
Baiyue's expression changed slightly, it was difficult for him to see that there would be a warrior with such a cultivation.


Only the Immortal Dao can connect to the gods and enter the transcendence realm.

Although martial arts are prevalent in the mortal world, the strongest are only the pinnacle of the Void Realm among the four great sects.

Transcend the robbery.

It is the exclusive use of Immortal Dao.

Only this.

Only immortals can stand in the world and are respected as beings of immortals.

Martial arts cross the tribulation realm.

Bai Yue did not dare to disappear.

Show your hands.

The surging spiritual power is running.

It turned into a layer of shield to block the front.


The sword light slashed.

The layers of shields were directly smashed, but when it reached the last layer of shields in front of Baiyue, Jianguang had lost his strength and dissipated with a bang.

"Did no one tell you that it is almost impossible to kill someone at the same level to cross the Tribulation Realm.

Bai Yue coldly faced Ying Qi Dao.

"Then wait and see.

Ying Qi sneered.

True Yuan transfer.

"God's will of the four elephants."

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

The entire void of heaven and earth was stirred.

The phantoms of the four demon gods appeared behind Ying Qi.


The phantoms of the four demon gods directly surrounded Baiyue, with the power of each 05, slamming down.

at the same time.

Ying Qi turned his spiritual power again.


The Lingshuang Sword in Ying Qi's hand rose into the sky.

Suddenly, it turned into tens of thousands of sword shadows and slashed towards Baiyue.

"The power of immortality. 39

"Shushan Swordsmanship.

"Why are you able to practice Martial Dao and Immortal Dao?"

"Who exactly are you?"

Baiyue was a little panicked and looked at Ying Qi in disbelief.

"The one who killed you. 99

Ying Qi said coldly.

True essence and spiritual power are sent wildly.

Boom, boom, boom.

With the worship of the moon as the center, the capital city of Nanzhao was shrouded in terrifying aftermath of energy for hundreds of miles.

This time.

In the world ten years ago, Ying Qi didn't hold back at all and made all his efforts.

The entire Nanzhao capital city has been turned into ruins for hundreds of miles under Ying Qi's full effort, and the land is in disarray and devastated.

All the creatures in the capital city of Nanzhao perished here.

under such power.

For the powerhouses in this world, they felt it instantly.


The swordsman frowned, with a horrified look on his face: "With such a powerful force, who is fighting against Baiyue in the realm of Nanzhao? 39

magic door.



Four gates.

Even the alien powerhouses outside the Central Plains were shocked.

Unbelievably, he looked at the boundary of Nanzhao.

driven by curiosity.

Many strong men have already approached Nanzhao.

"What is the origin of this guy, how can he be so powerful?"

"Fortunately, I retreated directly, otherwise I would have died.

Jiujianxian took Zhao Linger and her grandmother and looked at the Nanzhao capital city, which had turned into ruins, with a horrified expression.


He's going to be buried in it too.

Martial arts, immortality.

Ying Qi made a move with all his strength.

The four attribute demon gods are madly suppressed.

Countless sword shadows also slashed towards the moon worship.

The sky is full of tyrannical energy. Once the practitioners who are lower than the Void Realm step into this distance, they will definitely be strangled in an instant.

And Worshiping Moon was also suppressed to the point of being unable to backhand, and there was a gap in the transfer of his spiritual power, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

at this decisive moment.

"Why not kill you again?"

"Ten years later, I killed you with the power of the formation, but this time, I used absolute strength.

Ying Qi showed his hands.

Two kinds of spirit fires appeared on each hand, and under the control of Ying Qi, the four spirit fires quickly merged together and turned into a dazzling four-color fire lotus.

At the moment when the fire lotus is formed.

Ying Qi Lengrui's eyes locked on Baiyue, and he threw it abruptly.

The fire lotus turned into a streamer, passed through the shadow of the heavy sword, and rushed directly in front of Baiyue.

"not good."

Looking at the fire lotus flower that suddenly appeared, it looked extremely bright and very beautiful, but Baiyue sensed a kind of fear from it.

Don't give him a chance to recover at all.


The fire lotus burst in vain.

The terrifying spirit fire swept through the world in an instant, and the incomparably tyrannical spirit fire broke out directly.

Even the void of heaven and earth was burned to the ground by the power of this fusion spirit fire, and Baiyue's whole person was also swallowed by this violent spirit fire.

I don't know how long the fire burning lasted.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 74 enemy, obtaining 10 million experience points, and obtaining 10,000 top-quality spirit stones." The system prompted.

"Every time the host changes in this time and space, the future world will also change, triggering the hidden quest, the greater the process of changing the fairy sword world, the greater the reward, please work harder for the host. The system prompts.

"I, sure enough, I was right.

"There is a complete connection between time and space in the hereafter. 35

"If I kill all the powerhouses in this world in this time and space, the future time and space will also undergo great changes.

"Similarly, this is also a heavy blow to the Heavenly Dao of this world.

Ying Qi laughed.

In this kind of world that has not really been controlled, Ying Qi can be said to have no worries.

Even if the world is destroyed, even if the heaven collapses.

What to do with him winning Qi?

As long as the strength can be enhanced, Ying Qi doesn't care at all.

After all, the people in this world are not yet their own people, and only their own people will win the protection of Qi.


Ying Qi said solemnly.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 72. 35 system prompts.

The golden light enveloped Ying Qi, and the originally lost real essence and spiritual power recovered to their peaks in an instant.

This is the benefit of digitization.

For Ying Qi.

Even if the energy is consumed to the extreme, there is not a single cent, as long as it is upgraded, it will be able to recover to the peak.

accompanied by.

Ying Qi's strength once again ushered in growth.

"This world affects the time and space of future generations, and Linger can't make mistakes.

Ying Qi thought about it, and with a swipe of his divine sense, he immediately locked Zhao Linger's position.

The figure flashed.

He came directly to Zhao Linger.

at the same time.

Wine Sword Immortal is also here.

"what are you going to do?"

Jiu Jianxian looked at Ying Qi with a look of fear.

The tragic state of Nanzhao's capital city, he saw with his own eyes, this was all done by the person in front of him.

This strength is more terrifying than his senior brother.

Ying Qi waved his hand, and directly repelled Jiujianxian.

Then he walked in front of Zhao Linger and said softly: "Linger, all the enemies against your mother have been killed, and the damned ones are also dead."

"I'll send you to a paradise, where you live well.


Under the puzzled and astonished eyes of young Zhao Linger, Ying Qi took them directly to Xianling Island.

"Please take good care of Ling'er, I will come again." Ying Qi said to Grandma Zhao.


Grandma Zhao looked at Ying Qi nervously.

"You....what's your name? Why do you want to save me?" Zhao Linger asked 693 very curiously.

"I am your future husband.

"In ten years, I will come to you."

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

The figure gradually turned into a bubble and disappeared here.

The ruined Nanzhao capital city is empty.

Jiujianxian looked apprehensive.


Ying Qi appeared again.

"What did you do to Zhao Linger and the others?"

Jiujianxian said with a look of anger.

"I have settled them in a paradise, and no one will disturb them. Ying Qi said.

"Who are you? There has never been a strong person like you in the world, and even worshiping the moon was killed. 39 Jiujianxian said in horror.

"Ten years later, you'll know."

Ying Qi smiled.

"Ten years later?" Jiu Jianxian looked puzzled.

"A visitor is coming. 39

"Are you sure you won't leave?"

Ying Qi looked at Jiujian Xiandao.


Jiujianxian was very puzzled.

And this moment.

The battle between Lin Qinger and the water beast also came to an end.

Just like the original world process, Lin Qing'er turned into a stone statue and tried her best to suppress the water beast under the sea, so that it could not break free of the seal.


If Ying Qi made a move, it would definitely change Lin Qing'er's original fate and give her a chance to live again, but it was not necessary at all.

This Virgin.

Ying Qi didn't want to provoke him.

He slaughtered the entire Nanzhao capital.

This is a great hatred.

"I have no reservations about this battle, and the powerhouses in this world should be able to gather a lot."

"So, I will add another fire. 35

Ying Qi laughed. .


Exploded all his momentum.


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