Tiangong was enveloped in a coercion.

Ying Qi saw it, smiled slightly, and waved his hand to dispel the pressure.

"My minister, thank the emperor for his kindness."

"If there is no emperor, it is absolutely impossible for the minister to have today's strength.

After the breakthrough, the Sword Saint excitedly bowed to Ying Qi.

"The peak of the Tribulation Realm has been reached, and the next step is the immortal."

"Within a hundred years, I can make you reach it. 99

Ying Qi smiled.

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