Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 358 Set the world of high ranking martial arts


Ying Qi's aura exploded in an instant.

This terrifying coercion swept the void land thousands of miles around.

Countless creatures trembled under this pressure.

It was like being deterred by the coercion of an immortal god.

At the moment when this monstrous coercion appeared.

Powerhouses from all over the world sensed it.

"It's really a powerhouse in the Tribulation Realm.

"Sure enough, it's in Nanzhao."

"Who is this man?"

"There is such a strong person in the world again?

"He seemed to be fighting against the moon worship before, and I don't know what happened?"

"You have to take a look. The appearance of such a strong person will definitely change the situation in the world. If you can draw me into my side, you will be able to check and balance the world. If they are preempted, it will not be a good thing.

At the moment when Ying Qi deliberately released coercion.

Many powerhouses in the entire fairy sword world moved.

Transcend Tribulation Realm, Void Realm.

They all headed towards Nanzhao.

For those in the transcending tribulation realm, this is not a long distance. The void moves and it will arrive in an instant, but for the practitioners in the transcending tribulation realm, it will take time.

"Based on the ley lines, lore formation, open."

Ying Qi took out the last set of lore formation that he made.

Eighty chess formations fell towards the ruined capital in all directions.

The sixth-order slaughtering formation, the aura of the heavens and the earth, can withstand the power of a single blow from a powerhouse in the transcendence realm.

This time, when there are many strong people in the transcendence realm, this formation may be tasteless, but if you win Qi with the power of national fortune, the result will be different.

When the flag fell.

Directly integrated into the earth's veins, Chen Ying is even connected to the void, hiding in the void.

This formation can trap the powerhouses in the transcending tribulation realm, which shows the power of this formation.

"You are still a high-level array mage. 99

"what do you want to do?"

Jiujianxian watched Ying Qi start at a loss, he did not expect that Ying Qi would be so powerful.

"There are only two formations in this formation, which consumes all the refining materials. If it can't be of great use, it will be wasted. 35 Ying Qi calmly smiled, with a playful look in his eyes.

The sixth-order formation method is comparable to the first entry into the Tribulation Realm. The formation method is the foundation. Similarly, the formation of the formation plate and the formation flag are also the foundation, which consumes a lot of money.

In response to Ying Qi's words.

above the void.

Suddenly a crack opened.

A gray-haired old man walked out of the void.


Jiujianxian looked at the visitor with surprise.

next moment.

Another three void gaps appeared.

Two women and a man stepped out of the void.

"Three-door Tribulation Realm powerhouse.

"They came too. 35

Jiujianxian looked at the person who appeared even more surprised.

in the world.

Almost all the top robbery realm powerhouses gathered here.

"Nanzhao, turned out to be like this...".

When they looked at the earth, Nanzhao City, which was supposed to be very prosperous, has now turned into a ruin.

No life.

And the aura of worshiping the moon no longer exists, it seems to have disappeared from this world.

"This Daoist brother, where is the worship of the moon?""

The Sword Saint looked at Ying Qi and asked aloud.


"Baiyue has fallen."

Jiujianxian glanced at Ying Qi fearfully, and said in a deep voice.

The words fell.

The four tribulation-transcending realm powerhouses were all startled.

He looked at Ying Qi in disbelief.


Why did the worship of the moon fall? There is only one possibility.

"The strength of worshiping the moon is second only to that of the Sword Saint. This person was able to kill the worshiping moon. If he can win over him, then he can strengthen my sect. 99

Zhu Yuyan, Fan Qinghui, and Daoxuan are all certain in their hearts.

"This Daoist brother, I don't know where you come from?"

"Can you go to my Demon Gate for a chat?"

Zhu Yuyan spoke first.

"The devil of the demon door, Daoist brother must not get along with it, Daoist brother is willing to go to my Daomen to talk about it. Daoxuan then opened his mouth and said.

"The devil of the demon door, you can't be with him." Fan Qinghui said immediately.

Ying Qi glanced at the three of them, but didn't know what they were thinking.

in ten years' time.

Although Ying Qi killed Baiyue, the aftermath of the war was locked in the great formation. Afterwards, the Sword Saint took action to smooth it out, and Ying Qi left, so they never saw Ying Qi.

And now.

Ying Qi didn't keep his breath, and he didn't have any cover, so they came naturally.

"People haven't come yet. 35

Ying Qi said something indifferent.

"Didn't come?"

Everyone was surprised.

At this moment.

In the void north of Nanzhao, more than a dozen streamers rushed in, each of them reaching the imposing manner of the void.

The fluctuations of this battle are very large, and the powerhouses above the Shattered Realm can feel it, but this momentum makes them terrified, so those who dare to come are only above the Void Realm level.


"We'd better leave."

Jiujianxian secretly said.

The Sword Saint's expression changed slightly, and he immediately asked, "Why?

"This person is not only powerful, but also a powerful formation mage. He has already set up a formation in the capital of Nanzhao, and he deliberately released his aura to attract the strongest in the world. This person definitely has some ulterior motive.

"The only way we can avoid this disaster is to leave immediately. Jiujianxian said solemnly.

"The Array Mage?

The Sword Saint's face was condensed in shock.


Many Void Realm powerhouses came.

Some of them are the heads of the Xiandao sects in this world, some are loose cultivators, and some are the heads of the martial arts sects. ,

When they saw the world's top tribulation-transcending powerhouse, they didn't dare to make any rudeness.

"I didn't expect the Sword Saint, the Lord of the Demon Gate, the Lord of the Buddhist Gate, and the Lord of the Taoist Gate to be there."

"I have seen you seniors."

After these powerhouses arrived, they greeted the Sword Saints they knew one after another, and their expressions were extremely respectful.

And when they looked at Empress Ying Qi, there was a bit of awe in their eyes, but they didn't dare to open their mouths when they saw Ying Qi's appearance that strangers should not come near.

whole void.

Showing a cold silence.

As the time goes.

Another half hour passed quickly.

The top powerhouses in the void are gathering more and more.

Almost half of the powerhouses on this side of the world have come.


"It's time to talk. 55

Ying Qi glanced at it. There were more than 30 people in the Void Realm, and there were more than 50 people in the Broken Realm.

This time the fishing is almost over.

In particular, the heads of the three major sects in this world have come, this is a real good thing.

"Brother Dao, what's the matter?

Zhu Yuyan asked curiously.

The others also looked at Ying Qi curiously.

"I give you two choices."

"First, submit to me and avoid death.""

"Second, death.

Ying Qi looked at these gathered powerhouses and said coldly.

As soon as this word comes out.

The scene fell into a kind of silence and anxiety, everyone's faces turned cold, and they looked at Ying Qi in surprise.

They didn't seem to understand why Ying Qi would say such things to them.

Most of the world's powerhouses are gathered here, how dare Ying Qi dare to speak so provocatively?

"`" Daoist brother is joking. 39

Zhu Yuyan's tone was also a little displeased.

"Brother Dao appeared in the world for the first time, but this kind of joke is impossible." Daoxuan said with a smile, as if he wanted to give Ying Qi a roundabout.


Although they saw that Ying Qi was no joke, no matter who it was, they didn't dare to tear Ying Qi's face easily.

The powerhouse who slashed the worship of the moon was too powerful.

"I, are you kidding me?"

Ying Qi sneered.

A wave of hands.


The great formation arranged in the capital of Nanzhao suddenly opened.

Just like in Xianling Island ten years later, dozens of beams of light condensed and directly formed a formation that enveloped the void.

At the moment when this formation takes shape.

The spiritual energy of the sky and the earth on this side was rapidly consumed until it completely disappeared.

A unique space has been formed in the entire formation.

"The sixth-order formation."

"You turned out to be a sixth-order array mage."

Daoxuan looked at the void with a shocked expression, unbelievable.

"What? Sixth-order formation?

Seeing this sudden formation, the powerhouses were a little shocked.

Daoxuan, as the head of the Taoist sect, not only exists as a powerhouse in the transcendence realm, but also is the strongest fifth-order array mage in this world, and now, from his mouth, he actually said the sixth (Wang Nuozhao) array method, And he is still the powerhouse in the tribulation realm in front of him.

"Brother Dao, what are you going to do?"

"Even if you have set up a sixth-order formation, you can only withstand the power of two blows from the powerhouse of the transcendence realm. If you want to rely on this formation to keep us, it seems that it is not enough." Daoxuan Staring at Ying Qi, he said coldly.

The other powerhouses also looked at Ying Qi indifferently. From the appearance of this formation, they also determined that what Ying Qi had just said was not a joke.

"Not enough.""

Ying Qi smiled lightly.


The Casting Court operates.

The Seal of the State of Zhen volleyed into the sky.

With the power of the monstrous national fortune, he rushed directly above the void, and the majestic national fortune belonging to the Great Qin Dynasty was instantly blessed on this lore formation.

The original formation light curtain was instantly infected into golden color, adding the power of national fortune.

With the support of the national fortune, if Ying Qi had not taken the Zhen Guoxi seal, or if they could have the power to defeat the Great Qin’s national fortune, they would never have been able to escape from this formation.

"This... this is the legendary power of luck.

The swordsman opened his eyes wide and muttered to himself.

"I, give you another chance to choose."

"Submit to me and live.

"Those who do not obey, die.

Ying Qi stood up in the sky, stared at all the powerhouses, and shouted loudly.

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