Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 395 The Son of Fortune is in Action

ancient door.

"Xiao Han asked to see the ancient patriarch, and please see him again."

The entrance to the different space is located.

Xiao Han shouted loudly with a giant ruler on his back.

In front of him.

Many ancient sect disciples looked at him coldly, and did not have a good attitude.

The story of Xiao Han and their Miss Gumen has already spread, Gu Yuner is the most outstanding talent of their clan, and is also admired by countless young people of their clan.

"My clan's patriarch, how could you, the nameless junior, see you whenever you want?

"Leave immediately, otherwise don't blame us~ We're welcome."

A group of ancient disciples Leng-Leng said to Xiao Han.

"I'm here for something important, it's about the Northwest Territories, and it's about the safety of the ancient gate."" Xiao Han said with a calm expression.

For the dissatisfaction of these ancient disciples, he did not take it seriously.

At this time.

An elder of the ancient sect walked out slowly.

"Meet the elders.

The disciples immediately bowed and bowed.

"Let him in, the patriarch has asked.

The elder glanced at Xiao Han, and he also disliked him, but he came to summon him.


See here.

All the ancient disciples could only retreat unwillingly.

Xiao Han also successfully entered the ancient gate different space.


He came to the patriarch's hall of the ancient gate.

"Brother Han."9

Seeing Xiao Han coming, Gu Yun'er greeted him, very excited and happy.


Xiao Han also smiled gently, showing his friendship.

Look at the friendship between the two.

Gu Yuan frowned, a little unhappy.

He immediately opened his mouth and said, "Do you know that my clan lost a Dou Sheng in the Northwest Territory for you, a dozen Dou Zun?

This sound.

with a reproach.

"Falling Saint Dou?"

Hearing this, Xiao Han's expression changed and he was a little shocked.

"Uncle, this junior doesn't know about this. Xiao Han said immediately.

"Who is your uncle?"

"The relationship between this seat and you is not that good yet." Gu Yuan snorted coldly.

He had no way to be angry with his daughter, but for Xiao Han, Gu Yuan showed his anger. ,


"Brother Han doesn't know that there are such strong enemies in the Northwest Territories, he is unintentional." Gu Yun'er explained immediately.


"Who is the enemy of the Northwest Territories? Could it be the Soul Sect? 99

Being reprimanded by Gu Yuan like this, although Xiao Han was angry in his heart, he still did not show it.

As the son of luck, he is very attentive to the situation, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

If he had absolute strength, he would never be like this.

After all, he is two generations.


Gu Yuan snorted coldly, not intending to explain anything to Xiao Han at all.

His own ancient sect lost a fighting saint, and this hatred not only counted on Da Qin, but also made Gu Yuan even more invisible to Xiao Han.

"Why did you come to my ancient gate? Gu Yuan asked coldly.

"Don't lie to uncle.

"My clansmen were all captured by the enemies of the Northwest Territories, and they forced me to bring the ancient jade from my family to exchange for it.

"They want this ancient jade."

Xiao Han said and took out the ancient jade.

See this ancient jade.

A look of surprise appeared on Gu Yuan's face, but it was fleeting.

"so what?"

"You can directly exchange this ancient jade for your clan. 39

"What are you doing at my ancient gate?" Gu Yuan said indifferently.

"This force is extremely cunning, and it is for the relics behind the ancient jade. If I go to hand over the ancient jade, it is hard to say whether they will spare my clan, I am afraid that even I will fall into their calculations. Xiao Han Shen sound.

"My ancient sect has already lost a life of Dou Sheng for your clan, a dozen Dou Zun, this is also considered the relationship between my clan and your clan in the past, now your clan's affairs have nothing to do with our clan, if you want to ask There is no need for my family to take action." Gu Yuan said coldly.

father. 99

"If Brother Xiao Han rushes there, I'm afraid there will be an accident." Gu Yun'er said uncontrollably.

"Yun'er, can you understand something?"

"Everything is based on the interests of the ethnic group, don't you know that?

"If you do this again, Dad won't tolerate it anymore. 39

Gu Yuan snorted coldly, and was very dissatisfied with his daughter's attitude.

"Dad. 35

Gu Yun'er's expression changed, and she also realized that her father was really angry.

See here.

Xiao Han's heart also sank, he did not expect Gu Yuan to feel so disgusted towards him.

But even so, he still couldn't give up.

If he does not seek help from Gumen.

He really couldn't save the clan.


"Could it be that that faction is the enemy of the ancient sect, and the feud of killing the ancient sect and fighting the saint is ended like this?" Xiao Han asked.

"What? Do you want to use my Gumen's hand to fight against that faction? Be your helper to save your clan in vain?" Gu Yuan sneered, seeing Xiao Han's intentions.

"Uncle is serious."

"This time it's not free.""

0.....for flowers........

"That force killed the ancient sect Dousheng, and it was the enemy of the ancient sect."

"As long as my uncle agrees to take action, I am willing to present the ancient jade of the family heritage to my uncle and give him the opportunity to open the ruins of Emperor Huogu." Xiao Han said, holding the ancient jade in his hand and handing it to Gu Yuan, showing sincerity .

Look at the ancient jade.

Gu Yuan's eyes also have a moving color.

For him.

There is not much in this world that can make him tempted. After all, he is a peak Dou Sheng powerhouse, but he has been trapped at this level for many years, but he has no chance to break through the Dou Emperor.

In the ruins left by the last Dou Emperor in the past, I am afraid that there will be a chance to break through the Dou Emperor.

So all the time.

Gu Yuan is also seeking to obtain ancient jade of various ethnic groups.

"The ancient jade requires eight pieces to gather to open the ruins. Even if this seat has you, it is useless.""

"It's not worth my Gumen to take action for you." Gu Yuan said solemnly, rejecting Xiao Han.

At this time.

Xiao Han floated a ghostly shadow, which was his master, Yaozun.

see him appear.

There are no surprises in ancient times.

Just watch calmly.

"If you add another piece of ancient jade, would the ancient patriarch be willing to take action?" Yaozun waved his hand, and another piece of ancient jade floated out.

Looking at the two ancient jades that appeared in front of him, the color of intention in Gu Yuan's eyes became even more intense.

A piece of ancient jade may just make him tempted, but now two pieces, he can't hold back.

In addition to the inheritance of his own family, he has three pieces of ancient jade.

"Venerable Yaomen, this is a treasure inherited from Yaomen. You are willing to take it out for this kid? Would your Yaomen patriarch be willing?" Gu Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"If it wasn't for the disciple's betrayal, the old man would be the head of the Yaomen clan. How to use this ancient jade is also up to me, and this time my Yaomen agrees." Yaozun said calmly.

"it is good.

"For the sake of two ancient jades.

"This seat can promise to take action, resolve that force, and save your clan. Gu Yuan finally agreed.

He couldn't resist the temptation of Emperor Dou.


"This ancient jade is yours."

Without any hesitation, Xiao Han threw the ancient jade towards Gu Yuan.

Yao Zun also waved his hand, and Gu Yu flew to Gu Yuan.

The latter was naturally rude, and took the two ancient jades into his pocket.

"Dare to ask uncle, which force is in the Northwest Territories?" Xiao Han couldn't help asking.


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