Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 420 The court meeting, the ministers offer treasures

"of course it's true."

"I saw with my own eyes that the cultivator was captured by the Qin army in an instant, and then beheaded in the street. 55

"And the strength of that cultivator is not weak, reaching the strength of Dou Zong, this is the real Master.

"The sky has changed, the world has really changed.

"Douzong powerhouse, used to be so terrifying."

"Don't talk about killing one person, even if you kill thousands of people, who would care. I didn't expect that after the Qin State took control of the city, there would be such a big change. 35

"For the cultivators, their days of being domineering and domineering are over, but for us ordinary people, with the protection of the Qin state, there is no need to worry about the unwarranted disaster of being killed for no reason in the future.


"Now we finally have someone to support, and now I understand why there are rumors against Qin, this must be the "863" released by those forces that are enemies of Qin..."

"Such a country of Qin has order, and we ordinary people are also protected by the laws of the Qin country, so I definitely want to join it.

"Nonsense, anyway, I will also be from the Qin country in the future, if anyone can't get along with Da Qin, I will fight him desperately...

As Daqin gradually annexed the territory of this world, and with the implementation and governance of Daqin's laws, the people who were originally afraid of Daqin gradually stabilized.

Because they found that under the control of Da Qin, the peaceful life was much better than they used to be worried.

center of the state.

Inside the palace of a top power.

Ying Qi sat in a high position.

Many civil and military officers stand separately in the court hall.

"With the original performance, there is no original retreat.

Zhao Cheng shouted loudly.

Although many of the courtiers at this moment have never worn official robes, even Ying Qi is wearing a regular uniform, not wearing a mian robe, but the majesty in the courtroom is speechless.

"Initiate the Emperor. 35

"Since the desert slaughtered the top powerhouses in this world, there is no force in this world that can stop me, Daqin Bingfeng.

"This year."

"Half of the world in this world has fallen under the control of my Daqin, the soul gate, the ancient gate, the medicine gate, the three different spaces of the ancient ethnic groups in this world have been captured by my Daqin, and all the people of the three ethnic groups in it have been completely suppressed and resisted. Kill them, and the rest have been sent back to my Daqin world through the space portal, and handed over to the crown prince to place them and brand them as slaves."

"Another. 35

"With the expansion of our Daqin army, there are many forces that directly surrender to my Daqin and are free from war.

"For these submissive forces, the minister adopts the method of our Daqin against the sect forces, takes the sect's practice method, records the sect disciples, and regularly pays tribute to the court.

Bai Qi stood up and started playing loudly.

From these words, it can be heard that Daqin is in a very good situation in the expansion at the moment. There is no force that can confront Daqin head-on. At most, Daqin suffers some small losses, which are ignored.

After all, there was a battle in the desert a year ago.

Two Dou Di fell, almost all the top powerhouses in this world were destroyed by Da Qin.

The rest will naturally be unable to contend against the increasingly powerful powerhouses of Daqin.

"I have ordered five million troops to be dispatched from Daqin.

"The purpose is to speed up the control of this side of the world.

"The speed of Wu'an Jun's attack is not bad. 99

"But I hope it's faster." Ying Qi said to Bai Qi.

"The minister leads the order." Bai Qi respectfully said and retreated.

"There is a large population in this world, and the population of a world exceeds the sum of all the worlds in my Daqin. What about the people in the territory under my Daqin's control? Do you have any objection to my Daqin?"" Ying Qi looked at Wen Chen and asked.

"Awaken the emperor.

"Beginning when my Daqin controlled the territory, the people in this world resisted my Daqin, but as my Daqin took control, imposed Qin law, and emphasized the rule of law, the people in this world no longer resisted my Daqin, on the contrary, they were very supportive." Li Si stood up. ,Loudly.

"Before my Daqin came, there were many strong sects in this world, and ordinary people were the bottom. For those strong people, they can kill them at will, how can those secular dynasties dare to control them?"

"Now I am in control of Qin, and Qin rules the country with the law, and treats them equally.

"Whether it's a sect or an ordinary person, as long as they violate Qin's law, they will be punished.

"For ordinary people, it is natural to support me, Da Qin.

"After all, they're not stupid." Ying Qi smiled slightly, not surprised.

"Emperor Mingjian.

"Now my Daqin controls half of the territory of this world, but there are endless murders of cultivators.

"In just one year, the Black Ice Terrace and the army have killed more than 100,000 murderers, and wounded countless others. They have all been punished by my Daqin." Tie Ying respectfully said.

There are two secrets in Daqin, the shadow is outside, and the black ice platform is inside.

Relatively speaking.

The Black Ice Terrace has great authority, not only monitoring hundreds of officials, but also monitoring the sects in the Daqin territory.

"The law of Qin cannot be blasphemed.

"You must know how to do it."

"I don't need to say more.

"all in all.

"The foundation of my country is the rule of law."

Win Qiwei said.

"The emperor's holy words, the ministers will remember."

"Now the Black Ice Terrace punishes all murderers, no matter how strong or weak they are, whether they are cultivators or ordinary people, they are all beheaded in the downtown area, and there is absolutely no appeasement.

"This is to kill and correct the wind of the rule of law. 35

"The world is settled." Tie Ying said immediately.

"Awaken the emperor.

"The minister offers something. 39

Dugu Qiufei said, and stood up with a brocade box in his hand.


Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"Go back to the emperor."

"It was obtained from the hands of two ancient ethnic groups who have now fallen into a rut. They have surrendered to me, Da Qin, and offered this ancient jade.

Dugu Qiufei said, and opened the brocade box, and there were two ancient jades inside.

"it is good."

"Duguqing did a good job. 35

Ying Qi praised, waved his hand, and collected the two pieces of ancient jade.

In addition to the six pieces obtained by beheading the Soul Patriarch, the eight pieces of ancient jade are all in the hands of Ying Qi.

The biggest secret in this world is also to be solved.

After opening the ruins, Ying Qi can also belong to Da Qin, and as for this world, Ying Qi does not need to take action personally.

1.7 "Initiate the Emperor."

"The ministers and others also have treasures to offer."

Sword Saint, Wine Sword Immortal and other Da Qin worshippers also stood up.

I saw them after they reached the main hall.

Mobilize energy.

Each has a transparent jade box in his hand. The energy is imprisoned on the box. Inside the box, there are flames of various colors.


After winning Qi's decree, the ministers collected various spirit fires from this world.

Just look at it like this.

The worshipers successfully collected eight spiritual fires.

"it is good.

"Young Master did a good job.

Ying Qi laughed and said, his eyes full of praise.

This is the key to having subjects under your command.

Many things do not need to be done by Ying Qi at all, and the ministers will try their best to do it with one will.

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