Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 428 Ying Qi, who has not been happy for a long time

"Why don't you bring your future husband to see your grandfather?"

Ying Zheng joked.

"how come?"

Ying Yuqi smiled, and then said: "The first one was brought to see Grandpa. 35


Hearing this, Ying Zheng smiled: "It seems that it is not worthless to love you, and I know that you are the first to bring me to see you."


Ying Yuqi also laughed.

As the demon king of the royal family, perhaps only in front of her elders can she let go like this.

in front of others.

Ying Yuqi is not so lively.

"Qi'er, are our royal family gathered together?"

"Why don't you come to a big competition to see how strong my royal family Erlang is."

Ying Zheng smiled at Ying Qi Dao.


Ying Qi nodded.

Looking at all the descendants who gathered: "Today my royal family is rare to get together, and it is also a grand event for my surname Ying. In this way, if you have a test, I can add some luck.

"If anyone can win the top ten, I can give some weapons and magic weapons.


Ying Qi smiled.

"Father is wise.

"The royal grandfather was wise. 95

All the descendants said in unison, quite interested in this.

Especially the lottery given by Ying Qi, it must be a very rare treasure. 873


"It's okay to try.

"But the eldest sister and the second brother can't play."

One of Ying Qi's sons said helplessly.

His words fell.

It immediately resonated with many princes and princesses.

Ying Yuqi and Ying Xike were not only the heirs, but also the strongest juniors in the royal family. When they played, there was almost no suspense in the top two.

And confronting them is definitely the fate of being repaired.

"it is good."

"Yuqi and Xi'er will not play."

Ying Qi smiled.

"Father Emperor Shengming.

All the children immediately said excitedly.

Without the presence of these two brothers and sisters, the ranking could still be contested.

"Father, my son, let someone build a few arenas." Ying Xi said.

"No need."

Ying Qi smiled.

A wave of hands.

A power that manipulates the void suddenly appeared.

In an instant, ten small spaces were formed in the void and turned into arenas.

Fighting in this space will not only prevent the aftermath of the battle from affecting the Heavenly Palace, but also be completely enveloped by Ying Qi's spiritual sense, which can avoid casualties.

"Ten people stand and fight, all the royal family can challenge."

"The ten people who are not challenged at the end will be rewarded." Ying Qi laughed.


All the royal family responded in unison.


Ying Qi's descendants flew directly into that space.

"Brothers and sisters, all children and nephews, you can come and challenge.

"However, this time, the royal father's reward, I am bound to get it.


"Me too, I'm bound to win.

The ten people standing in the space arena laughed.

"Second uncle, I'll challenge you."

"Third uncle, I'm welcome. 35


Among the royal family, ten figures flew out, entered the ring, and started the challenge.

The big competition that belongs to the royal family starts here.

And on the high platform.

Ying Qi and Ying Zheng looked at them with a smile.

Especially for Ying Qi, this level of war is very boring.

But watching one's descendants compete, it is also a special feeling.

So Ying Qi was watching intently.


It is also slowly passing by in this process.

But above the Heavenly Palace.

There is no dark night, only light, so there is no feeling of the passage of time.

In a flash.

The test is over.


Ying Qi's three sons, three daughters, and four grandchildren stood on the ring and became the final winner.


"It's been decided."

Yingxi said with a smile.


Ying Qi smiled and waved a (afbh) hand.

Ten people flew out directly from that space.

directly under the stairs.

You are very nice.

"As the son of a royal family, talent is one aspect, and diligent cultivation is also another aspect. 35

"You all have the cultivation base of Void Realm now, which shows your talent and diligence."

"I am proud of you."

Ying Qi encouraged the ten children and grandchildren in front of him.

"Thank you for your praise.

Ten people said excitedly.

"Since it is a big competition, I also promised just now, so naturally I will not break my promise.

Ying Qi smiled.

A wave of hands.

In the void, there were ten powerful wave fluctuations, each of which had reached the level of heaven.

"I just watched your battle and chose the most suitable magic weapon and magic weapon for you.""

"You can easily refine it with your divine sense.

Ying Qi waved his hand.

The ten magic weapons and magic weapons flew directly towards the ten people.

"Thank you for the generous gift from the father and the emperor (grandfather). 35

The ten people were very excited holding the magic weapon given by Ying Qi.

"In addition to this divine weapon of the Heavenly Rank, I will grant you the opportunity to enter the Imperial Family Book Collection Pavilion to select two Heavenly Rank martial arts and magical powers." Ying Qi said again.

hear this.

Ten people were even more excited.

"Thank you, Father Huang (grandfather).

Ten people bowed and bowed.

"Today my royal competition is not bad. 35

"How do you feel about your father?

Ying Qi looked at Ying Zheng and asked with a smile.


"If only my royal family could get together often." Ying Zheng replied with a smile.

"Royal father can get together as often as he wants." Ying Qi smiled.

He looked at the royal children on the square.


"Every fifty years, my royal family can gather once.

"All my bloodline, all my descendants, can come and participate."

"Every time we meet, we can compare, and I will bestow some magic weapons."

"What do you think?" Ying Qi asked with a smile.

"Father Emperor Shengming.

"Grandfather Shengming."

All the descendants of the royal family shouted in unison, extremely moved.

"All right."

"It's been so long.

"Come here today."

"Then let Xi'er preside over. You should drink and have fun. It's a rare get together, but you can't waste this opportunity."

Ying Qi smiled.

Looking at Ying Zheng: "Father, let's go...""

"Well. 35

Ying Zheng nodded, took Zhao Donger's hand, and prepared to leave.

And Ying Qi left with Li Yan'er and many concubines.


Let these young people go to the party by themselves.

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