Years go by.

Time flickers.

in a blink.

Three years have passed.

After returning to Daqin, the imperial government was handled by Ying Xi, and Ying Qi did not interfere at all.

It can be said.

Ying Qi handed over almost all the authority belonging to the emperor to Ying Xi, except for one who ascended the throne.


Ying Qi is the master of the Yun Dynasty. If he hadn't really reached the top of the heavens and the world, he would definitely not be able to abdicate, but as the crown prince, Ying Xi had more authority than the emperors of all dynasties.

He is also very satisfied with this, and has never had the idea of ​​overstepping his authority.


these three years.

Ying Qi has always been enjoying the tranquility, accompanying his concubines and concubines, chatting with Ying Zheng in the Taishang Imperial Palace, but there is a sense of ease and freedom in it.

Inside the palace.

above the cloud.

Father and son sat opposite each other with a chessboard in front of them.

The two are playing the game and facing off on the chessboard.

"Father, you lost.

Ying Qi laughed.

He picked up the black chess and dropped it, directly besieging and killing Ying Zheng, and the chess game was won.

"It's boring, it's boring. 95

"Every time I play with you, I lose."9

Ying Zheng said very unhappily.

"The game of chess is cultivation, and understanding the game of chess is also of great help to cultivation.""

"Could it be that the royal father still doesn't understand all these years? 39

Ying Qi said with a smile.

"It's really my son, why do you speak more old-fashioned than you Laozi?" Ying Zheng said still irritably.

Ying Qi waved his hand.

The chessboard in front of him just disappeared.

The chess pieces and the chessboard turned into bubbles at the same time.

"Counting the time, they should also return in triumph.

Ying Qi suddenly said.

"Three years is neither long nor short."

"If this time is successfully pacified, my Daqin will be in the top world again." Ying Zheng also sighed with a smile.

"This time, for my Daqin, it is not only to add a top world, but to give my Daqin the basics to enter the realm of immortals and gods."5

"The world is promoted, and the realm of immortals and gods is the pinnacle of my Daqin world." Ying Qi said with a smile.


"Everything in Daqin today was created by you.

"Cultivation, and even the current immortals." Ying Zheng faced Ying Qi Dao, his words full of pride.

in a blink.

More than two hundred years have passed.

If he was still a mortal, he would have been buried under the loess long ago.

But because of my son, everything is different.

Not only did he gain immortality, but he also possessed a power that he could never imagine before.


"It's still early. 99

"One day.""

"I will make Da Qin stand on the top of the real world.

"The fairy gods in the legend will all crawl under the feet of our father and son."

"That kind of scenery should be the best."

Ying Qi said with a monstrous ambition.

"I'm looking forward to it." Ying Zheng said with a smile, also looking forward.

At this time.

A power of national fortune surging in contact with Ying Qi.

"It didn't seem to let me down.

"Bai Qi has successfully pacified the other world.

Looking at this national fortune connection, Ying Qi smiled.


Contact with Guoyun.


next moment.

An illusory figure appeared in front of Ying Qi, and it was the projection of Bai Qi's national fortune.

With Ying Qi's permission, Bai Qi was even able to make his meaning appear in Da Qin.

"Chen Bai Qi, see the emperor."

As soon as Bai Qi appeared, he immediately bowed to Ying Qi Yibai.

When he saw Ying Zheng, Bai Qi did not dare to be slighted, and bowed to Ying Zheng again: "I see the Emperor Taishang.

"All right."

"No ceremony and level." Ying Qiyi waved his hand.

"Xie Dijun." Bai Qi thanked.

"How is the Dou Qi world?" Ying Qi asked.

"Go back to the emperor."

"The world of Dou Qi has been completely settled, and the whole world has been controlled by my Daqin."

"This world has been initially pacified by my Daqin.

"Although there are many people who rebel against my Daqin in secret, they can't change anything."

Bai Qi said respectfully.

"Very good. 35

"When are you going to return in triumph?" Ying Qi asked.

"Everything is up to the emperor to decide." Bai Qi respectfully said.

0.....for flowers...

"I give you ten days to prepare.

"Ten days later, during the period of triumph, I will open the space portal and welcome my Daqin heroic warrior in Xianyang for the triumphant return. Ying Qi said to Bai Qi.

"Xie Dijun Longen." Bai Qi bowed and bowed.

The phantom of consciousness gradually dissipated.


"When this world is brought under the control of my Daqin, the population of my Daqin will double from the original." Ying Qi said with some sigh.

"Then there are so many people in the other world?" Ying Zheng asked in surprise.

"It is twice as large as the population that Daqin has now, and the ethnic group is prosperous." Ying Qi smiled.

'Then I would like to see. "Ying Zheng said with great interest.

"After another seven years, the talent of my royal family will usher in an increase. For example, Yuqi and Xi'er may even step into the Tribulation Transcendence Realm directly. You should also be able to increase your royal family. Ying Qi suddenly said.

0 "Why is this?" Ying Zheng asked in surprise. "One person gets the idea of ​​chicken and dog ascending to the sky." Has the father heard this sentence?" Ying Qi asked with a smile. "Naturally. "Ying Zheng nodded." In a few years, I will survive the immortal catastrophe, and after the catastrophe, I can become a real immortal. At that time, my bloodline will usher in transformation and improvement. My father and I are the same bloodline, and will also usher in talent enhancement. "Moreover, the blood of my royal family will be bound to me in the future. As my strength becomes stronger, the blood of the ethnic group will become stronger." Ying Qi said in a deep voice. One person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven. exactly. Just like the Dou Di in the Dou Qi world, after they break through Dou Di, the bloodline belonging to his family will undergo transformation and become the talent of the Emperor Clan, surpassing the ethnic groups in that world. The same is true for fairies. "That's good news." Immortal's blood. "It turns out that this is how a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven." Ying Zheng said with understanding. "Father, get ready." "Ten days later, we will go together to welcome the triumph of the army." Ying Qi said. "Just go." I'll still enjoy life in this palace. Ying Zheng glanced at it and said very contentedly. ......

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