Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 394 Waiting for the Son of Fortune to Take the Hook

"Han'er, what's wrong?"

The old man looked at the apprentice whose face changed suddenly, and immediately asked worriedly.


"Oh no.

"My father, my eldest brother and second brother, and my entire clan were captured."

Xiao Han's face became very ugly.

"Didn't you ask your friend to send someone to rescue him?"

"Based on her family background, Gumen eldest lady and Dousheng strong can also be sent out, why are they still captured?" The old man asked in surprise.

"I don't know the situation.

"Perhaps the one sent by Yun'er missed. The enemy's strength is stronger than I thought." Xiao Han said in a bitter tone.

"Are you sure which force has taken action? Is it the Soul Gate?" the old man asked.

I don't know, the news my dad sent me didn't say it clearly.

"However, this force wants the ancient jade that my family has inherited."

Xiao Han said, and took out a piece of jade from the space ring. When the jade came out, it revealed a very mysterious aura, making it difficult for people to see through it.

"This ancient jade, I have never known what it does, but I couldn't see it through before, and now I can't see it through the strength of the semi-sage. 35

"It, does it hide some secrets? It even made the enemy willing to capture my entire 770 clan in exchange for it?" Xiao Han said in a deep voice.

"Now that your strength has reached a semi-sage, you are also qualified to know the secret of this ancient jade.

The old man smiled.


Consciousness moves.

Another piece of ancient jade appeared in front of Xiao Han. When the two pieces of ancient jade appeared at the same time, there was a connection between them, the halo flickered, and it looked even more mysterious and extraordinary.

"Master, why do you have it?

Xiao Han looked at it dully, very puzzled.

"The origin of this ancient jade is indeed extraordinary."

"You should know about the ancient Dou Di tribe, right?" The old man said solemnly.


Xiao Han nodded: "Although my Xiao clan has declined, it used to belong to the descendants of Emperor Dou.

"This ancient jade is the inheritance of our Dou Emperor's descendants. Legend has it that this is the treasure left by the last Dou Emperor Huo Ancient Emperor in the Dou Qi world. Each clan has an ancient jade as an inheritance. If you gather together, you can open the relics of the ancient Emperor Huo in the past and gain the opportunity to belong to the ancient Emperor Huo.39

"In the legend, as long as you get this opportunity, you can achieve the real Dou Emperor realm.

(afbh) "Han'er, the exercises you practiced came from the hands of Emperor Huo Gu," the old man explained.

"I see, I didn't expect this ancient jade to have such a history. 99

"It's no wonder that man valued him so much, even threatening my entire clan's life. Xiao Han nodded suddenly.

"Now, what are you going to do, Han'er?" the old man asked again.

"I am only a half-sacred realm now, but the powerhouses in the Northwest Territories are fighting saints. It is impossible for me to save the clansmen from their hands, and I don't believe them at all. Jade went, not to mention saving my clan, I'm afraid I will stay there too."

"So, we must think of a surefire way." Xiao Han said in a deep voice, with a thoughtful look on his face.

As a child of luck in this world, he naturally understands that he has his own self-consciousness and a strong sixth sense.

He had a strong feeling that if he went to the Northwest Territories rashly, not to mention that the ancient jade would be lost, even his life would be lost.


This is the love of the Heavenly Dao in this side of the world for the son of luck.

"How are you going?" the old man asked again.

"Go to the ancient gate and seek help from the ancient gate." Xiao Han said solemnly.

"They won't do it so easily. Even if you have a good relationship with you, the master of the ancient sect will not take action so easily." The old man said.

"What if I use my family's ancient jade in exchange? Xiao Han looked at the ancient jade in his hand and sneered.

Soul gate.


"The matter about the Northwest Territories has been investigated. 35

"There is something strange about this matter. 35

A soul door elder looked at the soul patriarch with a solemn expression.

"What force did it?"

"Dragon? Medicine Gate? Or Thunder Gate? 35

"Or other hidden forces?

Soul Patriarch asked indifferently.


The elder shook his head.


The Soul Patriarch frowned.

"It's a force called the Great Qin Empire.

"In ancient times, it was killed by the strong of this force. 99

The elder said solemnly.

"The Great Qin Empire?"

Soul Patriarch frowned, with a kind of surprise: "Where did this power come from? Why has this seat never heard of it?

"Patriarch Hui."

"Subordinates don't know.

"But after the appearance of the Great Qin Empire, it appeared directly in a country called Jiama in the Northwest Territories, and quickly destroyed it. Now almost the entire Northwest Territory has fallen under the control of this Great Qin." The elder replied immediately. .

"The Great Qin Empire.

"Northwest Territories."5

"Why is this?"

"In a barren place, the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth is extremely thin, and they have a strong position in the big state. Why do they want to capture the Northwest Territory?


This is totally what he thought too much.

The arrival of Daqin is not inevitable, but the random appearance of Ying Qi, and the appearance of the dungeon portal is also random, not controlled by Ying Qi.

If the dungeon portal is opened in the big state, then the starting point of Daqin must be the big state, not the northwest region.

Everything is by chance.

"My clan also hides many disciples in the Northwest Territories, why hasn't Qin's appearance been reported?" Clan Head Soul returned to his senses and asked.

"Patriarch Hui."

"This Qin State's means are too strong."

"Almost all the disciples of our clan hidden in the Northwest Territories have been eradicated by them. As long as their army captures one place, they will clean up one place."

"So we don't know their origin so far." The elder replied immediately.


The Soul Patriarch snorted coldly.

"Patriarch, calm down." The elder was even more frightened.

"At all costs, find out the origin of this Qin. I don't want this world to be under the control of my soul gate."5

"Also, closely observe the movements of the ancient gate.

"They have fallen to a fighting saint, killed by this Qin country, they will definitely not be good."

"My family, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

"If necessary, if one side loses, our clan can defeat it. 35 Soul Patriarch sneered.


The elder responded immediately and retreated respectfully.

"The Great Qin Empire?

"The name of the common people, I don't know where it came from, I hope it doesn't disrupt this seat's plan, if not, then this seat will directly wipe it.

"The realm of Dou Di is coming soon."

"There are still some souls left, and the soul realm of this seat can reach the emperor realm."

"As long as you have broken through to Emperor Dou, there will be no one in the world who is your opponent.

There was a kind of madness in the eyes of the Soul Patriarch.

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