"The ministers welcome the emperor."

The sky is empty and the earth is full of shouts from the courtiers of the Great Qin.

The top of the sky.

The vastness of the earth.

The whole Northwest Territory seemed to resound the loud voice.

this moment.

All the people in the capital of the Garma Empire were overwhelmed.

Everyone looked at the portal on the void in a daze, and the word emperor directly shook into their souls, making their souls buzz.

"Is the controller of this army about to appear? 99

"Emperor? 35

"Are these armies all devoted to one man?"

"So many top powerhouses are loyal to one person?"

"With so many powerhouses and so many armies, maybe no one in Dazhou can match them?"

Looking at the portal in the void, all the people in the Northwest Territories were terrified.

But they didn't dare to make any changes, they could only stand in the same place, for fear that if they made any move, they would be stared at, and then killed by these black-armored troops who looked so ruthless.

What they can do now is to watch, stay where they are, and wait for Da 05 Qin's next move.

Apart from that.

There is no other way.

Under the awe and apprehension of everyone.

from the portal.

A huge black dragon rushed out.

There is also a figure standing above the dragon head.

"He is the emperor in the mouth of this army. 39

"The master of this army.

"The legendary dragon clan, the mythical beast clan, can actually be driven by him.

All the people in the Northwest Territories watched in horror, looking at the figure on the dragon's head, apprehensive.

"The world of fighting spirit.

"I'm finally here."

Ying Qi looked down at this side of the sky, with an ambitious smile on his face.

Every time he went to a world, Ying Qi had a feeling of being conquered.

The more powerful the world, the more moved Ying Qi.


The same is true for Ying Qi.

Ying Qi came back to his senses, looked at the countless Qin courtiers who were bowing down, and said in a powerful voice, "Pingshen."

"Xie Dijun Longen.

All the Qin courtiers shouted in unison.

And Ying Qi's eyes are looking towards the earth.

Everything in the capital of the Jiama Empire in the Northwest Territories is under Ying Qi's gaze.

In this moment of glance.

Everyone was on pins and needles, terrified.

It was as if they were being stared at by the supreme heaven.

"Submit and avoid death.""

"No subject, destruction. 35

Ying Qi's indifferent voice resounded in the void.


Staring at everyone in the capital city of Jama, with a monstrous power: "Wait, are you willing to surrender?"

The words fell.

above the void.

Hundreds of thousands of dragon knights moved.

Under the control of the dragon knight, the eyes of the giant dragon, Yalong, and all the giant beasts fell on this city.

All the great Qin Ruishis also clenched their arms, bows and arrows, and the magician army has raised their staffs.

They await the will of their allegiance to the Emperor.

Just one word is needed.

This city that covers an area of ​​100 miles will be overturned and turned into ruins.

No one can survive under this power.

Under such terrifying murderous intent.

Countless ordinary people have been paralyzed on the ground with fear.

Don't say ordinary people.

Even the Dou King, Dou Huang, and Dou Zong, who are known as the strong in this Northwest Territory, are terrified at this moment.

Under such powerful pressure.

Emperor Jiama couldn't take it anymore.

Kneeling directly to the ground.

"I...I am willing to surrender."

"The Garma Empire is willing to surrender.

"Please forgive me.""

The emperor shouted in panic.

Kneel down at him.

The officials and soldiers of this otherworld empire also knelt down one after another, and discarded all the weapons in their hands.

"We are willing to surrender."5

"I beg your pardon. 99

Countless cries rang out throughout the city.

"Wait, don't come down?"

Ying Qi looked at those cultivators, shrouded in coercion.

this moment.

Sect Master Yunlan, Yun Yun, many sects, and the powerful family members had cold sweats on their faces.

They believed they wanted to escape, but they knew that if they did anything, the consequences would be death.


Sect Master Yunlan knelt down.

The guardian of the Garma Empire knelt down.

The Ice Emperor knelt down.

One after another, the people who were called strong in the Northwest Territories were all kneeling on the ground and surrendering at this moment.

Take a look.

There was no one standing inside or outside the entire city.

Ying Qi took a look and was quite satisfied.

Then he said, "Jun Wu'an. 99

"The minister is here."

Bai Qi responded immediately.

"With this city as the center, conquer the territory.

"As before, those who are enemies of my Daqin, kill them."

Ying Qi said indifferently.

"The minister leads the order.

Bai Qi happily took the order.

Then fly into the air.

Looking at the millions of Da Qin Ruishi.

"Where are the six generals?" Bai Qi shouted loudly.

"The end is here."

Six figures in battle armor rose into the air and bowed to Bai Qi.

"Wei Ran, Wang Jian."

"My lord ordered you two to lead an army of 300,000 to attack the north. 39

"Mengao, Li Mu..."

Bai Qi shouted loudly and ordered two million troops to attack in four directions.

"The commander-in-chief.

The six generals responded in unison.

next moment.

The 1,800,000 troops moved in groups, and each battalion had dragon knights and elite cavalry, spreading and killing all over the Northwest Territory.

in a blink.

Most of the black armored army, which had blocked the sunlight, disappeared in front of the city.

Only 200,000 troops were left, including the Guards guarding around Yingqi.

But even so.

The departure of most of the army did not bring any relief to the people in the Northwest Territories, and they still knelt on the ground in fear.

Ying Qi patted Ao Ying's faucet.

Then it slowly rose into the air and fell towards the ground.

Ao Ying turned into a black light 740, turned into a stunning woman in a black dress and followed Ying Qi's side. The dragon horn on her forehead seemed to be her status symbol of the dragon family.

With Ying Qi falling from the void.

Many Da Qin officials and Da Qin worship have also fallen.

Standing behind Ying Qi.

"This place is the Northwest Territory of Dou Qi Continent?"

Ying Qi's eyes swept away and landed directly on Sect Master Yunlan.

"Go back to your lord."

"This is the Northwest Territory, the Jama Empire." Sect Master Yunlan said in a panic.

"So, that's not surprising."

Ying Qi nodded and understood why the strength of the practitioners here was so weak.

"There are a lot of strange people hidden in the city, and they are all caught."9

Ying Qi spoke slowly.


"The minister leads the order.

Dugu begged for defeat, Zhang Sanfeng and others moved directly, their figures disappeared outside the city, and rushed into the city.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Each of the several Daqin worshippers grabbed two people in black robes with strange aura.

After coming out.

Throw it directly in front of Ying Qi.


"The breath of these people is a little strange, and it seems to have the breath of the dead.""

Zhang Sanfeng said.

With their ability to cross the Tribulation Realm, the Dou Sheng powerhouses in this world can cover thousands of miles with their spiritual thoughts, and there is nothing to hide within a thousand miles. No matter how well they hide, they can't escape.

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