Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 426 Descendants have already multiplied

the same day.

Yingxi issued an imperial edict as the crown prince of the supervisory kingdom.

Except for the members of the royal family who fought in other worlds, all other descendants of the emperor came to visit the capital.

Take Guoyun as the link.

communicate directly.

And in these days.

Ying Qi was naturally very excited, and he was warm with his wife and concubines, enjoying the happiness of the emperor.

ten days later.

Outside the Palace of the King of Qin.

Above Tiangong Square.

There have been more than 2,000 people, both male and female, but they all share a common identity, the royal bloodline of Qi Zhizhi.

They are the children and grandchildren of Ying Qi.

two hundred years.

Ying Qi's descendants are already extremely prosperous.

Ying Qi summoned all the descendants today, which made them all very excited.

As the descendants of the current emperor's bloodline, they have this noble bloodline and are revered by hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the Qin Dynasty. Similarly, they also bear the responsibility of belonging to the emperor's bloodline.

"The emperor is here.

The Queen arrives.

"The Emperor has arrived.

"The empress dowager is here."

Suddenly 05.

A screaming sound resounded throughout the Tiangong Square.


on the square.

All the royal family standing according to their seniority were all respectful, facing the high platform, kneeling down, and shouting in unison: "See the father and grandfather.

"See Queen Mother (Grandmother).

"See the royal grandfather, see the royal grandmother..."

The entire square was filled with shouts of royal descendants.


Ying Qi was holding Li Yan'er, and Ying Zheng was holding Zhao Dong'er.

came to the high platform.

Enjoy the worship of descendants.

"Two hundred years, my descendants have proliferated so much."

"These are all my blood."

Ying Qi looked at the descendants in front of him with a gratified smile on his face.

After so many years, Ying Qi's mentality has been changing. Seeing his royal family prosper so much, how can Ying Qi be unhappy.

For the Daqin Empire, he was the emperor in charge of the empire.

As far as the royal family is concerned, Ying Qi is the patriarch of this family.

"Good, good, good. 35

Ying Zheng also laughed, holding Zhao Dong'er's hand tightly: "Dong'er, see, these are our descendants.


Zhao Donger nodded, and his eyes were full of love.

For the Yingqi family.

Years go by.

But their appearance has not changed, because they have had thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years of life.

For this era, life essence is almost endless.

Because there is a win Qi.

It is absolutely possible to become an immortal and become a god in the future.

"My descendants."

"Flat body.""

Ying Qi smiled slightly, spread his hands, and showed love for his descendants on his face.

"Thank you, Father Huang (grandfather).

The entire square was full of shouts from the royal family.

All of them looked at the figure on the high platform with a kind of awe and respect.

For these thousands of descendants of the royal family, except for Ying Qi's first-generation descendants, the other grandsons have never seen Ying Qi, at most they have seen Ying Qi's portrait.

Now that they saw this legendary grandfather, they were naturally very moved.

For the children of the royal family.

They enjoy the annual salary and glory belonging to the royal family, and enjoy the national fortune blessed by the identity of the Daqin royal family.


They also bear the corresponding responsibilities. As the royal family, they are also integrated into the various departments of Daqin. Some are in charge of the army, and some are in charge of the government.

But outside.

They are no different from ordinary officials who serve for the Great Qin, unless they can achieve high enough achievements for the Great Qin, they can be allowed to live in the royal family.

Joined the WTO for many years.

In the folk, in the officialdom.

It is self-evident that the most discussed prestige is the emperor of the dynasty, and their ancestors won Qi.

Mentioning the name of Ying Qi is the prestige of suppressing everything.

And every time I hear the name of Yingqi being revered by the public and officials, as the direct descendants of Yingqi, they are also full of glory.

If they didn't want to hide their identities, they might proudly say that you are talking about our father and grandfather.

"For me. 35

"For you, I, there are many who have grown up, and many who have never seen. 35

"As for me, there are some of you who often grew up running beside me, and some who have never seen me."

"The royal family is not an ordinary family. The royal family stands above all living beings in the world, enjoying the awe and glory of all living beings, and also bears corresponding responsibilities."


"From your point of view, I am high above and in charge of Da Qin.

"But none of that matters."

"The reason why you are here today is that you are all descendants of my blood, and all my children and grandchildren. 99

"Among the royal family, family affection may be weak, but the bloodline cannot be cut off. You all originated from our bloodline."9

"Being able to have descendants like you is given to me by God."

"I will be proud of you, proud of you.

Ying Qi stared at all the descendants and said loudly.


The disappearance of the imperial power on Ying Qi's body did not show a kind of 873 above the heaven and earth, but a kind of kindness like a spring breeze.

Now he is not the emperor of Daqin, but the elder of the family.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

All descendants are greatly encouraged, and all are very excited.

It can be recognized and recognized by Ying Qi.

This is the biggest incentive for them.

As a descendant of the royal family, take responsibility.

Under the supervision of the Crown Prince Ying Xi, there are few such domineering people.

If there is, it has been expelled from the royal family and lost the status of the royal family.

"As a royal family, I enjoy the annual salary, glory, and bloodline that all living beings envy.


"We must also bear the corresponding responsibilities of the royal family."

"If you are a royal family, but you are slaughtered by the common people, and you are arrogant and domineering, you are not worthy of being a royal family, and you are not worthy of my descendants.

Ying Qi said loudly again.

If the former is a kind of praise for the descendants of the descendants, then the latter is a kind of spur for the descendants of the royal family.

as royalty.

At birth, he stood above all living beings, Ying Qi allowed them to be proud, but never allowed them to be domineering, Ying Qi allowed them to be competitive, but would not allow them to be cruel.

This is what Ying Qi expects from the royal family.

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