Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 392 The strong fall, the world is shocked.

Hear ancient words.

Gu Yun'er was silent.

"The ancient elders have fallen, so aren't Brother Han's clansmen?" Gu Yun'er said very worriedly.


"This time to meet the Xiao clan is what Xiao Han asked, he should know who shot his clan." Gu Yuan said solemnly.

"He didn't say this, but Soul Sect has been chasing and killing Brother Han all the time. Nine times out of ten, Soul Sect did this." Gu Yun'er said.

"I will call someone to investigate this matter.

'Killing my ancient sect Dou Sheng, this is not only a blow to my ancient sect's face, but also an enemy of my ancient sect.

"Also, don't help that Xiao Han in the future."

"If he even needs to rely on women to protect his immediate family, then he is not worthy of you. 35 Gu Yuan said sternly.

Gu Yun'er didn't speak, but her expression was a little lonely.

After Gu Yuner left the hall.

"Send this seat's order."

"Find out the cause of Gu's death at all costs, and once it is found out, immediately report to this seat, my ancient sect will never die with it." Gu Yuan coldly shouted.

05 In front of him, there are already dozens of ancient strongmen.

Dousheng, semi-saint, Dou Zun strong.

are in it.

As a group with a long heritage in this world, it is not surprising that it has such strength.

Soul door space.


"The disciples lurking in the ancient gate sent back a message.""

The Soul Sect elder came to the door of the Soul Sect Patriarch and said respectfully.

"what news?"

Soul Patriarch asked in a deep voice.

"An ancient Dou Sheng powerhouse fell in the Northwest Territories, and there were more than a dozen Dou Zun masters accompanying him, all of them fell. 99

Elder Soul Gate said with a tone of schadenfreude.

"It's interesting that the Dou Sheng powerhouse has fallen.

A sneer appeared on the Soul Patriarch's face, and then he asked, "Who did it?"

"Patriarch Hui, I don't know who made the move at the moment, but according to reports from the hidden disciples of the ancient sect, they suspect that it was my clan. The elder replied.

After saying this.

He also tentatively looked at the Soul Patriarch, as if he was also guessing that this matter was his own doing.

If not.

Where in this world is there any force that dares to fight against the ancient sect?

"If this seat wants to make a move, why do you need to cover up." Clan Chief Hun sneered and didn't care.

"Gumen has now sent people to the Northwest Territories to investigate who it is, and it is rumored that the old thing from ancient times has also released words. As long as he finds out who did it, his ancient sect will not die." Elder 35 said.

"very good.

"This seat is very interested in this person who shot."

"My clan also sent people to check to see who did it."

"If it's a loose cultivator, try to win over.

"In addition, let people increase the collection of souls, the more souls the better." The Soul Patriarch said indifferently.

"Yes, my subordinates will explain it immediately." The elder bowed and left the hall.

After the elder withdrew.

A coldness flashed in the eyes of the soul patriarch: "As long as I get some more souls, my soul realm will be able to be promoted to the emperor realm, the legendary Doudi realm, soon, as long as I am promoted to Doudi, I will be able to control the whole world, Help me get stronger with the power of the whole world."5

At this time.

A black light appeared beside the Soul Patriarch, showing a figure.

"Don't worry, wait for this seat to achieve the realm of Dou Di."

"I will definitely find the legendary Emperor Fire and let you devour it, so that you can also break through to the realm of Dou Emperor."

The Soul Patriarch looked at the figure that suddenly appeared and said.

"I've worked for Soul Sect for so many years, and I have also given you the ability to devour souls and advance to the soul realm. If you help me become an emperor, I will still be a Soul Sect Dou Emperor in the future."

The man who appeared said.

Looking at his posture, it seems that he is not the subordinate of the Soul Patriarch, but a state of being on an equal footing.

"Don't worry, I won't forget my promise to you." Soul Patriarch said in a deep voice.

Dragon Island.

The dragons of this world are located.


Different from the giant dragon clan in the magical world, the dragon clan in this world is a real dragon. Although the bloodline is not as pure as the dragon clan in the real fairy world, it is indeed a dragon.


in this world.

They also have a nickname, called the Royal Family of Warcraft.


The dragon clan in this world is one, but after the disappearance of their patriarch, the dragon clan fell apart and is now divided into four dragon islands.

But today.

Because of something, the four dragon kings of the dragon clan who have always been hostile gathered together.

"You all sensed that breath from before. 35

The Dragon King of Dongdao said to the three Dragon Kings in front of him.

As a family of divine dragons, although the bloodline is not as noble as the divine dragons in the fairy world, it is also a family of divine beasts, so it can transform into a human form.

"Beyond the existence of my royal bloodline."

The other three dragon kings said solemnly.

Since their dragon clan and royal family disappeared, their dragon clan has broken up, and each dragon king has a mind, and maybe has the idea of ​​​​recovering the royal family, but after so many years, ambitions have also grown.

"His existence cannot be left out."

"He must return to my dragon world. 99

The East Dragon King said in a deep voice.

"That makes sense.

"Only bring him back."

"Only the dragon family can usher in prosperity again.

The other three dragon kings nodded in agreement.


"The place where the Dragon Might appeared is in the Northwest Territories, that barren land, although I don't know his strength, but his bloodline is 760 strong, as long as he cultivates it, he will definitely be the emperor of my dragon clan in the future.

"This time, each of our islands has sent an elder to look for it. If we find it, we will gather to discuss how to place the royal bloodline.

"What do you think?" King Donglong suggested again.

"So good."

The other three dragon kings nodded again.

Seeing that the four of them are in harmony, but no one knows what they are thinking.

Daqin came.

Ying Qi's mount, the divine beast, Ao Ying, appeared, exuding the power of dragons invisibly, but it was the dragon clan in this world that was disturbed.

Eyes turned.

Northwest Territories.

Jama City.

In the hall at this moment.

Xiao Zhan, the patriarch of the Xiao clan, and the elders of his clan all knelt in the hall with a look of fear on their faces.

On the high dragon chair.

Ying Qi looked at the people in the hall with some scrutiny.

"Your ethnic group has inherited a piece of jade since ancient times. Call it out, and I can let your clan go." Ying Qi said calmly.

"I don't know.... What kind of jade is the lord talking about?" Xiao Zhan's expression changed, and he said in fear.

Ying Qi just glanced at him, and with a wave of his hand, a fire of spirit shot out directly, instantly destroying an elder of the Xiao clan.

"I don't want to repeat my words a second time.""

"If you don't pay, there is no need for your family to exist. 99 Ying Qi said coldly.

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