Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 418 Killing, 20 million experience points

Under the town of Fantianyin.

Everything in the emptiness of thousands of miles has been sealed by Fan Tianyin.

Everything under the seal of Fantian cannot escape the lock of this seal.


The two Dou Di powerhouses tried their best to turn their infuriating qi, and madly blasted towards Fan Tianyin above their heads,

But what embarrassed them at the moment was that no matter how frantically they bombed, they tried their best to shoot.

As the top Dou Di powerhouses in this side of the world, they seem extremely powerless at this moment, it seems that this huge seal will kill them and knock them down into purgatory.

"All the true essence of Wuxiu's dantian.

"Enough to kill you."

Ying Qi laughed loudly.

The last real essence blessing in the dantian was on the seal of the sky.

This true essence is like breaking the balance.


Pan Tianyin was shocked.

The tyrannical power exploded in an instant.


The two vomited blood at the same time, trembling all over their bodies, and it seemed that they had reached the limit of what they could bear.


"It is absolutely impossible. 99

"This seat is a powerhouse of Dou Di, the top powerhouse in the world, how could he be defeated so easily?"


At this moment, the two of them gritted their teeth and tried their best to bear the boundless Pantian Seal. Their faces were full of hideousness and unwillingness.

They had just broken through Dou Di in high spirits, with the idea of ​​​​killing and winning Qi.

857 is now being slapped in the face by reality.

But all their powers are force majeure in front of this spiritual treasure that is above the level of this world.


Fan Tianyin broke through their power and was shocked.

It is like the sky is cracked, and the sky is crushed.

Soul Patriarch and Gu Yuan's bodies were like glass, shattered suddenly, and were smashed into powder by Fantianyin's tyrannical power, and even their souls were slain.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 81 enemy, obtaining 10 million experience points, obtaining the high-grade "Soul Gate Secret Tome", and obtaining 6 pieces of ancient jade.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 81 enemy, obtaining 1 million experience points, and obtaining the high-grade "Ancient Sect Secret Tome". The system prompts.

For a brief moment.

Gain 20 million experience points.

After upgrading to level 81, the experience value required to upgrade to level 82 is 40 million.

Killing a powerhouse of the same level, for Ying Qi, is equivalent to not knowing how many immortals have been killed.

Only the experience points of the strong can make Ying Qi move.

"The power of acquired high-quality spiritual treasures is really powerful."

"The power of one blow directly killed two Dou Di of the same level.

"Although it consumes all the true essence of the martial arts dantian, the power of this crushing is really too powerful."

Looking at the two Dou Emperors who were smashed into powder, a smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

This imitation of the power of Fantianyin, he can really feel it.


While the power is so great, the energy consumed is also extremely huge.

But it's also a trump card for victory over the enemy.

Zhao Xuan possesses the energy of two dantians, which means that he can use the energy of one dantian at any time to urge the imitation of the Imitation of the Heavenly Seal.

"A fake Pantianyin is so powerful, I don't know what level the real Pantianyin has reached."

"Whether one seal is crushed, the whole world will be destroyed. 35

Ying Qi thought with a sigh.

For that more powerful world, Ying Qi is full of yearning.

"The two fighting emperors have been resolved, and the remaining forces are nothing."

Ying Qi looked down and saw that his figure disappeared directly in the void.

Along with Fantianyin, it also turned into a streamer and returned to Dantian.

Desert void.

The fighting continues.

Battle of the Strong.

It is even more shocking than the sword, light, sword and shadow fight of the ordinary army. The entire void meets and collides constantly, just like a scene of a battle between the gods and gods. Kill the enemy.

on the desert.

There have been many more corpses of powerhouses, but most of them belong to the enemies of this side of the world. Although Daqin powerhouses have fallen, there are only a few.


Even if the Daqin powerhouses fall again, their true spirits will be integrated into the National Fortune Palace, and even if they die, their souls will not be destroyed, unlike this world, where there is no reincarnation of hell.

Once a living being falls, it is a situation where the soul is scattered.


(afbh) "Kill...."

The sky is empty and the earth is full of screams and killings, and everyone is fighting with all their strength.

And this moment.

Ying Qi's figure suddenly descended into the void.

When he saw Ying Qi's figure.

Everyone who fought here was taken aback.

"How could he?"

"What about the patriarch?

Only Ying Qi was seen appearing, and there were no figures of Soul Patriarch and Gu Yuan.

a time.

All the forces here panicked.

"Soul Patriarch, ancient.

"I have been executed by me.

"All enemies, not one left."

Ying Qi said coldly.

The sound resounded, alarming the void.

a time.

The world seemed to change color.

"Emperor Divine Might.


"Dou Di strong people are like ants in front of the emperor.""


All the Qin courtiers were extremely excited and laughed, and then continued to attack the enemy.

But for the people of the two races, as well as the powerhouses who came, they fell into an unprecedented panic.

"How could the two powerful Dou Di, the strongest in the world, fall?

"This is impossible.

"Fake, must be fake.

All emerged in disbelief.


The fact is that they can't even think about it.

Ying Qi looked down indifferently.

Clone ghost suddenly cast.

The ten unconscious clones held sword shadows and directly killed them.

No matter how small mosquitoes are, they are still meat. After all, they are also the top experts in this world. If you kill them, you can gain experience points, so why not do it?

Now Ying Qi is already at the level of fairyland.

There are ten clones of ghosts, each of which is comparable to the pinnacle of Dou Sheng.

As soon as they started.

Kill these powerhouses easily.

war situation.

With the addition of these clones, a more crushing balance occurred.

Ying Qi carried his hands on his back and looked at this scene indifferently.

Watching these powerhouses fall, Ying Qi's heart has no turbulence, only a kind of indifference.

"Forgive me."

"Do not kill me.

"grown ups.

"I am willing to submit to Da Qin. 39

"I beg your lord to let me go, I am willing to lead the sect to surrender, and all resources will be handed over to Daqin..."

Under such a crushing slaughter, these people were full of fear and begged for mercy.

But no one listened to their pleas for mercy.

This battle is a battle of life and death.

If either side loses, it will be the end of the game, and there is no way to change it.

They chose the Soul Gate and the Ancient Gate, and now they have such an end, it is also a situation they are looking for, and they can't blame others.

When he came, he was arrogant and domineering, and now he begged for mercy, it was too late.


The war is over.

on the desert.

Golden blood, bright red blood infected the desert, and many corpses were also swallowed by the desert.

Let this side of the dead desert added a kind of deadness.

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