
This desert has the blood baptism of so many top powerhouses.

Big changes are bound to happen.


Naturally, Ying Qi didn't intend to intervene.

After this battle.

This desert has completely turned into a dead zone, and the aftermath of the war is enough to destroy the clan.

This is why in the Yanhuang mythology, there will be gods fighting, and mortals will suffer.

Reaching the realm of immortal gods, with all his strength, he can even destroy all living beings in a world. This kind of power is as simple as smashing mortals to death.


"After this battle, the top powerhouses in this world have been destroyed by my Daqin nine out of ten, and no one can hinder my Daqin's expansion of the army.

Bai Qi said excitedly.

"Send my will."

"Accelerate the merger of this world, and all the officials of my Daqin will do their best."

"Anyone who dares to be my enemy, Daqin, kill him."

"I declare to this world that any force that dares to be my enemy, Daqin, will not be forgiven. I will not give forgiveness to Qin's cavalry, even if no grass grows.""

"As for the forces that are the enemy of Da Qin today, we will never tolerate it.""

"Mr. Wu An.

"When attacking these forces, if there is resistance, kill them, and those who surrender will be demoted to slaves."

"Regardless of the soul gate, the ancient gate, or what power it is, all those who have become enemies with me, Daqin, cannot be forgiven, they will all be demoted to slaves, and they will never be forgiven."

"Zhen, let them know the price of being an enemy of my Daqin.

Ying Qi said coldly.

"The minister leads the order."

"The emperor will not be disappointed."

Bai Qi responded immediately.

Fight today.

The top forces in this world have destroyed nine out of ten, and almost all of the top powerhouses have fallen to Daqin, and the entire world will no longer have the strength to compete with Daqin.

Soul Patriarch and Gu Yuan are both dead.

The strongest of their clan also perished.

For Ying Qi, even destroying their entire clan would be easy, but this would not bring anything to Da Qin, but demoting them to slaves might bring something to Da Qin.


Give me all my strength to search for the spirit fire in this world, and once you find it, bring it back at all costs.

"If someone presents the news of the spirit fire, they will be rewarded heavily, and if they know the spirit fire and hide it and do not report it, they will be severely punished."

Ying Qi thought of something again, and ordered to the ministers.

There are many spirit fires in this world, and many of them have already been mastered, but Ying Qi naturally has no scruples about it.

In the heavens and the world, spiritual things and magic treasures are inhabited by the strong.

Now that he has embarked on the road of fighting the heavens, Ying Qi would not label himself as the Virgin, that would be stupid.

In Daqin.

Daqin's expedition and expansion of territory is justice, but in the case of Daqin's hostile forces, Daqin is evil.

two extremes.

But only the winner can write everything.

After making this arrangement.

Ying Qi's figure flashed.

left directly.

Next, the ministers will do all the things that deal with this side of the world.

Without the strength of the Dou Di level, with the strength of the Qin courtiers, even the peak of the Dou Sheng can be killed.

There is no need to worry too much about Ying Qi.

Desert War.

The news spread.

Under Daqin's intention, many forces in this world also knew the strength of Daqin Emperor Yingqi. The two ancient powerhouses of Dou Di fell into his hands, along with the world's top forces.

Originally, many forces had expectations that the appearance of two Dou Di would change the pattern of the world.

but now.

Qin destroys Emperor Dou.

The pace of Qin's expansion has become more rapid.


Accompanied by Da Qin's imperial decree for the entire Dou Qi world.

That is, those who obey the Great Qin will prosper, and those who go against the Great Qin will perish.

Time is also passing by in this process.

The Daqin Iron Cavalry is advancing towards this side of the world, pacifying this world, which was originally a boundless struggle, establishing Qin law, and establishing order.

Before Da Qin came.

This world is more chaotic than any world that Da Qin has fought against.

There are many sects, and dynasties exist everywhere.

The total population of this world is larger than that of all the worlds in Daqin combined, so one can imagine how chaotic it is.


For Da Qin.

Even after solving the top powerhouses and forces in this world, it still takes time to be able to control this world.

Because the world is too big and the population is too large.


The two million warriors that came from Daqin were simply not enough.

Therefore, Ying Qi made a decree, and once again dispatched three million troops from Daqin to come. While expanding, they guarded various places, and the army of this world and the power of cultivators were also used for their own use.

0.....for flowers·

Originally at the beginning.

This side of the world's view of Daqin is fear and anxiety.

After all, Daqin's destruction of forces, clans, and sects has been done endlessly, causing countless people to hear the name of Daqin and flee in fear, especially the ordinary people at the bottom.

In front of practitioners, they are like ants.

But as Da Qin took control of their city.

They just found out.

It seems that the Qin State that the iron cavalry passed by and destroyed everything in the rumors seems to be completely different from the rumors.

Those black-armored troops didn't attack them, let alone kill them.

Instead, they were patrolling the city and posted a notice.

"The emperor's grace is in all directions, and he rules the world.

"On the territory of Great Qin, all of us are the people of Great Qin and are protected by Qin law. 99


"Within the territory of our Great Qin, no one is allowed to violate the laws of Qin, no matter how ordinary people, cultivators, or whatever the level of cultivation is, who dares to violate the laws of Qin will be severely punished."35

"The foundation of Qin's law, killing the people of the empire for no reason, giving life for life...

Every time Daqin controls a city, the first thing is to send an army to guard it, and the strength of the army is by no means ordinary people in this world, but powerful monks, who put the originally chaotic world under Daqin's control, and everything is controlled by Qin law.

All the people in the Daqin territory seem to understand.

Especially for the Qin law that cannot be violated.

"The country of Qin seems to be completely different from the rumors.

"I heard before that the Qin State was killed, and no grass would grow. Anyone who dared to disobey the Qin State would be dead, and their family would be exterminated.


"The Soul Gate and the Ancient Gate, as well as many top forces have been destroyed by the Qin State, and the adults who used to be high have become slaves.

"But I didn't expect that Qin State didn't do anything to us, but also protected us. This is incredible."

"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.35

"A few days ago, a cultivator killed an innocent person in the street. If it was usual, no one would dare to deal with it, but now it is the Qin Kingdom's world, and the cultivator has no time to escape, and was immediately arrested by the Qin Kingdom's army. They were taken, and they were beheaded in the street, and their heads were hung on the city walls.""

"real or fake?"

"A monk who kills ordinary people like us will be punished? Should he even lose his life?"


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