Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 396 What? Great Qin Empire? Wu Anjun?

Hear what Xiao Han said.

Gu Yuan's face turned cold.

these days.

He has secretly sent someone to infiltrate the Northwest Territory to investigate, and after paying the result of the tragic death of many elite disciples, he has finally found out the basic forces of the Northwest Territory.

"This force has never appeared in the world, it is a force hidden in the world.

"Even with the power of my ancient sect, I have never found any trace of their existence. It seems that they appeared out of thin air." Gu Yuan said solemnly.

"Having a Dousheng powerhouse shows that this is a top-notch force.

"Are they also one of the ancient ethnic groups?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"No, they are definitely not ancient ethnic groups." Gu Yuan shook his head.

As the head of the clan, he has mastered the ethnic group for many years, and he is also clear about the status of the ancient ethnic group.

In the past, there were indeed several "seven and eighty-three" groups in existence, and two of them were destroyed, but now only the ancient sect and the soul sect are still in their peak, and the others can no longer be compared with the peak period. .

Xiao Han and Yao Zun both looked puzzled.

Waiting for the ancient reply.

They are also full of curiosity about this mysterious force.

"According to this seat's investigation."

"This force is called Qin, and it is called the Great Qin Empire to the outside world.

"Now that the entire Northwest Territory has fallen under the control of the Qin State, our disciples sneaked into the Northwest Territory, and were easily discovered by the strong men of the Qin State, causing a lot of damage.

"After knowing the basic situation of Qin, all of them have withdrawn." Gu Yuan said solemnly.

Mention this Qin state.

It seemed to cast a cloud over him.

But after hearing what he said.

Especially when I heard the words Daqin Empire.

Xiao Han was stunned, and his expression also showed a kind of shock.

For anyone in this world, they are unfamiliar with the Daqin Empire, and they even think it is a mortal country, and they don't know his origins at all.

But for Xiao Han, the rebirth.

He is familiar with the history, but he is very familiar with the existence of Daqin.

"Uncle, what you just said was, the Great Qin Empire?"

Xiao Han came back to his senses and asked with unspeakable shock on his face.


Gu Yuan nodded, glanced from the corner of the corner, and saw Xiao Han's shocked expression: "What? Do you know this power?

But at this moment Xiao Han fell into shock again.

There are thousands of thoughts in the whole mind.

"The Great Qin Empire, how is this possible?

"This world does not have the existence of Da Qin at all, nor does any dynasty in my previous life, Yan Huang, exist. It is completely a fantasy world, but how could the Da Qin Empire appear?"

"Is it possible that in the Daqin Empire, like me, you came from another world?

"However, how is this possible? The Daqin Empire only existed in history, and it has long since been destroyed. The era of my rebirth is modern, and there is no ancient times?

"And in my world, there is no cultivation at all.

"What the hell does this happen?"

Xiao Han thought about it, and the expression of the whole person became more complicated.

Hearing the words of the Great Qin Empire really made him a little unacceptable. This was the first thing that made him feel familiar and especially unexpected after being reborn in this world for decades.

If it really came from the same world as him, Xiao Han really couldn't imagine it.

"Xiao Han."

"Are you listening to this seat?"

Gu Yuan frowned and drank coldly.

The words fell.

Xiao Han snapped back to his senses and said solemnly, "Uncle. Maybe I know the origin of this Great Qin Empire, but I'm not sure."

"Specifically, I still need my uncle to tell me some information about the Great Qin Empire.

"For example, who is the leader of their Qin state? What is the name of the strong one?'

Hear this.

Gu Yuan gave Xiao Han a suspicious look, but he did not refuse after all.

After all, he didn't know the existence of Da Qin at all. If he knew the details of Da Qin, it would be enough for him to deal with it better.

"As for the leader of the Qin country, his name has not been found in this seat, but those people in the Qin country are called emperors, and as for those who control the army of the Qin country, it seems that it is a person called Wu Anjun.

"What this seat knows is limited to these two."

"This is at the cost of many elite disciples of my ancient sect."

"Apart from this, there is nothing to gain." Gu Yuan said solemnly.

"Mr. Wu An.

"Wu An Jun..."

Xiao Han said these three words, and the expression on his face became complicated and unspeakable. At this moment, he completely affirmed the existence and origin of the Daqin Empire.

This is definitely not the power of this Dou Qi world, it is definitely from another world, other than that, there is no other possibility...

in this world of fighting spirit.

There has never been the title Wu Anjun before.

In Xiao Han's memory, he only remembers the title of Lord Wu'an, that is, the famous killing god in the history of Yanhuang in the past.

Apart from that.

Xiao Han can no longer think of other people.

"It's really Qin, it's really Naba Qin, Wu'an Jun is white, killing God is white. 35

"how can that be?

"How could they have come into this world?"

Xiao Han's face became panic.

Even in the face of Dou Sheng powerhouse, Xiao Han has never been so flustered, but today, when he heard the name of the Great Qin Empire, the name of Lord Wu An, Xiao Han was really scared.

It was a situation completely beyond his control.

He couldn't figure it out at all.

Why did the Qin Empire come to this world.

"Does he really know the origin of the Qin state?"9

"And why is he so afraid?

Gu Yuan stared at Xiao Han's expression, at this moment, he saw Xiao Han's sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

Yao Zun frowned when he saw it, it was the first time he saw his disciple behave like this.

"Han'er, what's going on?"

"Do you really know the origin of this Qin country? 35 Yaozun immediately reprimanded.

This sound.

Xiao Han, who was in panic, woke up.

Xiao Han's face was a little pale, and he said to the 1.7 people: "I know their origins.

"Perhaps, they are not forces in the Dou Qi world at all, but from another world."

The words fell.

Gu Yuan's expression changed.

The expressions of the others in the hall changed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Another world? Could it be that there is a world other than the world of vindictiveness?"

"Or, are they from the Dou Di space opened up by the Dou Di strong? Gu Yuan asked in a heavy voice.


"They don't come from a different space, but from a real other world, not the world of fighting spirit. 35 Xiao Han said in a serious tone, without giving anyone any joking appearance.

Seeing Xiao Han who was so sure, everyone was stunned.

another world.

This result shocked them a little.

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