
Juggernaut has no intention of taking action.

But the ancient gesture angered him.

He was ordered by the emperor.

Just now, Ruo Ruo was succeeded by the ancients and fled with the ten thousand Xiao clan, and he would not be able to explain to Ying Qi.

The former Juggernaut cultivated the way of inaction and conformed to the way of heaven.

Today's Juggernaut is deeply favored by the emperor, and obeying the emperor's grace and obeying the emperor's decree is the criterion for the Juggernaut.

He, the Sword Saint will kill the person in front of him.

"Senior brother, you are angry."

Jiujianxian looked at the sword saint who shot, and sighed with emotion.

"This person is too cunning and wants to deceive us, how can the swordsman not be angry. 35 Dugu said.

"Brother Dugu, do you know?"

"Since I met my senior brother, he has treated everything plainly and never got angry, because everything is plain in his eyes, but now, he is angry." Jiujianxian said slowly.

"What does this mean?" Zhang Sanfeng asked. "Seven Six Zero"

"This means that senior brother will kill this person, no matter who he is."

"It also means that the senior brother has completely integrated into Daqin. In the past, he obeyed the destiny, but now he obeys the emperor's order. 35 Jiujianxian showed a smile on his face.

Seeing his senior brother's transformation, Jiujianxian was really excited.

"Juggernaut shot, although this person has the strength to cross the tribulation realm, but it is not enough to see. Dugu Qiufei sneered.


"Juggernaut is the strongest person in my Daqin second only to the emperor. If he takes action, this person's life will not be saved." Zhang Sanfeng nodded.

Look around.

The Sword Saint turned into a sword glow, breaking through the void in an instant.

The sword light flickered in the sky.

Twist the void.

Countless sword lights slashed towards the ancients.

It seems to be able to cut through the sky.

But after all, this is a fighting saint in ancient times, which is equivalent to the existence of a powerhouse in the transcendence realm.

In the face of such an offensive by the Juggernaut.

Although he was dignified, he did not panic.

Turning Dantian's strong fighting spirit, he instantly displayed fighting skills.

Kaishan seal.

A loud drink.

The ancient palm blasted out.

Lingkong showed a golden giant seal, which seemed to shatter the sky and the earth hundreds of miles in a radius.

Take this opportunity.

In ancient times, it turned from defense to offense.

"Flip the sea seal. 99

The hands are combined, and the terrifying fighting spirit is displayed.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered in the sky above the sky, and it seemed to form a huge wave in a hundred miles. Countless huge waves rolled towards the sword saint and broke the void.

"This seat, a sword can cut you.

The Sword Saint sneered.


Body shape suddenly.

The mountain-like overturning seals struck, and the swordsman did not move a single step.


His eyes were condensed, and his spirit was soaring to the sky.

The whole person turned into a sharp sword shadow.

"Man and sword are one.

The Sword Saint snorted lowly.

The sword light shook the sky.

The sky and the waves dissipated.

And the figure of the swordsman suddenly disappeared in the void.

At first glance.

Has turned into a sword glow and rushed straight to the ancients.

"not good.

"He's really moved to kill. 35

"He gave it his all."

"Is he really not afraid of my ancient door?"

Panic rose between Gu Shang's eyebrows.

The Sword Saint's move made him feel the threat of death.

"The Landmark. 35

Gu Shang's last blow mobilized the vindictive energy of his entire body.

Countless earth qi gathered together, forming a barrier of earth attributes in front of Gu Shang, all of which blocked him. He wanted to use this to resist the angry blow of the swordsman.

But it's a pity.

Totally he thought too much.

The Sword Saint transforms the sword into the sky.

The sword light passed by.

One after another barrier shattered like a bubble.

In an instant.

All barriers are broken.


A scream resounded through the void.

Take a look.

Juggernaut was already within a stone's throw away from Gu Shang, and the finger sword he turned out hit his heart. The fierce sword qi completely pierced the latter's heart, and the sword qi instantly spread to Gu Shang's whole body meridians.

Golden blood dripped on the ground.

burst time.

The wind and clouds change color.

Everyone in the Xiao clan watched in horror.

"Dousheng strong, ancient door elder.""

"It has fallen.

The people of the Xiao clan looked at it with incomparable fear, filled with a sense of powerlessness.

"You...you really dare to kill me."

"Gu... Gumen won't... won't let you go..."

At the last moment of the rapid passing of vitality, Gu Shang was unwilling, and looked at the swordsman with hatred, unable to rest his eyes.

until this last moment.

He didn't even think about the existence of Da Qin, why he really dared to ignore the existence of his ancient sect and kill him.


Up to now, he can only die with this kind of unwillingness, confusion, and annihilation of consciousness.

"Gumen, hehe.

The Sword Saint smiled coldly and didn't care.


After killing this ancient, Juggernaut's anger also disappeared...


He looked at the Xiao people on the ground.

"Wait, would you like to go back with this seat?

The swordsman said coldly, although he meant to ask, but under the fierceness of the swordsman, there was a kind of domineering that could not be rejected.

Hear this.

All the people of the Xiao clan watched in horror, not daring to say anything at all.

It can only be brought back to Jiama City by Juggernaut and the others.

at the same time.

Ancient door, different space.

in a hall.

The patriarch of the ancient clan suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

The entire hall was deterred by a monstrous aura, as if from the ancient coercion.

"Reporting to the patriarch, the big thing is bad.

"The ancient elder's life card was broken.

"And the life cards of more than a dozen disciples who followed the ancient elders were also broken.

An ancient sect disciple ran to the main hall in great fear and told the ancient sect patriarch Gu Yuan.

"My lord, I understand.

Gu Yuan said coldly.

"Patriarch, the ancient elders went to the Northwest Territories to meet the Xiao clan, but in that barren and barren land, who can hurt the ancient elders?"

"There must be something strange about this. 35

"It was definitely not done by the forces of the Northwest Territories, but by the forces of the Great State.

"The power of my ancient sect is well known in all the states. Except for the soul gate, who would dare to be my enemy?"

The ancient disciple who came to report said solemnly.

"You go back.

Gu Yuan said in a deep voice.


The disciple did not dare to hesitate, and respectfully retreated.

And this time 1.7.

Outside the hall, another figure walked in, wearing a long dress, with a kind of tranquil beauty, but at this moment, an angry look appeared on her face, and her eyes were still covered with tears.

"does it worth?

"For a kid from the Northwest Territories, my family has lost a fighting saint."

"In ancient times, I watched you grow up."

Gu Yuan looked at the woman in front of him with a bit of scolding.


"I want to avenge the ancient elders.

"Who exactly killed him?" Gu Yun'er said with an angry face.

"He is a fifth-level Dousheng strong, and his strength is enough to rank in the world. If he can kill him, he will lose the opportunity to escape from the void. At least he is a seventh-level Dousheng, or even stronger." Gu Yuanjian himself The daughter also sighed helplessly.

"Soul door?

Gu Yun'er gritted his teeth.

"Maybe it is, maybe it is not, it still needs to be investigated." Gu Yuan said.

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