"Besides the Dou Qi world, is there really another world?"

The strength is as strong as ancient times, and at this moment he is also in a kind of sluggishness.

"Could they be from the legendary Emperor Realm?" Yaozun suddenly said.

The words fell.

The vibration caused is greater.

Imperial world.

This is an existence that practitioners in the world of fighting qi yearn for incomparably. According to legend, once you break through to the realm of the emperor, you can fly to the realm of emperors, and enjoy the great happiness in the realm of emperors, with endless life.


"They can never come from the Emperor Realm." Xiao Han said solemnly.

"Do you know where they came from?" Gu Yuan stared at Xiao Han and asked.

"In short, they are not from the Emperor Realm, but another world.

"And their emperor should be called Ying Zheng, honored as Qin Shi Huang.

"Then Lord Wu'an is called Bai Qi, he is the commander-in-chief of the Qin army, and he is also known as the God of Killing.

"Besides, there are many strong people in Qin."

"It's just that I don't know their specific strength. 99

"But it's very likely that the fallen Dou Sheng powerhouse from Gumen died in the hands of Bai Qi." Xiao Han said very seriously.

for the Qin Empire.

As a person who came from Modern Rebirth 05, Xiao Han is very clear, because this era is still fresh in the memory of countless Yanhuang people, and it is the most memorable among the Yanhuang dynasties.

"Right now, I'm not sure how many strong people in the Qin country are. If you act rashly, the consequences will be unpredictable." Gu Yuan said solemnly.

"There are very few fighting saints, so we will bet that there are four fighting saints in Qin." Xiao Han said in a deep voice.

"If you want to deal with Qin, my Yaomen can produce one Dou Sage, four semi-sages, Dou Zun Peak, and many Dou Zuns." Yao Zun said directly.

Although he is a soul body now, his position in Yaomen is still there, and the current Yaomen patriarch is also his close relative.

"My ancient sect can produce four Dou Saints, eight semi-sages, and twenty Dou Zuns." Gu Yuan said in a deep voice.

Hear this.

There was a hint of joy in Xiao Han's eyes.

"As expected of the ancient sect, among the ancient ethnic groups that still exist today, they are the top two, second only to the soul sect. With such strength, it is no wonder that they are so prosperous.

"And it's not just the full strength of Gumen."

"The country of Qin is finished this time."

"In the previous life, the Qin Kingdom was indeed very strong and ruled the world, but now it is not the world of the previous life, and no matter how strong Qin is, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of the ancient ethnic group with all his cards.

'If the country of Qin really came from the world of my previous life, there will definitely be a way to go back. As long as the country of Qin is destroyed, I will be able to go back.

"Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the ages, wanted to meet him, but it's a pity that he will die after seeing him." Xiao Han sneered in his heart, very proud.


"This time let me lead the team to the Northwest Territories.

Gu Yun'er looked at Gu Yuan and pleaded.

"You? 35

Looking at his daughter, Gu Yuan's face was hesitant.

After all, she is biological, and she is the most talented in the ancient sect, and has the most blood of Dou Di, so she will definitely be able to reach the pinnacle of Dou Sheng in the future.

Let her go to the Northwest Territories, if she encounters danger, it will be bad.



"My clan has dispatched four strong fighting saints, and there are so many semi-sacred and fighting saints, so no matter how strong the Qin country is, it is impossible to compete.

"And the medicine door also shot.

The Qin state will be destroyed.

"My daughter will be fine." Gu Yun'er said immediately.

For fear that the ancients will disagree.

"Don't worry, uncle, I will protect Yun'er." Xiao Han naturally didn't want to miss the chance to meet his sweetheart.

"If so, then you will lead the team."

"all in all.

"After destroying Qin, return immediately.

"Also, find out their origins, if they really come from another world, this may be an opportunity for my ancient sect to become stronger again." Gu Yuan said with ambition in his eyes.

From Xiao Han's mouth, he learned that Da Qin came from another world. If he seized this great opportunity and opened up the power of the ancient sect to another world, why not worry about it.

"Thank you Daddy." Gu Yun'er said excitedly, looking at Xiao Han from the corner of his eye, full of friendship.

"Although I paid two pieces of ancient jade, at least I was able to rescue the clan.

"After all, the ancient jade is useless in my hands." Xiao Han thought to himself.

Eight pieces of ancient jade can only be opened to open the ruins of the ancient emperor of fire, even if you have these two pieces, so what?

Just a hot potato.

Xiao Han is very smart, and he naturally knows to use this ancient jade in exchange for benefits, rather than being useless in his hands.

Look around.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Daqin, Jiama City.

above the city gate.

Ying Qi stood calmly, surrounded by many civil and military officials, worshipping him.

under the city gate.

More than 10,000 Xiao people have been bound by Wuhua, and they all knelt in the open space in front of the city.

Behind everyone stood a sharp-edged sword.

Xiao Han's father, Xiao Zhan, the patriarch of the Xiao clan, and many elders were all among them.

At this moment, they are all sealed in their dantian, they are just ordinary people, and the rope cannot be opened.

As long as Ying Qi said a word, they would all be beheaded.

The faces of all the Xiao people were filled with fear.

For them, this month has been very tormented. The Xiao Han they have been waiting for has not returned for so long. Today is the last day. If Xiao Han does not come, they will all die.


"The good son you raised, in order to survive, he actually gave up his clan."

783 "Xiao Han is not worthy of my family.

"Why did you give the ancient jade inherited by the patriarch to him?"


Next to Xiao Zhan kneeling, all the elders of the Xiao clan began to curse.

A moment of life and death.

There is no identity anymore, they are all the same now, they are prisoners and people waiting to be executed.

Xiao Zhan's face turned pale when he heard these harsh and scolding words, but he didn't have any words to justify.

"Han'er, do you really want to give up on me? Give up the whole clan? 39

"You shouldn't be that kind of person." Xiao Zhan felt extremely frightened when he thought of it in his heart.

Not everyone is afraid of death.

Moreover, when they knew the date of death, their psychological defenses were also smoothed out.

city ​​gate.

"Emperor. 55

"It seems that the person holding the ancient jade will not come."

Han Fei stood behind Ying Qi and said.

"It's okay not to come.

"Now this Northwest Territory has all been under the control of my Daqin, and the minister has also mobilized all the troops. In the next step, my Daqin will attack the real core of this realm, Dazhou.

"Just use these people to sacrifice the flag and go to war." Bai Qi smiled and didn't care at all.

Hear the words of the two ministers.

Ying Qi smiled, but shook his head: "Don't worry, he will come, and he will not come alone."5

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