Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 410 The ancients are the strongest, waiting for you

accompanied by.

The powerful Dragon Might spread out, covering the entire Pill Hall for thousands of miles.

"This breath, dragon. 35

"Dragon race at the level of fighting saints.

"Four Zundou ~ the breath of the holy dragon family."

"Could it be the Four Dragon Kings of Dragon Island?"

The Palace Master of the Pill Palace was slightly surprised and looked at the void, showing a kind of puzzlement.

"Could it be that the Dragon Clan wants to unite with my Pill Palace to deal with the Qin State together? 35


"The origin of the Qin country is a mystery, but his ambitions are already obvious. His purpose is to control the entire world."

"Even if it is the Dragon Clan, it is also among all beings in this world. If the world's sects are attacked and destroyed by the Qin State, then their Dragon Clan will definitely not be spared."5

The powerhouses of the Hall of Pills said one after another.

Just thought of this as a possibility.

But the next moment.

Don't wait for them to recover.

Boom, boom, boom.

above the void.

Suddenly, there were many auras comparable to the fighting saints in this world.

with the emergence of these momentum.

There are also countless repressed breaths coming.

"My Daqin is here, won't the master of the Dan Palace come to see him in person? 55

An indifferent voice sounded in the void of the Pill Hall.

"Qin State?"

Hear the name of Da Qin.

The powerhouses of the Pill Palace, who were still guessing, were suddenly a little surprised.

"Why did the Dragon Clan appear with the powerful Qin State?

"Is it possible?"

The strong man in the Hall of Pills thought of a terrible possibility.

"Go. 35

With a solemnity, the Pill Hall Master moved immediately, and his figure disappeared in the hall.

The powerhouses of the Hall of Pills also followed suit.

current situation,

Da Qin came directly to the door, and they could no longer think about it.

The foundation of the Pill Hall is here, and the strong are also here.

Apart from facing it, there is no other possibility.

Dan Palace.

The area under control is not large.

Only a few hundred miles away, it is a city.

This is also called the existence of the holy city by the alchemists of this side of the world.

And this moment.

Inside and outside the Dan Palace city.

Many alchemists, as well as the forces who survived here and took refuge in the alchemy hall, have stood up one after another.

above the void.

There have been existences that those who fled from the forces did not want to see.

Tens of thousands of giant dragons covered the entire void of the Pill Palace.

In the center of the dragon guard.

There are also four huge dragons.

Apart from that.

There are also many Daqin strong men standing in the sky to worship.

The lineup is unprecedented.

In addition to the four of the top ten warriors of the Great Qin Dynasty, all of them have already arrived, except for the four who went out with the army and played the role of suppressing the army. In addition to the four fighting saints of the dragon race, there are still ten top-level powerhouses.

Before the Lord came out.

The Daqin strong man did not act immediately.


The powerhouses in the Pill Hall stood in the air, looking at the powerful men of Daqin who surrounded Dancheng, as well as the Four Dragon Kings of Longdao, their expressions were a little dignified.

"Qin's sharp edge, I have heard about it for a long time in the Dan Palace.

"But my Pill Palace has always been out of the fight. I don't know what the Qin people are doing to come to my Pill City?"

The Pill Palace Master stared at Bai Qi and asked loudly.

"Your Pill Palace is not a celibate affair.

"As far as I know, many of the forces that my Daqin hunted down have already escaped into your Pill City.

"This is to be my enemy, Da Qin. 35

Bai Qi smiled lightly and said.

"My alchemy hall has never been entangled, and my alchemy city also welcomes the entry of the forces of the world, not only them, but you can also enter the country of Qin."

"Is this also wrong?" The Pill Hall Master said with a bad expression.

"In this side of the world, my Daqin is bound to win, and the world's power, my Daqin has given two choices, the first is to surrender, and the second is to destroy."

"It's the same for your Pill Palace. Bai Qi sneered.

"Qin State, is it really so domineering?"

"My Pill Palace does not want to be an enemy of your Qin country. Could it be that your Qin country wants to force my Pill Palace to be an enemy?" The Pill Palace Master was a little angry.

"Excuse me.

"My Daqin is so domineering. 55

Bai Qi laughed, his tone carried a domineering arrogance.


"This monarch is here by imperial decree, in order to fix your alchemy hall, the ministers can live, and if they don't, they will perish. 39

"You, choose for yourself.

Bai Qi gave a cold drink.

The murderous aura on his body erupted without concealment.

accompanied by.


loneliness and defeat.

Wine Sword Fairy.

Zhang Sanfeng, Ximen Chuixue and other Daqin powerhouses erupted in their own momentum one after another.

The four statues crossed the Tribulation Realm, and the aura of the Dou Sheng powerhouse erupted.

Numerous Void Realm and Broken Realm powerhouses have also transferred their True Essence.

The tens of thousands of imperial guards who came along also drove the dragon and dispersed.

As long as Bai Qi gave an order, he began to destroy the city.


Seeing this, Hall Master Dan was also a little angry.

...for flowers ·

But he didn't dare to act rashly.

Although there are many strong people in his alchemy hall.

In addition, he has six fighting saints, but it is still a lot weaker than the Daqin strong lineup.

And he can sense that there is someone stronger than him among the powerful people in Daqin.

If you fight.

They will definitely suffer.

Since his alchemy hall has been established, he has relied on alchemy and strong people. After all, alchemy masters have no shortage of resources and can cultivate strong people. There are so many fighting saints, and they can even compare with ancient ethnic groups. This is one of the reasons.


"I will give you another chance to choose."

"Submit or not?"

Bai Qi stared at the Pill Hall Master and said coldly.

The sound resounded throughout Dan City, with unparalleled power.

Hundreds of thousands of living beings in this city shivered under this power.


In the face of such deterrence.

The powerhouses in the Pill Palace all looked humiliated, but they did not dare to speak.

Their eyes turned to the Dan Palace Master, waiting for his answer.



'Do you really want to be so domineering?

"Isn't it possible to force my alchemy hall into a mortal enemy?"

"If this is really the case, my Dan Palace will not be afraid of you Qin. 35

"How many of you come, and how much this seat kills."

Just when the Pill Palace was in this awkward situation, an old voice resounded in the void.

accompanied by.

A more terrifying aura emerged.


"It's the ancestor who left."

"My ancestor of the Pill Palace, the most powerful person from ancient times, is the existence closest to the powerhouse of the Dou Di in the legend.

"He made another move, and Qin was not afraid.

"Hahaha, it's alright."

"The country of Qin is seeking its own death this time."

"The Pill Palace is worthy of the top forces in the world, this time we are saved. 35

"As long as we leave these strong Qin people behind, we can retake our sect.

"This time, coming to the Pill Palace is really right.

Hear this sudden resounding sound.

It excites the powerhouses in the entire Pill Palace, and the forces who have defected are also happy for it.

There are not many supreme powers who have survived since ancient times.

Soul Sect Patriarch, Gu Sect Patriarch, and the ancestor of this Pill Hall.

It can be said.

They are the symbol of invincibility.

"Master, finally appeared. 99

Hearing this voice, Bai Qi didn't panic, instead he laughed.


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