Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 407 Next step, attack and destroy the big forces, control this world

Hear what Ying Qi said.

A look of humiliation appeared on the faces of the four dragon kings.

They are a dignified royal family of demon beasts, and they are also known as divine beasts.

since ancient times.

The Dragon Clan even has a prohibition, and it is absolutely not allowed to be enslaved by other clans.

This is the pride of their dragon clan.

"How can you be a human being worthy of my dragon's submission?"

"My clan has a ban and will never be enslaved by any clan.

"I don't know what means you used to enslave my dragon clan, but my dragon clan will never give in. 99


Several dragon kings spoke in succession.

"It seems.

"You don't need to exist anymore."

Ying Qi raised his hand.

The brilliance of the five spiritual fires appeared in the palm of the hand, flickering with colorful rays of light, which looked extremely beautiful, but revealed a terrifying and destructive power.

"Spiritual Fire. 55

"Five... five spiritual fires. 35

The four dragon kings looked at the spirit fire in Ying Qi's hand, and there was a kind of fear in their eyes.

under the sky.

The spirit fire is a divine artifact bred by Heaven and Earth 05. The top powerhouse can increase his strength several times by acquiring one spirit fire, and almost no one can control multiple spirit fires at the same time.

Because the spirit fire was originally a spirit that was bred between heaven and earth, and it was boundless and domineering.

If you try to refine multiple spiritual fires, even if it is a strong fighting saint, the consequences will be to make Dantian confused, go crazy, and even be swallowed by the spiritual fire.

"Wait." 9

"We can discuss one or two more."

The East Dragon King hurriedly shouted.

"Yes, yes, it can be negotiated." 5

"Our dragon clan can take orders from the adults. If the adults have an enemy, our dragon clan can take action." The other three dragon kings said one after another.

If it wasn't for Ao Ying's bloodline suppression.

The four dragons may try their best to fight, after all, they are also Dousheng level powerhouses.

But under the suppression of Ao Ying's bloodline, they have no way to exert their strength. To break this bloodline suppression, there are only two ways. The first is to cultivate more than Ao Ying, which can greatly increase the power of bloodline suppression. If it becomes smaller, the second is to abandon its own dragon bloodline, but the second is even more impossible.

"I'll give you three more breaths to consider.

"Submit, or die."

"You are all smart and will know how to choose.

Ying Qi glanced at the four dragons, and the spiritual fire in his palm became more and more bright.

After the three breaths, as long as they have a word, the consequence is destruction.

Looking at the spirit fire in Ying Qi's palm.

The four dragon kings glanced at each other, and the huge dragon face showed a kind of resistance.

But there is no way.

"We are willing to surrender.35


The Four Dragon Kings compromised.

"Hand over your soul imprint will save you from death.

Ying Qi put away the spirit fire and said coldly.

The Four Dragon Kings can only hand over the Soul Mark.


Seeing this, Ying Qi spoke up.


Ao Ying immediately put away Longwei, and those dragons who were crushed by Longwei instantly became relaxed.

But the Four Dragon Kings handed over their soul imprints to Ying Qi, and they didn't have any chance to resist.

As the old saying goes, Jiang Taigong took the bait from fishing volunteers.

But Ying Qi didn't even go fishing, so these dragons came to the door, and out of thin air gave Yingqi more power, four dragons at the level of fighting saints.

This has to be said to be an opportunity.

"Although you submit to me. 99

"But what you give up is what you get."

"Compared to Ying'er, although you are from the dragon family, your bloodline is not high. You only have the bloodline of the two-clawed dragon. We will serve you. We can improve your bloodline in the future. The five-clawed dragon's bloodline is not impossible for you. Ying Qi faced the decadent and helpless four dragon kings.

Upon hearing this.

The four dragon kings all raised their heads in surprise: "Is this true, my lord?

"I, do I have to lie to you?"

Ying Qi smiled and said no more.

Dragon blood.

In this side of the world, it is indeed difficult to have the opportunity to improve, but in front of Ying Qi, there may be no way to improve his bloodline, but in the future, the level of Da Qin's battle will become stronger, and everything will become uncertain.

It will not be difficult to advance to the dragon bloodline.

"Thank you sir."

Seeing Ying Qi's self-confidence, and the powerful dragon clan like Ao Ying following, they chose to believe.

This also gave them, who were controlled by Ying Qi, an expectation, no longer lifeless.

"How many people do you have in the Dragon Clan?" Ying Qi looked at the Four Dragon Kings and asked.

"Go back to your lord.

"There are two or three thousand clansmen in each of our Dragon Island. In total, there are nearly ten thousand clansmen." King Donglong replied respectfully.

As a family of divine beasts in this world.

Fertility is naturally extremely low.

This is also true for many powerful groups.

The stronger the strength is, the stronger the offspring will be, but only one with equal strength can be bred.

"Nearly ten thousand people, it's not bad."

"When they are moved into the zoo, the birth rate can be more than doubled."

Ying Qi thought for a moment and thought to himself.

The original number of the giant dragon family was not very large. There were only hundreds of thousands of pure giant dragons, and hundreds of them were all sub-dragons. However, after moving to the animal park, the birth rate increased after being blessed with the attributes of the animal garden.

The same applies to the dragons of this world.

At this time.

A channel was opened in the void.

Dugu Qiufei Po Kong came to Ying Qi.

"Awaken the emperor.

"The border of Dazhou has been set for thousands of miles, and all the forces that are enemies of my Daqin have been destroyed."

"Slaying countless enemies. 35

"Now, Lord Wu'an has set up a hall in a sect to welcome the emperor. In addition, my Daqin camps are still marching, and everyone worships and follows the army and marches 833 times. 35.

Report all the battles between them.


Ying Qi nodded, thinking to himself: "The army has entered the big state, the next step is to attack and destroy the many powerful forces in this world, and this world will be settled.



Ao Ying immediately understood, twisted the dragon's body, and flew forward.

The Praetorian Guards steered a giant dragon.

Go to Dazhou.

"what should we do?"

Several dragon kings, you look at me, I look at you, and there is a lot of helplessness and bitterness in the tone.

before coming.

They all have calculations in their hearts, thinking about using the royal family to devour blood essence and improve blood.

But after coming.

They took it for granted, not only did the royal family not get it, but they also gave it to themselves.


Looking down from the void.

Many places have been destroyed to rubble, and there is a prairie fire everywhere.

The many sects that resisted the Daqin Bingfeng were above the secular world, but under Daqin's attack, they were destroyed and everything was burned to the ground.

this battle.

Da Qin attacked with all his strength.

Many sects were destroyed, and some ordinary people were killed in this war of destruction, but there was no way to avoid it.

Because this is war.

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