Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 427 The royal banquet, the excitement of father and son

"Follow the teachings of the father and grandfather."

"The son of the royal family, he will never disappoint all sentient beings in the Qin Dynasty. 55

More than two thousand descendants of the royal family shouted in unison.

"All right."

"The reason why I am calling you here today is because there are many of you that I have never seen before, and it is convenient to hold a banquet in this square when I see you today.

Ying Qi said with a big smile.


on the square.

One by one, the servants in the palace appeared, carrying tables and chairs, and serving delicious food and wine.

A table and chairs were also placed in front of Ying Qi.

Today's royal family dinner.

In addition to Zhao Donger and Li Yaner, there are also many concubines of Ying Qi who have given birth to children.

The others were all from the royal family, and they all had Ying Qi's blood. Besides, those women who married the royal family or were married by the royal family never came.

It can be said.

Today is a family banquet that belongs to the descendants of Ying Qi, and nothing else.

"All sit down.

"Today we have a good family gathering. 99

"Have a drink.

Ying Qi laughed.

Then he looked at Ying Zheng: "Father, the family is reunited, but you don't have to be so polite."

"Stinky boy, what else should I be polite to you?

Ying Zheng said angrily.

The first to pull Zhao Donger to sit down.

See here.

Ying Qicai took Li Yaner to the seat.

Many concubines and concubines behind them also took their seats.

"Thank you, Father Huang (grandfather).

The descendants of the royal family on the square expressed their thanks in unison, and then took their seats in an orderly manner.


"Regardless of the government, no matter what else, it's just that our royal family gets together.

"It's also that I and your grandfather met you juniors." Ying Qi said with a smile.


All the royal children responded.

"Brothers and sisters."

"As the eldest sister, I will lead you to honor the father and grandfather with a cup today.

Ying Yuqi stood up from the first place in the square and said with a smile.

Beside her is the Crown Prince Yingxi.

As Ying Qi's eldest daughter and eldest son, the two are also direct descendants.

When they stood up, all the royal families showed their respect.

After all, the two are not only direct descendants, but also the strongest among the younger generations of the royal family, especially Ying Yuqi, who has traveled the world of Qin, and now their cultivation base has reached the peak of the Void Realm, and it is only one step away from the Tribulation Realm. .

Although Ying Xi was weaker, he was above the seventh level of the Void Realm.

The younger generation of the royal family, they are the most well-deserved strongest.

"Respect the Father and the Emperor.". 35

Ying Yuqi and Ying Xi stood up.

He raised his wine glass and gave Ying Qi a respect.

behind them.

More than a dozen Ying Qi's children also stood up one after another, raised their wine glasses, and respected Ying Qi: "Respect the father and the emperor.


"it is good."

Ying Qi smiled, raised his glass, and drank it all.

Those children also drank their drinks immediately.

"Respect your grandfather.

Ying Yuqi said loudly again, filling up the wine.

His eyes were on Ying Zheng.

"Respect to the royal grandfather. 35

Yingxi and his younger siblings also raised their glasses one after another.


"The grandchildren have a heart."

Ying Zheng also smiled and was very happy.

For him, like Ying Qi's mentality, watching his descendants multiply and originate like this, he is naturally very excited.

"Now it's the turn of the grandchildren of the emperor.

Ying Yuqi smiled and looked at the children and nephews behind her.


Hundreds of grandchildren stood up again, holding their wine glasses high, and said loudly, "Respect to the emperor's grandfather, respect the emperor's great-grandfather."

All the grandchildren said in unison.


Ying Qi, Ying Zheng and his son smiled with relief.

Toasts to these descendants are very useful.


Batch after batch of descendants toast.

Let Ying Qi and his son have a joy they have never had before.

"My children and grandchildren."

"Drink without any hesitation.""

"Today, I drink with you.

Ying Qi said with a big smile.

In the whole square, it suddenly became a warm scene.

The children and grandchildren of the royal family enjoyed delicious food and drank fine wines.

A piece of joy.

at this time.

"Wow...wow wow..."

A baby's cry rang out in the square.

Ying Qi looked over.

Beside Ying Xi, a servant was holding a swaddle baby, crying wow wow.

Ying Qi smiled and waved his hand.

The baby flew directly into Ying Qi's hands.

Strange to say, when it got into Ying Qi's hands, the baby immediately stopped crying, and looked at Ying Qi with wide eyes and smiled.

"Whose son is this?

After Ying Qi teased, he looked at Ying Xi and asked.


A young royal family sitting behind Yingxi stood up and replied respectfully: "In front of you, Hui Huang's grandfather, this is my son, your great-great-grandson.

"Your name is Ying Zhan, right, my eldest grandson.

Ying Qi smiled and said.

"Grandson is the winner." He replied excitedly.

Being able to be remembered by his grandfather is already a great honor.

"What's this little guy's name?

Ying Qi asked with a smile.

"Go back to the royal grandfather.

"He doesn't have a name yet. 99

Ying Zhan replied respectfully, but there was excitement and anticipation in his eyes.

It seems to be hoping that Ying Qi will come to name it.

"The youngest bloodline in my royal family is still a male. 99

"I think about it and see what name to choose.

Ying Qi held the baby with a kind smile on his face, thinking deeply.

"Let's call him Ying Heng."

Ying Qi smiled and said to Ying Zhan.

"Thanks to the emperor's grandfather for his name. 35

Ying Zhan said excitedly.

"Boy Zhan, to be named by your imperial grandfather, this kid is incredible."5

"You have to cultivate (Qian Zhaohao) well, and don't let your imperial grandfather down. Ying Yuqi said to Ying Zhan.

"Don't worry, Auntie." Win the battle respectfully.

"Stinky girl, you still have the face to teach Ying Zhan a lesson. Your younger brothers and sisters are married, and your children are not married. Why? You don't plan to get married?"

Looking at his eldest daughter, Ying Qi said angrily.


"I am in the world of Qin, but my daughter hasn't seen the right eye yet, so this kind of thing can't be rushed.

Ying Yuqi said with a smile.

"You, you, I'm too lazy to take care of you.""

Ying Qi is not angry, Dao Rong.

"Thank you, Father."

"In the future, if my daughter is found, she will definitely bring it to the emperor to meet her." Ying Yuqi said with a smile.

Among the children, perhaps only Ying Yuqi can be so small in front of Ying Qi.

after all.

She enjoys Ying Qi's doting and growing up since she was a child.

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