Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 431 Rewarding the 3 Armies, Winning Qi's Reward

Welcome to triumph.

The mighty teacher who returned from Daqin shocked the world.


The army returned to camp in an orderly manner.

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of all the subjects.


Ying Qi and Ying Xi also left the city gate with the Manchu civil and military, and the subjects who welcomed the triumph also slowly retreated.


It will be recorded in the history of Daqin just like the many triumphant greetings when Daqin returned.


It was night.

In Xianyang City.

Imperial Camp.

The bonfires blazed all over the camp, each bonfire had barbecues on it, and each bonfire was surrounded by a dozen soldiers, and there were all kinds of delicious food and wine beside the soldiers.

With the national strength of Daqin today.

Reward the three armies.

That's not a simple reward.

But a real reward.

The fine wine they drank was imperial wine from the palace, and they ate ordinary animal meat. This kind of treatment could only be enjoyed by the warriors who killed the enemy and expanded the territory for the Qin Dynasty.

At the camp center.

A point will be on stage. 05

Many ministers of civil and military affairs of Da Qin took their seats.

At the close point, Ying Qi was seated at the edge of the stage, followed by Ying Xi.

This time, the reward to the three armies was different from the past. Ying Qi did not hold a banquet for the ministers Wenwu alone, but dragged them to the main camp to celebrate with the whole army.

"Soldiers, today my triumphal banquet is different from the past, the emperor Longen brought hundreds of officials into the camp to celebrate.


"Would you like to offer a cup to the emperor?"

Bai Qi stood up and shouted to all the soldiers in the camp.

"Respect the Emperor.""

All the soldiers filled with wine, faced the counter, raised their glasses and shouted.


"it is good.

Ying Qi laughed loudly.

Raised the glass in his hand.

"I, respect my Daqin generals.

Ying Qi laughed.

"Respect Your Majesty.

"Dry. 35

All the soldiers shouted excitedly and drank the wine in their hands.

"Dry. 55

Ying Qi also drank the wine in one gulp.


"I am the Great Qin Ruishi, and I am full of arrogance.

"The wine made in the palace is all strong wine, but today I allow you to stay drunk and return. 35

Ying Qi said with a big laugh, in the lively atmosphere of the military camp, he was also extremely happy.

"I am the Great Qin Ruishi, I go to war for the country, fight the enemy bravely, and fearless life and death."

"This is the time to be respected by all my subjects in Daqin.


"You give me a cup of Da Qin Ruishi."

Ying Qi spoke slowly.

"Yes, Father.

Yingxi stood up immediately.

Holding the wine glass to the edge, he looked at the camp that could not see the head at all, and looked at the soldiers under the countless bonfires, with a look of fascination on his face.


"The only one is Yingxi, the son of the current emperor, the crown prince of the Qin Empire."5

"Nine out of ten of you should be seeing Gu for the first time.

"It's the first time I've seen you all."

"However, Gu, like the father and emperor, respects the soldiers and repays the soldiers of the Qin family."

"It is my honor to be able to enter the camp today to celebrate the triumph with all the warriors. 39

"I, respect you all.

Ying Xi raised his glass high and said loudly.

Hear what Yingxi said.

All the soldiers in the camp were also in awe.

Although compared to Ying Qi and Ying Zheng's prestige, Ying Xi is a junior, and his prestige is not obvious.

But in the Daqin court, as well as in the government and military camps, everyone knew the abilities of the Daqin emperor.

The emperor goes on expedition, and the crown prince supervises the country.

over the years.

The empire has always been in order.

Whether it's the dispatch of food and grass, or the government affairs of the empire, everything is stable in his hands.

This is the ability of Crown Prince Yingxi.

"Respect the Crown Prince."

All the soldiers raised their wine glasses and shouted loudly.


Ying Xi smiled and drank the wine in his hand.

"My Daqin can have the prosperity it is today."

"It's not the power of me alone, but my great Qin officials, my great Qin Ruishi."

"And there are countless people in my Qin Dynasty."

"It is my honor to have you."


"We don't get drunk.

"After getting drunk."

"I allow you to return home to reunite with your relatives."

"In addition, the slave girls captured from another world, I will grant them according to military merit and let you take them back to the countryside."

"I will never treat someone who has meritorious deeds lightly. 55

"Dry. 99

Ying Qi laughed, poured the wine again, and said loudly.

"The emperor is holy. 39

"Emperor Saint Ming...

All the soldiers shouted with great excitement.

throughout the camp.

Ying Qi, and even Baiguan joined this warm atmosphere, enjoying the friendship in the camp.

Drinking and eating meat, talking about the battlefield, and enjoying the triumphant Daqing.

Time also goes on in this process.

The night passed.


There were drunken soldiers everywhere in the camp. Even if it was dawn, most of the soldiers were sleeping on the ground. Many were holding barbecue and wine jars, all with smiles on their faces.

For them.

Every triumphant Daqing excites them the most.

And the most important thing is that they can return alive, which is even more fortunate.

Every expedition.

Although Daqin was able to successfully open up the territory, but behind the victory of the war, there will inevitably be many soldiers killed for Daqin.

Heavenly Palace.

Palace of the King of Qin.

Only Ying Qi and his son.


"How about giving soldiers slaves, and giving military merit and annual salary?

Ying Qi looked at Ying Xi and asked.

"Father, don't worry.

"Before the soldiers returned triumphantly, the servants had already dealt with them, and as long as they return, they can be given directly. Ying Xi smiled.

"Are there enough slave women from other worlds?" Ying Qi laughed.


"Completely enough.

"There are more than three million slaves from the Soul Sect and the Ancient Sect alone, and these are only women. It is enough to give them to me who have made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty. Ying Xi said with a smile.

"Anyway." 9

"Just give it according to your allocation."

"The more the credit, the more the gift, this is the military merit of my Daqin, which cannot be changed. 55 Ying Qi said.

"My son understands.

"Go and arrange the gift immediately."

Ying Xi bowed and bowed before slowly retreating from the hall.

"The world of Dou Qi is now in control. 99

"Next, is the promotion that belongs to my Daqin. 35

A look of hope appeared on Ying Qi's face.

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