Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 408 I have 100academies in Daqin!

bordering land.

In Dou Qi Academy, the discussion hall.

Since this academy existed, it has been celibate outside the struggle. This time when Da Qin was killed, the academy was very aware of current affairs and surrendered directly.

This is also one of the forces that are rarely preserved in this ten thousand li area.

Inside the hall.

All the instructors in this academy have come.

Dean, Vice Dean.

stand in the first place.

The overall strength of this academy is not strong, and the dean of the strongest is only a semi-sacred strength.


This is also relative to such a behemoth as Da Qin. In the bordering area of ​​the Northwest Territories, Dou Zun is the top powerhouse, and the semi-sacred cultivation base is enough to walk sideways.

"grown ups."

"All the instructors of the Dou Qi Academy have come."

"I hope that the adults can follow the promise and let the teachers and students of my college be spared."

The head dean Mang Di said bitterly.

The academy that he built by himself has existed for thousands of years in this world of vindictiveness, and now it is about to burn down.

If it weren't for the huge gap in strength, he would really not be reconciled.

But in order to protect the teachers and students of the college, he has no other choice.

"Ghost Valley Aiqing."

"How is this school?"

Ying Qi smiled and asked Guiguzi who was standing in the hall.

"Back to the emperor.""

"This school is not bad."

"Teaching the method of cultivation, the fighting skills in this world are not inferior to those taught by my Daqin Academy, but their strength is weaker. 35 Guiguzi turned around and replied respectfully.

Hear this.

Mang Di didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Guiguzi praised the academy for its good teaching, but its strength was weak.

"My academy has been established for thousands of years, and it also relies on strength. When did the semi-sacred powerhouse become weaker."

"Perhaps, for this country of Qin, it is really weak."

"The four dragon kings of the dragon family are all surrendered, and the four fighting saints are strong.

"And there are more than a hundred semi-sacred people." Mang Di thought bitterly.

It was precisely because of this strength that Mang Di developed a feeling of powerlessness.

"rest assured."."

"I, not only will not kill you, but will reuse you."

Ying Qi looked at Mang Di and smiled slightly.

"Our strength is low, and it seems that we can't help adults." Mang Di said honestly.

"Your strength lies in teaching students. In my Daqin, there are nearly 10,000 large and small academies, teaching me Daqin's various cultivation methods and auxiliary methods, but not the Dao of Dou Qi."

"Entering my Daqin, I can let you all open up a way of vindictive cultivation in the Wanzuo Academy, and become the teacher of my Daqin's billions of people. 35

"More than that. 35

"I can also give you endless resources, Dou Sheng, Dou Di, it is not impossible for you.

Ying Qi said to everyone in the Dou Qi Academy in front of him.

Da Qin conquered the heavens.

It is destined to be impossible to be limited to one cultivation way,

Today, Da Qin has martial arts, immortality, sword cultivation, and magic.

Now in this world of Dou Qi, Da Qin will add another way, the way of Dou Qi cultivation.

Daqin now controls many worlds, with countless populations, and the more ways of cultivation, the more opportunities to select the strong from among them. Not everyone is suitable for martial arts, not everyone is suitable for immortal ways, and it is also true for other ways of cultivation. Same.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

A kind of expectation immediately appeared in the eyes of the teachers of the various academies who were originally confused.

Although they are mentors, they teach students to become stronger, but they also desire it.

"I am willing to lead all the instructors of the Dou Qi Academy to serve the adults."

The people behind him knelt down one after another: "I am willing to serve the adults.

"I will never treat my own people lightly.

"Guigu Aiqing, you arrange to tell them about the affairs of my Daqin Academy. After this world is settled, it is better to open up a practice of fighting qi directly." Ying Qi explained to Guiguzi.

"Old minister leads the order." Guiguzi immediately led the order.

"Mangdi, you stay here, I would like to ask you about the power of Dazhou. 35 Yingqi said to Mangdi again.


Mang Di responded immediately.

The other instructors followed Guiguzi and left the hall.

Only Bai Qi and a few worshippers were left.

"Do you understand the distribution of power in Dazhou?" Ying Qi asked bluntly.

for this side of the world.

Although Ying Qi has some understanding, but it is not too comprehensive. Now, Daqin has come with the power of the whole country, and a dozen or so experts in the transcendence realm are enough to sweep everything.

The forces in this world, even if they are the soul gate, Daqin is not afraid.


This world is huge.

The forces are very widely distributed, and there are many different dimensions.

These are all hidden in the dark. If they spread gradually, even with the strength of the millions of Great Qin's army, it will take a long time to completely conquer this world.


Ying Qi decided to first determine the real top forces in this world, calm down the powerful forces such as the Soul Gate and the Ancient Gate, and ensure that there will be no forces that threaten Daqin, and then leave a large army to gradually clean up the world.

And Ying Qi can be attributed to the Daqin world.


At the end of the day.

Ying Qi needs to kill those top powerhouses and become immortals.

If you set foot in the real fairyland, then the power of fairyland will make Ying Qi keen.

"`" Back to the adults. "

"If you ask others about the distribution of the top forces in Dazhou, you may not know, but the students recruited by my Dou Qi Academy come from all over Dazhou, and even from ancient ethnic groups, there are top forces."

"The different space opened up by the strong Dou Di, the subordinates also know its location."

Mangdi said respectfully.

"Good. 35

Ying Qi smiled and was very happy.

It was a pleasant surprise to recruit this Dou Qi Academy.

"Eight ancient ethnic groups, there should be only six left now." Ying Qi said.

"There are indeed only six left, and apart from Soul Gate and Gumen, they are still at the top of Dazhou.

"However, in addition to the ancient ethnic groups, there is another force, which is also a top force.

"It is the existence that calls on the world's alchemists, the Pill Palace. 99

"It is said that the master of the Pill Hall is a top Dou Sheng powerhouse (Qian Haozhao). Not only him, but there are many Dou Sheng powerhouses in the Pill Hall."

"This is the distribution map of the major top forces, as well as the different dimensions.

As Mang said, there was an extra scroll in his hand.

Then respectfully handed it to Ying Qi.

Ying Qi waved his hand and the scroll fell into his hand.

Open it up and take a look.

Like a mustard seed.

On this scroll, the distribution of each force is marked in detail, and a dynamic map is also formed.

"Mang Di, this time you have made a great contribution to my Qin Dynasty. 35

"The powers on this map include all the top powers in this world. If you eliminate them in one fell swoop, I, Daqin, will be able to control this world." Ying Qi smiled and praised Mangdi.

"Since I have already served the adults, my subordinates should do their best." Mang Di respected Daomiao.

"You are sincere.

"Zhen, I give you a chance to help break through Dou Sheng." Ying Qi laughed.

A wave of hands.

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