
The Xiao Patriarch's vigilance is very high, especially after his son has made a breakthrough in Dazhou, his vigilance has become even higher.

He knew what his son had done in Dazhou, he had made many enemies, and Xiao Han had specially sent someone to summon him. If any strong man appeared in the Northwest Territories, he would immediately be on alert and enter Dazhou to meet if necessary.

When Da Qin came, there was such a big movement that Xiao Zhan couldn't be without action.


The Xiao Clan, the largest family in this small town, moved their entire family, preparing to leave the Northwest Territory.

A group of tens of thousands of clansmen rushed towards Dazhou.

As a group inherited from ancient times, the blood of Emperor Dou has withered away, or the ancestors of the Xiao clan in the past gathered all the power of the blood and let the Xiao clan tune in.

This caused the Xiao Clan to fall.

Apart from that.

Not only the Xiao clan has fallen, but many ancient ethnic groups have also been destroyed.

in heaven and earth.

Even the power that once dominated for a long time cannot exist for a long time, and there will always be changes. Unless it controls the world and is not affected by the process of the world, it is like the existence of the Great Qin Dynasty.

In the world controlled by Daqin, Daqin is immortal, and there will be no force that can destroy Daqin.

If so.

Daqin is destroyed, and Yingqi will not allow the world to exist.

perish together.


"What exactly happened?"

"There are still many properties in my clan that have not been sold, so I left like this. My clan has suffered a heavy loss."

An elder of the Xiao clan looked at Xiao Zhandao with a reluctant expression.

Not only him.

Many disciples of the Xiao tribe were the same, with puzzled expressions.

This time the migration was too sudden.

Let all the disciples of the Xiao tribe be unprepared.

"There are strong people who want to attack my Xiao clan. If they don't withdraw, my Xiao clan will be completely destroyed." Xiao Zhan said to all the elders.

"My Xiao clan has now fallen into the barren land of the Northwest Territories, who else will deal with us?" an elder said puzzled.

"Soul. 35

Xiao Zhan spit out a word.


The expressions of the elders of the Xiao clan suddenly changed.

many years ago.

The Xiao clan was defeated by the enemy of the Soul Sect, and only then fell to the Northwest Territory, lingering on.

"Send the order down."

"Quickly go to Dazhou and leave the Northwest Territory as soon as possible.

"Only when we find Han'er and our family's former allies can we be safe." Xiao Zhan said loudly.


Under the crisis of life and death, no one dared to hesitate any longer, and the big team marched towards the big state.

But right now.

above the void.

Suddenly, more than a dozen figures appeared, and the tyrannical aura spread in the void, blocking the path of the Xiao Clan's migration.



Xiao Zhan's expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted.


Then all the disciples of the Xiao clan clenched their weapons and looked at the void solemnly.

The dozen or so volley-flying powerhouses are at least Douhuang-level powerhouses, and the strongest person in his Xiao clan is only Douhuang's Xiao Zhan, and he achieved it with the resources given by Xiao Han.

However, what made Xiao Zhan relaxed was that these people did not take action, and the leader said calmly: "No need to be nervous, we are hereby ordered by Miss to help you enter Dazhou.

"Are you guys from Gumen?"

Xiao Zhan calmed down and said expectantly.

"This ancient sect elder is ancient." The head of the old man said in a deep voice.

"Elder of the ancient gate, a strong fighting saint.""

Xiao Zhan was stunned for a moment, with awe and ecstasy in his eyes.

He did not expect that the person in front of him to meet his clan was actually a peak-level powerhouse like Dou Sheng.

in today's world.

Dou Di does not appear, Dou Sheng is respected.

Every existence is an existence standing at the pinnacle of this side of the world.

"Thank you senior for taking action."

"The Xiao family is grateful." Xiao Zhan immediately thanked him.

"No need.

"This seat is instructed to go, after this time, the favor I owed you to the Xiao Clan in the ancient times will no longer be gone. In ancient times, it was very cold.

As a fighting saint level powerhouse.

The pinnacle of the world.

In front of him was just an ant-like Dou Huang.

Although the ethnic group in front of them was an existence equal to their ancient gate, but now it has declined.

In this world where strength is respected, naturally it is not enough to see.

Everything is on the strength level.

"I see.

Xiao Zhan didn't feel any discomfort for the indifference of this afbh strong man, this is the way of the world.

"The disciples obeyed the order and escorted the Xiao people into Dazhou.

Gu said loudly.

Yes. "


The ancient disciples in the void immediately fell.

Protect the migration of the thousands of Xiao people.


"There are strong men from the ancient sect, and we are safe."

"There are so many Dou Zuns and Dou Zongs at the level of Dou Sheng, even the Soul Sect would not dare to be presumptuous. 99

"This time we will be able to go back to the big state."

"In this way, even if you give up the resources of Wucheng, it is nothing compared to returning to Dazhou."

All the Xiao people became excited.

"My family will definitely be able to return to the peak." Xiao Zhan is also full of confidence at this moment.

His son is now a top Dou Zun peak, and he will be able to become a semi-sage or even a Dou Sheng in the near future. At that time, his ethnic group will take off again.

The Clan marches again.

It is still a long way from Dazhou.

But just after they traveled for less than an hour.

above the void.

Suddenly there were four more figures.

It stopped the Xiao Clan from moving away.


Look at the four people who suddenly appeared.

Gu Shang's brows furrowed, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

With his cultivation, he didn't even know when the four of them appeared.

The four people who came are the four worshippers of Daqin.

They have been waiting here for a long time.

"Everyone, please stay.

"You, you can't leave for the time being. 95

The swordsman said flatly.

"Who are you?"

"This seat is the elder of the ancient gate, ancient. 35 The ancients immediately vacated the sky and looked at the four swordsmen.

With his Dousheng-level cultivation, he could walk sideways in this Northwest Territory, but he couldn't see through the four people in front of him, which made him very shocked.

"This seat does not know what the ancient gate is.

"But these people are not allowed to leave."

Dugu Qiufeng said to the ancients.

"You don't know my ancient door?

The ancients were stunned.

In the Dou Qi world, even in remote places, the world's top powerhouses are known to exist, and his ancient sect is a power that has been passed down for thousands of years. How prosperous, how can anyone not know?

"Why should you know?

Dugu seeks defeat the plain way.

speak up.

What soul door, ancient door.

They really don't know if Dugu Qiu is defeated.

They have just set foot in this side of the world not long ago, and they are completely ignorant of the distribution of forces in this side of the world.


Even know.

With the strength of Daqin, what is there to fear?

"The people of the Xiao clan are protected by my ancient sect, and I also ask you to give my ancient sect a face." Gu Shang said in a deep voice, with a sense of threat in his tone.

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