Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 430 The army returns in triumph

Time flickers.

ten days later.

Outside Xianyang City.

The emperor Ying Qi and the crown prince Ying Xi.

There are also civil and military officials in Daqin, all waiting outside the city.

Apart from that.

Many Daqin people who heard the news also waited outside the city.

The triumphant return of the army is a rare event every time, and naturally no one wants to miss it.

For the common people, each era is a hundred years, and it is also a century of mortal reincarnation.

In this world, not everyone can step into the path of cultivation, so as to prolong their life.

A hundred years is a lifetime for ordinary people.

Therefore, every time Daqin returns in triumph, it will attract people from Xianyang, and even people from all over the world of Daqin to watch.

After all, this kind of prosperity is rare for many years.

It is an honor for ordinary people to see "880" once in their lifetime.

"Have you heard?"

"This time, I, Da Qinyou, have conquered a stronger world, and there are immortals in it."

"This has been spread all over Xianyang, that world not only has immortals, but the immortals in it have been beheaded by the emperor. 99

"My Great Qin Emperor is not only the strongest in my Great Qin world, but also the strongest in other worlds, and immortals are not the emperor's opponent.

"I have an emperor in Daqin, so I can have the prosperity of today.

"Speaking of which, I used to be just an ordinary person. I was given the cultivation method by the imperial court, and now I have the cultivation base of a great master with thousands of years of lifespan."

"Hahaha, the same.

"If it wasn't for the emperor who started the world of cultivation, how could my generation have the foundation of cultivation.""

"Speaking of which, the emperor is a gift of re-creation for my people in Great Qin.

"If there is no emperor, there will be no present of my Daqin."

"If there is a day when the emperor has an order calling on the whole people to be soldiers, I will repay the emperor's kindness even if I die. 99

"Nonsense, as long as the emperor decrees, everyone in my Daqin may wish the emperor to die and be loyal..."

Inside and outside the city.

Countless people are talking about it, praising the prosperity of Daqin today, and even more praising the name of Yingqi. For them, although the emperor is high, but for them, the common people, it is a re-creation of kindness and worthy of their awe.


"The hearts of the people all over the world are in Qin, and the people of the world are in awe of the father and the emperor.

"With such a great world and such popular sentiments, how can I not be prosperous in Qin Dynasty. 99

At the city gate, Ying Xi looked at Ying Qi Dao in awe, and his tone was full of respect.

Although the people inside and outside the city were talking loudly, in front of their cultivation base, they could hear it clearly.

Hearing that the people support their father so much, Yingxi also has a strong sense of pride, because this is his father.

"The laws of Qin are strict, bless my people of Qin. 35

"Allowing ordinary people to live in peace, this is what Daqin gave them. 55

"Similarly, they also used their actions to repay Da Qin.


"The most important thing is to be restrained. If you are in this position, if you don't have the strength to control you, this seemingly peaceful world will also breed endless chaos.

"Xi'er, you must always remember that in this world, and even in the world, strength is the most fundamental." Ying Qi said to his son.

"Father's holy words, my sons and ministers will keep them in mind." Yingxi replied respectfully.

"It's almost time."

Ying Qi smiled.

A wave of hands.

A golden light hit directly above Jiuxiao.

In an instant.

A huge space portal appeared above the void of Xianyang City.

"My Daqin's Heavenly Gate.

When all the subjects saw this portal, they showed awe.

With the appearance of the door of space.


A halo of light fell from the sky.

Countless halos filled the outside of Xianyang City.

Wait for the halo to dissipate.

Columns of black armored armies have appeared in front of Xianyang City, above the void, above the earth, there are countless black armored figures all over the place.

Daqin's dragon knight, Daqin's spirit beast army, Daqin's elf army, orc army.

All presented in front of all Xianyang subjects.

With their first appearance, they returned triumphantly.

The whole of Xianyang was enveloped by a monstrous murderous blood.

They are returning from the battlefield.

Expedition to the battle of the alien world.

They don't know how many enemies they have killed, how much blood they have smeared...

Daqin's expedition to the world of Dou Qi this time is a trend that will destroy the dead.

After beheading the top powerhouses over and over again, the Dou Qi world lost the power of the top powerhouses, so Da Qin took less than six or seven years to capture the Dou Qi world.

But even if the top powerhouses in the Dou Qi world were eliminated, there were still quite a few secular dynasties in that world that were enemies of Daqin.

They fought with Da Qin, and Da Qin's iron cavalry was bloodbathed.

Dragon Knight destroyed.

Ground cavalry killing.

"Wind, wind, wind.

The sound of the wind drinking resounded above the void of Xianyang City.

The sky and the earth shrouded the military might of Da Qin.

A triumphant return.

As usual.

Not all the armies returned triumphantly. Seventy or eighty percent of the armies were left to garrison in the Dou Qi world. Only hundreds of thousands of the armies were the first to go out, and the wounded soldiers returned to Daqin.

With the complete control of the Dou Qi world, the chaos gradually calmed down, and they would withdraw to Da Qin in batches.

"Chen and others see the emperor."

After the wind shouted, Bai Qi led the entire army that had returned triumphantly, facing the Chengguan, and bowed. ,

"See Emperor. 35

Hundreds of thousands of Qin Ruishi shouted in unison.


"My soldiers.

"Flat body.""

Ying Qi waved his hand, and a monstrous force appeared, holding up all the soldiers of 1.7.

"Xie Dijun."

All the soldiers said in unison.


"The princes have returned triumphantly.

"The power of setting the other world is indispensable.

"I, know everything in my heart. 35

"I have set up a banquet for all the soldiers in the camp, the ban on alcohol has been lifted, and they can drink freely. I have allowed all the soldiers to rest for a month. After the camp is rewarded, they can return to their hometowns and reunite with their relatives.

"I, I will have a banquet with the big camp and the soldiers, and reward the three armies.

Ying Qi stared at all the soldiers and said arrogantly.

The words fell.

All Rishis are frenzied.

"Chen wait for Xie Dijun Longen.

"Swear allegiance to the emperor to the death. 99

All the soldiers shouted excitedly.

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