Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 409 Directly attack the top forces and dominate

The imperial list appeared in Ying Qi's hands.

"The imperial seal, Mangdi is dedicated to the second grade of the school, and enjoys the fortune of the Qin Dynasty.""

Ying Qi stared at Mang Di and said arrogantly.

"My subordinates take orders. Mang Di didn't hesitate.

next moment.

Dragon Shadow appeared.

The power of national fortune, which belonged to the Daqin Second Grade, fell towards Mangdi.

"This is?

When the national fortune approached, Mang Di's expression suddenly changed greatly, it seemed a little unbelievable.

The bottleneck that he had been trapped in for many years in the Holy Dou Realm was loosened at this moment.

And before he could run the exercise, the bottleneck was directly swept away by the vast power he didn't know what it was.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered towards him crazily.

Almost only momentarily.


A powerful aura vented from his body and shot straight into the sky.

within the college.

Many tutors could not help but look up at the academy hall.

"This breath belongs to the dean.

"He broke through Dou Sheng."

"Could it be that it was the gift from that lord just now?"

Many college tutors thought to themselves.

National fortune promotion.

The grudge runs quickly.

Mang Di, who had been trapped at the peak of the semi-sage for a long time, ushered in a breakthrough, and the spiritual energy of the sky and the earth came to the pupa, which promoted his cultivation. In the end, Mangdi directly reached the cultivation of the third level of Dou Sheng, and he advanced to the third level in one fell swoop. territory.

"Battle Saint Realm 837.

"I finally reached. 55

"Now I have finally stepped into the realm of the real powerhouse." Mang Di was extremely excited.

Come back to your senses.

Looking at Win Qi.

He knelt directly to the ground: "Chen Mandi thanked the emperor Longen, and swears allegiance to the emperor to the death. 35

The moment of national fortune.

Mang Di also knew about Da Qin's national origin, and his true spirit was also integrated into the National Fortune Palace.

"Flat body."

Ying Qi nodded.

Wu Anjun.

"Look at this map. 99

Ying Qi waved his hand and waved the map in his hand towards Bai Qi.

Bai Qi respectfully took it and opened it.

For the forces, I already understand something in my heart.

"From your point of view, how did I Daqin Kai move troops?" Ying Qi asked.

"Your Majesty.""

"With the national strength of my Great Qin, there is no need to step by step to control this world, and I can directly destroy the top forces, and then gradually clean up other forces.

"You can first attack and destroy the top forces such as the ancient ethnic groups and the Pill Palace. 39

Bai Qi said immediately.

hear this.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face: "Mr. Wu An is worthy of being the commander of my Daqin army, I think so."

"We don't need too many soldiers to defeat these top forces. Our Daqin army can continue to expand. To deal with these forces, we only need to send out the top powerhouses of Daqin and bring some dragon knights." Bai Qi said.

"So, you can arrange it.

"Zhen, I grant you the full power of deployment. After the deployment, I will come in person." Ying Qiyi waved his hand.

"No. 35

Bai Qi respectfully leads the order.

"Dan Palace.

"The holy place of alchemists in this world.

"There are many strong fighting saints."

"If you don't have a minister, it's better to deal with it directly.

"Perhaps, the powerhouses in this alchemy hall are enough to let me step into the fairyland. 95

Ying Qi thought to himself.

Great Qin Bingfeng expansion.

On the ground, Daqin's millions of cavalry are galloping, even if this is a powerful cultivation world, but under the edge of Qin's cavalry, everything is so fragile.

This large state, which was originally divided and fought continuously, ushered in a change of breaking and standing after the Da Qin army came.

Under the leadership of Qin Qi.

Whether it is Douzong, Dou Zun, Dou Zun Peak, or even a semi-sage powerhouse, as long as it competes with Da Qin as an enemy, the final result will be destroyed.

Da Qin's attack on Dazhou was unstoppable.

Thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles.

Daqin is like a surging wave, spreading rapidly in this side of the world.

Originally, Da Qin, which was only in the Northwest Territories, completely showed the greatness of Qin Wei in Dazhou.

Look around.

Dan Palace.

Known as the holy land of alchemists in this world, it also gathers the strongest alchemists in this world.

Not only that.

Even the Soul Sect, Gu Sect and other forces treat this Pill Hall with caution, because their strength is not weak.

Inside the Dan Palace.

Many powerhouses belonging to this Pill Hall gathered together, each with a very solemn expression.

"The Lord of the Temple (afbh).

"The Qin Kingdom, which entered Dazhou from the Northwest Territories, stirred up the storm in Dazhou, and now there are more than 100 forces, and more than a dozen secular dynasties have been destroyed by this Qin Kingdom.

"There are countless living beings who died because of this Qin state. 35

"Furthermore, judging from the current Qin State's attack, their purpose is not for any treasure, but for the entire Dou Qi world, and their ambition is to control the entire world." A Dou Sheng powerhouse in the Pill Hall said.

"The soul gate hunts the souls of the strong in the world, and it is still in the dark, but this Qin state is expanding wildly, killing living beings, without any cover. 99

"It's more Damn it than the Soul Gate."

"My alchemy hall has been standing in the world since ancient times, not participating in power struggles, let alone plundering, but now the ambition of the Qin country has already shaken the foundation of my alchemy hall.

"Our Dan Palace must deal with it.

"Not bad. 35

"Now many people from big and small forces have come to my Pill Palace, asking my Pill Palace to take action against Qin and stop the disputes in the big states.

Inside the hall.

A group of elders of the Pill Hall opened their mouths to worship.

Now that Daqin continues to expand, only two choices are given to the various forces in Dazhou. The first is to surrender, and the second is to destroy.

There were also many forces who knew they were invincible and fled and joined the subordinates of the top forces.

There are also many forces directly seeking help from the top forces and upholding justice.

This alchemy hall has existed since ancient times, and naturally it has become the backbone of many great state forces and sects.

In these alchemy hall elders, when offering sacrifices to discuss.

"The lord is here."

A disciple shouted loudly.

An old man walked out of the apse slowly.

see someone coming.

All eyes were filled with awe.

Whether it is a fighting saint or a semi-sacred powerhouse, it is the same.

Lord of the Dan Palace.

Dousheng seventh realm powerhouse.

And it is also the only one who can communicate with the founder of the Pill Palace, who is from the ancient powerhouse.

"See the lord.

All the powerhouses of the Pill Hall bowed down and worshipped.

"I already know about Qin's affairs.


"I also got a message from the ancient gate."

The Pill Hall Master said in a deep voice, with a solemn look on the old face.

"What's the news?" the strong men asked one after another.

"When Qin State was in the Northwest Territories, the Xiao clan sent a Dousheng strong man, but he was killed by the Qin strong man. After that, Gumen and Yaomen joined forces and dispatched five Dousheng, many half-sages and Dou Zunqiang. Enter the Northwest Territories.""


"All did not return.

The Dan Palace Master said in a deep voice.

The words fell.

The faces of the strong men in the Pill Hall all changed.

Under the fighting saint.

They can't be embarrassed yet.

However, all the five Dousheng powerhouses stayed in the Northwest Territories, which was enough to make them extremely fearful.

But don't wait for them to speak.

"hold head high."

The dragon roar that sounded several times at the same time spread to the entire power of the Pill Palace.

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