The roar resounded throughout the world.

For a moment.

People in this big state bordering the Northwest Territories heard countless roars.

accompanied by.

above the sky.

The bright sunlight seemed to be obscured by something, and countless giant beasts swept through the air with the ferocity of destroying everything.

"This....this is the Qin State in the Northwest Territories."5

"They're in the big states.

"How dare they?"

"There are countless strong people in the big state, but it is not the barren land in the northwest region. 99

In this borderland, many people are amazed and puzzled.

But over time.

The wind blows wildly in the void.

Countless giant beasts came from the sky, shrouding the sky and the earth.

"My Great Qin Bingfeng has arrived. 99

"Any sect, any force, give a chance to surrender."

"If you don't minister, you will perish."

A domineering voice resounded in the void, accompanied by hundreds of thousands of dragon knights.

"Presumptuous. 35

"The forces of the Northwest Territories, ordinary people, how dare they be presumptuous in my big state.

"What about the army? In front of my big state powerhouse, it's like an ant."


At this time.

The powerhouses of the sects in this area also rushed out one after another.

Even though the Northwest Territories and Dazhou are bordering places, their strengths are not of the same level.

above the void.

Many Dou Kings, Dou Emperors, Dou Zongs, and even Dou Zun rose into the air.

This is precisely the many powerhouses from this borderland.

Apart from that.

The secular army in this area, the sect disciples also rushed out one after another, watching the army of Da Qin with full alertness.


In the void, Bai Qi shouted loudly.

It seems to have a panoramic view of everything on the earth.


"Wind, wind, wind.


Countless Great Qin Ruishi shouted angrily, their voices resounding through the sky.

next moment.

Countless dragon knights scattered.


Whoa, whoa.

Countless dragon breaths poured out from the void towards the enemy on this side of the earth.

Looking from the ground to the void.

Hundreds of thousands of dragon breaths turned into blazing fireballs and slammed down toward the ground.

The power contained in each dragon's breath has reached the level of the great master.

This scene.

Let the countless creatures below have the color of fear.

It's like a scene of extinction.


"Run away."

The ordinary people who originally had the mentality of watching the excitement suddenly panicked and fled in all directions.


These ordinary creatures did not notice that the targets of all dragon breaths were those cultivators and their sects.

For ordinary people, Da Qin will not kill for no reason.

Hundreds of thousands of dragon breaths overturned.

The scene of extinction swept over.

Boom, boom, boom.

The dragon breath spread and exploded.

The army of countless enemies, the disciples of cultivators, was instantly engulfed by the dragon breath.

Originally, this peaceful and peaceful place had turned into a purgatory.

The powerful sects here may be able to separate one side here, but in the face of absolute power, everything they do is so ridiculous.

An enemy of Da Qin.


"There are not too many problems for me, Daqin, in this world. 35

"With the current national strength of Daqin, if I hadn't encountered the top forces in this world, I wouldn't have to use all my strength. 95

"These small forces can easily be killed."

Bai Qi looked at the purgatory scene on the earth and smiled coldly.

Such a killing feast.

Bai Qi enjoyed it very much.

As the commander-in-chief of the Daqin army, watching the enemy annihilate in front of him is also a kind of gain.

"Pass on the order of this monarch."

"The army is scattered and attacked. 35

"Take control of the entire 5,000-mile area.

"If there is resistance, kill it."

"If there are no ministers, destroy them.""

"One city resists, and one city is slaughtered."

"One country resists, and one country is slaughtered.

"My Daqin should control this world as quickly as possible. 99

Bai Qi used the national fortune as a link to issue military orders.

The voice fell.

The six generals responded in unison: "The last general leads the order."

on the void.

The army is scattered.

Under the command of the six generals, it spread to all directions in this world.

With such a military force, there is no force here that can stand against it.

on the void.

A mighty black dragon moved in the air, and Ying Qi stood on the dragon's head.


Thousands of giant dragons are guarding, and there are 20,000 janitorial soldiers above.

When the emperor travels, the ostentation is like this.

"Ao Ying, do you want to go home?

Ying Qi smiled and asked.

"Where there is a master is home.""

"I will go back whenever the master takes me back." Ao Ying replied obediently.

these years.

She has always been by Ying Qi's side and has a deep relationship, and one night, Ying Qi turned into a real dragon knight.

0.....for flowers·

"Do not worry.

"The day you go back is not far away."

"In ten thousand years, I will take you back."

"By the way, save the dragon race of that world.

"Let them live in the world dignifiedly instead of being stubborn. Ying Qi said in a deep voice, this is also a promise he made to Ao Ying.

Eternal world.

Sounds like a long time.

But for Ying Qi, who has almost endless lifespan, it is not long at all.

As the cultivation base increases.

In the future, retreat and practice will be a hundred years, a thousand years.

After the real cultivation level is reached, life essence is actually the easiest to obtain under the advanced cultivation level.

long years.

"I trust the master. 35

"When the master goes to the world where I am, he will definitely be able to overthrow the Taoist Heaven and replace it. 35 Ao Ying replied immediately.

"I'm also looking forward to it." Ying Qi smiled. For the future, it is truly above the fairyland sky, so why not yearn for it.

At this time.

Go one line in the line.

above the void.

Suddenly, a rolling dragon appeared.

"It seems that your bloodline has attracted the attention of the dragon clan in this world. 35

Ying Qi glanced at it, although there was still a long way to go, it was impossible to escape the control of Ying Qi's spiritual sense.

At the beginning of this boundary.

Ao Ying's Dragon Might did not have any restraint, the divine beast appeared, and had its own vision, which was not so obvious to the human race powerhouse.

But for the dragon clan in this world, the sense of bloodline allows them to ignore the space.

"Master, are there dragons in this world?" Ao Ying asked curiously.

"Yes, and quite a few.

"But blood is not as pure as yours.""

Ying Qi smiled.

Looking ahead.

hundreds of miles away.

There are many dragon races moving towards Ying Qi quickly.

"If there really are dragons, then I will subdue them all and serve the master." Ao Ying said warmly, your tone also carried a kind of domineering.

As a Shenlong family, but also from a stronger world.

Under the absolute suppression of blood, there is no surprise in conquering the dragon race of this world.

Look around.

Void in the direction of Dashu.

Dozens of figures are flying in the air, heading towards the Northwest Territory.

Although they are humanoids, they have a strong dragon might.

"It's not far in front of you.

"As long as we find that royal family, our goal will be accomplished.


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