Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 417 Fantian Yin, Suppression!


The ministers stopped talking and waited quietly.

It didn't take long.

The void in front of Da Qin was suddenly shocked by waves.

One by one void passages appeared in front of the great Qin powerhouses.


It is the soul patriarch, and then there is the ancient door ancient.

They appeared in this world who had just become Dou Di powerhouses.

behind them.

The channel is not closed.

One after another, the powerhouses of this world appeared above the void.

Dousheng, semi-saint, Dou Zun, emerge in endlessly.

After receiving Da Qin's provocative gauntlet, the world's top powerhouses have already arrived.


Great results.

"It's not worth waiting for you so long.

"Most of the powerhouses in this world have already gathered here.

Ying Qi looked at these people and laughed.

"Win Qi."

"When death is imminent, you can still laugh. 99

"Don't you know that today is your day of death?" The Soul Patriarch said coldly.

"Where is my daughter?"

"Hand over her, this seat will let you die a little more happily." Gu Yuan said coldly.

"Your daughter is a slave and a maid in my Daqin. 99

"Won't die.

Ying Qi Dan laughed.


Ancient ancient eyes spit fire.

His children, the dignified Gumen eldest lady, turned out to be slaves.

What a humiliation this is.

"Think about what you came here today. 99

"Being an enemy of me will not only kill you, but your respective forces will also be destroyed.

Ying Qi glanced at the powerful people with a bit of warning.

This also counts as their last chance to choose.

"Win Qi.

"How dare you do this when you are dying?

"Today, even if you have Dou Emperor cultivation, you will surely die.

"The Soul Gate and the Ancient Gate are two fighting emperors.""

"How do you contend?"

"Kill you today, destroy your country of Qin, and restore Dazhou to a bright future."5

"That's right.

"Destroy your Qin country..."

This time, all the powerful people shouted angrily.

Of course they are not stupid.

Thinking that there are two powerhouses in the Dou Emperor realm, it is absolutely impossible to lose to Da Qin.

Today, many of their forces are here, but also to strengthen their momentum.

After all, this time is a situation that will destroy Daqin.

After losing this opportunity to show his favor to the strong Dou Di, I don't know what the situation will be in the future.

After all, the appearance of two Dou Di in Dazhou represents a change in the pattern.

"very good."."

Ying Qi nodded, very satisfied with this.

But the smile on his face suddenly turned cold.

"Where are I, Qin Zhuqing, where are you?"

Ying Qi coldly shouted.

"In. 55

"I swear to serve the emperor to the death.""

"Destroy the strong enemy."

All the Qin courtiers shouted in unison.

Endless fighting spirit.

"Enemy, not a single one remains.

Ying Qi coldly shouted.


All the Daqin powerhouses burst out with a palpitating aura.

next moment.

Hundreds of streamers were alerted in the void and charged towards the enemy.

"Kill all the Qin people.

Soul Patriarch said coldly.


"Not a single one.

Soul gate powerhouse all shot.

Just the next moment.

The powerhouses of other forces also took action.

Towards the strong Qin Daqin greeted the past.

Boom, boom, boom.

The tyrannical power was vented in this thousands of miles of void, the stable void collapsed, and thousands of top powerhouses fought together.

The entire desert void was deterred by this dreadful power.


"Two against me alone?"

Ying Qi looked at Patriarch Soul and Gu Yuan with a half-smile.

"Until now, I still don't know your origins, so it's better to be more cautious when my two Dou Emperors take action. The Soul Patriarch sneered.

"Kill you.

"This world will change." Gu Yuan said solemnly.

"Come on then. 95

Win Qi smiled.

The figure flashed.

Disappear directly in the void.

Soul Patriarch and Gu Yuan looked at each other, locked on Ying Qi's Qi, and went after them directly.

Dou Di strong.

Fairy strong.

Being above the vulgar, it is simply not something that ordinary human beings can contend with.

The power of every move is enough to destroy an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles.

Fighting with them this time, the power of the war will kill the two powerhouses.

Naturally, Ying Qi didn't want to see this scene.

For Gu Yuan, they also do not want to see it.

on top of the desert void.

Away from the void below, it is ten thousand feet high.

The three stood in the air.

Soul Patriarch and Gu Yuan unabashedly exploded their own power, causing the void to tremble.

"Dou Di, it's not bad.

Ying Qi smiled.

"To be honest, this seat can't see through you."

"But now, you still have no fear. 35

"Do you really have the confidence to deal with both of us at the same time? The Soul Patriarch said.

"Just try it and you'll know."

Win Qi smiled.

Wave your hand.

A small print with a faint halo appeared in the palm of his hand.

It is an imitation of the Pantian seal.


"It's not just you who are Dou Di."

Ying Qi laughed.


A monstrous aura spread from him.

Centered around him.

The void cracked layer by layer, and endless turbulent flow was released from the cracked void.

And this time.

The expressions of Soul Patriarch and Gu Yuan have changed.

They were relatively relaxed at first, but now they are extremely dignified.

"`" You are actually a Dou Di. ""

The two said in a very solemn voice.

"I am not the Dou Di.


Ying Qi sneered: "Immortal."

The voice fell.

The Pan Tianyin in his hand suddenly flashed with brilliance.

Win Qi Dantian's real yuan crazy input.

In vain.


The Fantian Seal in his hand turned into a stream of light in vain and rose into the air.

In the moment of flying into the void.

The original small seal turned into a huge one hundred zhang seal, and with the power to suppress the natural enemy, it directly suppressed the two people in front of him.

For a moment.

Heaven and earth are eclipsed.

"This magic weapon is not simple."

When the two of them saw it, there was an unspeakable shock in their hearts.

"Go all out.

"Break this magic weapon. 99

The Soul Patriarch shouted.

Dantian vindictive madness.

The powerful Tianjie (Qian Lihao) fighting skills are displayed.

The fist and palm slammed towards Fan Tianyin.

Every punch and palm carries the power to shatter the world.

Gu Yuan didn't dare to hesitate, and made a move with all his strength.

The entire 10,000-mile void was suddenly changed by the two of them.

"This god-level high-quality magic weapon."

"Even if it is the pinnacle of Immortal Realm, I can still fight.

"What's more, you are new to Dou Di."

"With all the true essence of martial arts, I can kill you and so on. 35

Ying Qi laughed loudly.

With this heavenly seal, it is like a full-level boss holding a heaven-defying artifact. Naturally, this effect does not need to be said.

All the real essence in Ying Qi's dantian has been transferred.

All the blessings are on the seal of Fantian.


Get this blessing.

Pan Tianyin shone brightly.

Turned into a thousand feet in size.

The monstrous power contained in it has become even more terrifying.


Town to the two.

To win Qi is to decide the world with a battle.

The power of Fantian Yin directly suppressed the killing.

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