Look at the man being thrown to the ground.

A look of panic appeared on Sect Master Yunlan's face.


He knows these people.

"The people from the Soul Gate of Dazhou, the powerhouse at the level of Dou Zun, have been captured so easily now." Sect Master Yunlan thought in horror.

this moment.

He really understood the power of the Daqin powerhouse.

None of the people from the Soul Gate hidden in the city had a cultivation level lower than Dou Zong, and the leader was Dou Zun.

But only in an instant.

"We are the people of Soul Gate, what forces are you in Dazhou? How dare you attack my Soul Gate?"

An angry way for the head of the soul door.

Ying Qi frowned and glanced at it.

Dugu Qiufeng immediately understood.

He raised his hand to condense a sword energy and shot it directly.

The sword qi directly penetrated the man's heart and killed him.

Seeing Ying Qi being so ruthless, the rest of the Soul Sect people were terrified. They did not expect that Ying Qi would be so ignorant of their Soul Sect.

"I ask, you answer. Luo

Ying Qi looked at these soul door people and said indifferently.

"If we answer, will you let us go?" a Soul Sect disciple asked.

But the voice fell.

Dugu seeking defeat is another sword qi that directly kills.

"The emperor's decree, you ants are not allowed to bargain. Dugu Qiufeng said coldly.

"Yes Yes."

The people from Soul Gate looked at Ying Qi in fear.

"What are you doing here in the Northwest Territories?" Ying Qi asked.

"I was ordered to come to deal with the Xiao Clan, capture the entire Xiao Clan, and wipe them out. A Soul Sect disciple replied immediately.


Ying Qi asked again.

"There is a man named Xiao Han from the Xiao clan who went to Dazhou. His talent is not weak, and he is connected with other clans. He has an influence on my soul gate plan. I can always turn a bad luck into a good one, causing my soul gate to lose a lot, so the gate owner has an order to uproot their ethnic group and use it to threaten Xiao Han into submission.35

"Besides, we have no purpose in coming to the Northwest Territories, and we will never be enemies with adults.

The Soul Sect disciple said in a terrified manner.

"Soul Gate, an ancient ethnic group with immortal blood in this world. "."

"Xiao Han, son of luck, interesting."

"It seems that the time line I came here is not when Xiao Han just set foot in cultivation. He has been practicing for many years, and now he has gone to the big state in this world."

Hearing the explanation from the disciple of the Soul Sect, Ying Qi smiled in his heart.

Chasing down Xiao Han will actually cause them a heavy loss.

This is not exactly the standard of the children of luck.

To be loved by the heavens, every misfortune turns into auspiciousness.

And it can also become stronger in the process of being chased.

The son of luck, the love of heaven and earth, these are simply not an exaggeration.

Therefore, there are only two ways for Ying Qi to deal with the existence of the son of luck. The first is to subdue and accept it for one's own use. Being able to win the love of the world must have its extraordinary qualities. Sword Immortal, Dugu Qiuwei, Zhang Sanfeng and the others, which one of them is not a person in a certain world and a certain era who is blessed with luck.

Now taking them for his own use has also strengthened the strength of Da Qin.

can be clearly seen.


As for the second option, it is to kill.

And this kind of killing is completely different from the forces that are enemies of the Son of Fortune. They send people step by step and do not directly use the highest combat power.

And Ying Qi is to shoot directly, even a world of heaven can't stop it.


That is, the strong men of the Great Qin Empire came out in full force and directly killed them.

under absolute power.

The so-called Son of Luck will also be killed.

Know what you want.

Ying Qi said to Dugu begging for defeat: "Leave them alive. 99

Dugu Qiufeng immediately understood.

When he raised his hand, several sword energies condensed, very slight and not fatal, but they directly penetrated into the dantian of these Soul Sect disciples, directly abolishing their cultivation.


A dozen or so guards stepped forward, lifted a few people directly, and walked towards the periphery, preparing to discard them.

Ying Qi turned around and looked at the man kneeling on the ground.

"Won't you take me into the city?"

Ying Qi said flatly.

"Open the gates." 5


Emperor Jiama, who was kneeling on the ground, said in a panic.

Under absolute power, the top powerhouse in the Northwest Territories is still like an ant, let alone an ordinary emperor.

The imperial power in this world is the most humble, in front of the top powerhouses, it is like an ant, and even the imperial power can be destroyed in front of any sect in this world.

The gates opened.

But without Ying Qi's will, everyone only dared to kneel on the ground.

"Be flat."

Ying Qi said something.

Walk slowly towards the city.

"Control the city."

Li Qing drew out his sword and pointed at the city in front of him and shouted.


The black armored army outside the city quickly rushed towards the city, quickly taking control of the first city captured by Daqin in this side of the world.

Inside the main hall of the Garma Imperial Palace.

Resplendent, although there is the wind of the East, there is also a mixture of the wind of the West.

This world is not a world dominated by Yan and Huang ethnic groups, but a mixed world.

And this Northwest Territory is where the majority of people in the Western Territory are located.

Inside the hall.

Many strong men of the Jama Empire, as well as the royal family, stood in the hall, terrified.

Ying Qi sat on the high seat and looked at them with a little scrutiny,

"`" Your life, I don't have to.

"But how to save your life depends on your performance.

After a while, Ying Qi's voice rang out.

"We have absolute allegiance to your lord."

"We dare not think otherwise.

"Thank you for your forgiveness."

The people in the hall, who were sweating profusely, immediately replied, the rest of their lives.


"They handed it over to you. 99

Ying Qi said.


Weakly led the mission, and left with these people.


Not kill them.

In front of Da Qin's current strength, they are like ants, making Dun weak, but also to fully understand the intelligence of this world.

After all, this world, as a world of high martial arts and high quality, has a profound background and many strong people.

Since it has come to this Northwest Territory, Ying Qi will take control first, and then attack the real core state of this world.

"Jian (Zhao's) Saint, Jiujian, Dugu, Zhang Sanfeng.

Ying Qi spoke again.

"The minister is here."

"Please instruct the emperor." The four responded immediately.

"Go and capture all the Xiao clan in this world, and get a piece of jade in the hands of their patriarch."

"If anyone gets in the way, kill."

Ying Qi said coldly.

"The minister leads the order.

The four ministers bowed to the order and quickly left the hall.

Four tribulation-transcending realm powerhouses take action, and even if the fighting saints in this realm attack, it will be a dead end.

The reason why they were allowed to take action was also to obtain the ancient jade that the Xiao clan mastered.

If Ying Qi remembers it well.

The eight ancient clans all possessed an ancient jade, and if they got it, they could unlock the world's biggest secret.

Since you know.

Ying Qi naturally took care of it.

As for Xiao Han, a person who was reborn from another world is destined to not surrender, so Ying Qi would not have any thoughts of wanting to surrender.

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