Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 406 Take the Dragon Clan Again!!

The four people headed by these people talked and talked, but there was a dark cloud in their hearts.

Now it seems that they really want to find the blood of the royal family, but they are afraid that there will be other activities in the dark.

The Four Dragons Island has always been at odds with each other, and they even tried to do it directly. Now they have joined forces because of the appearance of the high-blooded dragon clan, but each of them knows what the other is thinking.

In order to successfully capture this high-blooded royal family this time.

They almost overturned the full force of their own island.

"It's just ahead."

"It was agreed in advance that we will bring the royal family back to Dragon Island first, and then we will discuss the matter later. 35 The East Dragon King said to the other three.

"it is good.

The other three dragon kings also nodded.

As they got closer, they realized something was wrong.


The sky above the sky covers the sun.

"August 27" is filled with a giant beast full of dragon power, and there are tens of thousands of soldiers standing on the giant beast.

At the very center of the giant dragon guard, a huge black dragon appeared in front of them, and even the unreleased dragon might have been released invisibly.

"found it."

When the four dragon kings saw Ao Ying, joy appeared in their eyes.

Then they waved their hands at the same time.

All the subordinates brought will understand.

"hold head high.

a time.

Long Yin shook the sky.

More than 40 people have all turned into huge dragons, including black dragons, golden dragons, and blue dragons.

All the dragon races appeared.

Especially headed by the four dragon kings, their dragon bodies are more than two hundred zhang, and the dragon behind them is nearly one hundred zhang.

Compared to Ao Ying's dragon body, although they looked a little small, the dragon power they unleashed shocked the world.

When they all turned into dragons.

There seems to be an order.

Dozens of dragons immediately flew into the air and came to the front of the Daqin Void Air Force formation.

The mighty dragon is displayed.

The giant dragons under the Guards' feet were a little afraid, this was an invisible deterrent from a bloodline.

"I am the East Dragon King of Dragon Island. 39

"I'm coming to the West Dragon King..."

The four dragon kings stared at Ao Ying with their huge eyes, reporting their home.


With a gesture of respect, he said loudly: "We welcome the return of the royal family to Dragon Island. 35

Ying Qi looked at the performance of the four dragon kings, and smiled lightly: "The four dragon races at the level of fighting saints are not bad. 99

"Master, they call me their royal family?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I wasn't born in this world." Ao Ying asked in surprise.

"Dragon with ghosts, maybe someone wants to bring you back to Dragon Island, with the intention of revitalizing the dragon clan in this world, but most of them want to devour your dragon clan blood and become stronger. Ying Qi smiled.

after all.

Ying Qi has an understanding of the world and knows many things in this world.

"Devouring my blood?

"Are they fit?

Hearing this, Ao Ying was a little angry.

As a dragon from a stronger world, it has a natural bloodline to suppress the dragons in this world of Dou Qi.


Ao Ying's strength is not that simple. Under the power of the powerful bloodline, there is also the blessing of Daqin resources. Over the past hundred years, Ao Ying has also entered the realm of tribulation, and even the Sword Saint is not her opponent. .


Ao Ying's dragon body moved.

Directly rushed past the Imperial Guard and came to the front of these dragons.

"Some dragons with extremely low bloodlines are not even comparable to the dragons in the dragon sea."

Ao Ying glanced coldly at these dragons.



A monstrous dragon's might emerged from her body.

It ran over all the dragons in front.

This dragon might.

It is from another stronger world, the dragon family of the real five-clawed dragon bloodline is far higher than the dragon family of this world, and with the blessing of strength, Ao Ying's dragon power is even more terrifying.

Long Wei swept over.

The expressions of the four dragon kings who were still confident all changed.

Even if they had just entered the level of Dou Sheng, they had an instinctive sense of fear under this terrifying dragon power, which seemed to come from natural suppression.

And the dragons they brought didn't have any chance to react at all.

Long Wei swept away.

Their dragon bodies were out of control and fell directly from the void, slamming them onto the ground, causing cracks to appear in the entire ground.

"how come?"

"How can he be so strong?"

"No way, the royal bloodline is suppressed, and I can't compete at all."

"Blood is suppressed, and his cultivation is stronger than ours...

"How could this be?

"Look at him, he turned out to be the real dragon emperor in the legend, the five-clawed dragon."

"how can that be?"


The four dragon kings supported themselves in the void, but after a moment of support, they couldn't resist and fell directly from the void.

But when they glanced around, they also saw Ao Ying's dragon claws, whose bloodline level far surpassed them.

The Dragon King at the Dou Sheng level, Ying Qi didn't need to take action at all, Ao Ying used absolute blood to suppress and directly suppress.

"As expected of the dragon clan from the high-level world, under the absolute suppression of blood, the same clan cannot compete at all."

Ying Qi looked at the scene in front of him and smiled.

Going to Dazhou this time, it may be easy to get the power of the Dragon Clan again.

"What are your thoughts, the master has already seen through."

"Want to bring me back to your Dragon Island and devour my blood?"

"You guys are taking it too much for granted."

Ao Ying looked down at the four dragon kings, full of killing intent.

The words fell.

The expressions of the four dragon kings changed, and the dragon's face was full of fear.

Little Jiujiu in their hearts almost knew that the blood of the dragon race could not be changed once it was born, and if they wanted to evolve, there was almost no other way except to obtain the blood essence of the higher level dragon race.

Therefore, after sensing the aura of Ao Ying's high-level dragon bloodline, they naturally began to think carefully, thinking that it was the royal bloodline that they had disappeared, and it was still very weak.

Taking advantage of Ao Ying's weak strength, she came to grab it back, devoured her bloodline, and promoted herself.

But they didn't expect Ao Ying's strength to be so strong.

This time, they were wrong.


"How to deal with them?

Ao Ying respectfully asked Ying Qi.

For Ao Ying, Ying Qi's words are heaven's orders, no matter what, everything is to win Qi first.

See here.

Ying Qi smiled.

Looking down at these dragons.

"I can give you a chance to live.

"Submit to me, and your dragons will serve me.""


Ying Qi stared at these dragons and said coldly.

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