Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 393 If you don't come in a month, then don't exist


Xiao Zhan's expression changed.

His more than 10,000 clansmen are now imprisoned in this Gamma City prison.

As long as Ying Qi said a word, his clan will disappear.

"The ancient jade inherited from my clan is in the hands of my son Xiao Han, but I don't have it." Xiao Zhan said terrified.

"So, it seems that you have no value." Ying Qi shook his head.

"Your Majesty.""

"Or else, exterminate their entire clan?

Bai Qi immediately stood up and started playing.

"No, no. 35

"grown ups."

"I have a way to contact Han'er, I can ask him to hand over the ancient jade." Xiao Zhan said in horror.

He quickly took out a jade talisman from his arms, which Xiao Han sent back from Dazhou. If there is really urgent matter, you can contact him through the jade talisman, but there are only four chances, and now Xiao Zhan has used it three times. , only one last chance left.

"I'll give you a month."

"One month later, outside the city of Jiama, if Xiao Han does not hand over the ancient jade, your entire clan will not exist."

Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

"Yes Yes Yes.

Xiao Zhan nodded quickly.

Then he gripped the jade talisman tightly and entered Dou Qi: "Han'er, quickly bring the ancient jade from the clan to Jama City, if you don't come after a month, all the clansmen will die.


The jade talisman flashed, shattered directly, and disappeared into a stream of light.

See here.

Ying Qi didn't say anything more.

A wave of hands.

Immediately, a group of imperial guards came up and took these people of the Xiao clan down.

At this moment, all the powerhouses in Daqin are in this Jiama City, and there are ten powerhouses in the transcendence realm, and they have no chance to escape at all.

after taking away.

"Your Majesty.

"Speaking of, 55

"What is the ancient jade? Why is it worth the emperor's attention?" Bai Qi asked curiously.

"There is a relic of a fairyland powerhouse in this world, if you get it, it will be of great help to me, Da Qin. 35 Ying Qi smiled slightly.


For Ying Qi, this so-called relic is not so important. What Ying Qi values ​​is the Emperor Yan inside, who was originally a strong fighting emperor.

If he could behead him, or refine it, the experience gained would be enough to allow Ying Qi Deng to enter a real fairyland.

Ying Qi is now level 80.

It's just one level away from a real fairyland.

But at this level, the experience value required is unmatched by any other level.

Level 80 upgrades to level 81.

Requires 30 million experience points.

And now, Ying Qi is still 29 million behind, which is still the effect of the Sword Saint beheading the Gumen Dou Saint and getting 1 million experience points.

Ying Qi wanted to speed up the pace of the upgrade, and the method was naturally very simple. Daqin expanded, and by the way, angered the son of luck in this world, and then there would be a steady stream of crises.


This kind of crisis is obviously not enough for Daqin's national strength.


"To capture this Xiao clan this time, there is someone who is equivalent to my tribulation realm powerhouse. They call themselves the ancient sect, and judging from his performance, there are still many fighting saint powerhouses in their power. Sword Saint speak out.

"No problem."

"I am the enemy of Daqin, just kill it.

"The more powerful they deal with my Daqin, the better." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

forces in this world.

Daqin's officials did not know, but how could Yingqi not know.

"This world is stronger than my Daqin world, why is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth so thin?"

"Could it be that the place where my Daqin descended is not the real world of this world?" Zhang Sanfeng asked curiously.

after coming.

With their cultivation base of crossing the Tribulation Realm, they can see the situation of the void at a glance. As a stronger world, not only is the void unstable, but the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is also extremely thin, even the Wuhu World, which is a subsidiary world of the Daqin world, is inferior.

"This place is the Northwest Territory, it is a barren land in this world, and the real core of this world is not here. Ying Qi said.

"No wonder.

"If a world with such a strong spiritual energy is thin, then those powerhouses comparable to the Tribulation Realm will not appear at all." All the ministers were stunned.

"Mr. Wu An.

"It's been a few days now, how is the control of the territory?" Ying Qi looked at Bai Qi and asked.

"Go back to the emperor.

"Although this Northwest Territory is barren and its strength is even worse than that of Daqin, the region is huge, and there is a clan of orcs. It will take at least a month to fully control it. 99

"And the teleportation array will be set up during this process." Bai Qi replied respectfully.

"First take control of this Northwest Territory, and then gather your forces to attack Dazhou."

"That is the real goal of my Daqin." Ying Qiwei said.

"Sir, you understand.

The ministers said in unison.

"All right."

"Go back."

Ying Qi waved his hand.

All the ministers respectfully withdrew from the hall.

"Soul Sect Patriarch, Spirit Fire, Emperor Yan."

"Doudi strong."

"The world level is so. 35

"There is definitely a Dou Di in this world.

"It's best to jump out quickly, and I can also take advantage of the situation to enter the fairyland." A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.


Medicine door, different space.

There are eight ancient ethnic groups in this world, each of which has its own different dimension, also known as the Doudi dimension.

Because it is said that the space was opened up by the ancestor of their ethnic group, Emperor Dou.

When you reach that level of strength, you can wave your hand to open up space to accommodate clansmen, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is more intense than the outside world.


Under the passage of time in this world.

The ancient tribes of this side of the world are lonely and lonely, destroyed and destroyed.

There are only six that still exist today, two of which have been destroyed by the Soul Sect, and the other dimension has been swallowed up.


in this medicine gate.


"Seize the opportunity of this medicinal bath, and you will be able to successfully break through the semi-sacred.

In a huge medicine pool, Xiao Han was immersed in it, and the old man was floating in the void to inspire.

It can be seen that this medicine pool contains a lot of energy, and the spiritual energy of the sky and the earth is also rapidly gathering.

Xiao Han was immersed in his mind, trying his best to absorb the energy in the medicinal bath.

After a long time (Zhao Wang Hao).

A terrifying force erupted from Xiao Han.

The medicinal bath in the entire medicinal pool was instantly evaporated to dryness.


"Han'er, you really didn't disappoint the teacher."

"I didn't expect this medicine pond to directly make you leap to the fourth level and directly reach the third level of the semi-holy."

The old man smiled excitedly.

"Thank you Master.

Xiao Han woke up and thanked the old man.

"Ha ha."

"Now your strength has surpassed that of me at the peak.

"Perhaps in a short while, you will be able to break through Dou Sheng, or even Dou Emperor." The old man was very pleased.

He personally cultivated such a powerful disciple, how could he not be excited.

But at this happy moment.

A golden light lasing came to change.

It fell directly in front of Xiao Han.

When receiving this message, Xiao Han's originally excited expression suddenly changed.

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