Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 356 Travel through time and space? Crazy killing.

"If it is as I expected, the black hole in front of me can go to the fairy sword world ten years ago. If I kill in that time and space, will it affect the current time and space?"

"In that time and space, Baiyue is still alive, what if I kill him again?"

A sneer appeared on Ying Qi's face.

For him.

Anyway, this is not the world under his control, even if it is destroyed, no matter how chaotic, what does it have to do with him?

If you can take advantage of this gap, Ying Qi can get infinite experience points again.

Think of this.

Ying Qi didn't hesitate, using his True Yuan to protect his body, he rushed directly into this black hole.

The moment you enter a black hole.

This spell lost Ying Qi's control, and all turned into energy that dissipated in the sky.

A giant eye appeared in the void above the black hole, indifferent and majestic.


The power of a law appeared, suppressing the black hole.

all of these.

It seemed so calm.

Sword World.

Ten years ago.

Nanzhao State.

in front of the palace.

"693" "The witch queen is the incarnation of the evildoer, there is no doubt about it."

"Only if the Witch King executes this evildoer will Nanzhao be prosperous, and the country will be prosperous and peaceful."5

"If the evil spirits are not eliminated, my Nanzhao will never have a peaceful day.

Baiyue stood in the crowd, pointed at Lin Qinger and shouted loudly.

"Kill the evil spirits and punish the evil spirits.

"Kill the evil spirits, and punish the evil spirits." 5

under the platform.

Countless Nanzhao people raised their hands high and roared, looking extremely excited, each of them gritted their teeth, and stared at Lin Qinger who was tied to the shelf.

This is the Nanzhao people that Lin Qinger sheltered.

But even so.

There was no hatred in Lin Qing'er's eyes.

"If you kill her, will it cause Bai Miao's rebellion?"

"But if I don't kill her, I can't explain to these people, and Baiyue will definitely take the opportunity to attack.

The Witch King thought very tangled at this moment.

It's only ten years before Nanzhao's reunification, Lin Qing'er is Bai Miao's saint after all, so he still has some scruples.

Baiyue looked at the Witch King calmly, and seemed to see through his mind.

It was at this time.


A terrifying roar sounded.

With the endless torrential flood pouring out from the sea, it came towards the capital of Nanzhao. Under the torrential flood, countless people of Nanzhao were engulfed.

"Water monster.

"Worship the moon. 99

Lin Qing'er looked out of the city and seemed to see a water monster with fangs and claws in the sea.

this moment.

She instantly understood the sinister intentions of worshiping the moon.

Now she is defined as a monster with a human head and a snake body in Nanzhao. If you want to deal with this looting water monster, you must reveal her true body. At this moment, so many people are gathered here. Her monster name.

But if she doesn't show up, her people will die tragically under the flood of water monsters.

This is the conspiracy of worshiping the moon, and it is also a conspiracy.

If it is a normal person, he will not even think about this choice at all. If they want you to die, do you still have to give everything to protect them?

Are you kidding me?

With Ying Qi's character, he would like the water monsters to slaughter them all, and he would have to make up for it by himself.

Repaying grievances with virtue, how to repay virtue?


This Lin Qinger is a complete Virgin.

above the void.

Ying Qi watched this scene quietly, showing a mocking smile: "The heart of the Virgin, perhaps that is the case, I have many ministers under my command, but if anyone has such a heart, then they are not worthy of my ministers.

"Count the time. 35

"Jiujianxian should be playing."

In response to Ying Qi's thinking.

A sword shadow instantly killed the soldiers of Nanzhao around Lin Qinger.

Wine Sword Immortal appeared.


"I'll take you out."

Jiujianxian cut off the rope that bound Lin Qinger and shouted loudly.

"Brother Yixi, don't kill my people.""

Seeing the Jiujianxian who came to save her, Lin Qinger immediately said.

Looking at the soldiers on the ground who were killed by Jiujianxian, there was a trace of complaint in his eyes.

"They are going to kill you, but you still want to protect them?"

Jiu Jianxian was also stunned when he heard this.

If it wasn't for this Lin Qinger's friendship, perhaps Jiujianxian would have left directly.

"No matter how wrong they are, they are still my people."

"My destiny is to protect them." Lin Qing'er said with a loving mother's face.

"I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense, you leave with me, leave this place of right and wrong, and go back to my Shushan Mountain to protect your safety. 35 Jiujianxian said eagerly.

"Brother Yixi, go save my daughter and take my daughter away.

"As for me, I still have to stay and protect my people." Lin Qinger said.

Then suddenly flew up.

Directly transformed into a human head and a snake body, dressed in palace attire.

see this scene.

All the people of Nanzhao gathered here were stunned.

"The witch queen is actually a monster. 99

"My Saintess of Nanzhao is a monster.

"She is a snake demon, if I don't kill her, I will never have peace in Nanzhao.

"We are blind, and we actually treat the monster as the witch queen of Nanzhao...""

One by one, the people of Nanzhao pointed at the transformed Lin Qinger, and said angrily.


They were all deceived.

see this.

Ying Qi smiled again: "It's really ignorant, the descendants of Nu Wa, the most noble bloodline in this world, and the guardians of these people, are actually called monsters by them.

"This Lin Qinger's Virgin Heart really surprised me.

After transforming.

Lin Qing'er's strength is comparable to that of a transcendence realm powerhouse...

Such a strong person is more honorable than an ordinary human emperor, and being so humiliated, perhaps only Lin Qinger's Virgin mentality can bear it.

"The Witch King.""

"See, the witch queen you married is a monster.

Baiyue pointed at the transformed Lin Qinger and shouted.

This word.

The face of the Witch King changed suddenly, and he didn't know what to do.

He could even think that after this time, his prestige was greatly reduced in Nanzhao.

"The Witch King."

"My people, if I have the chance, I will explain.""

Lin Qing'er lowered her head, watched everyone muttering to themselves, then rushed towards the place where the water monsters were, holding Yu Ruyi, and fought against the water monsters.

And this time.

Ying Qi also appeared from the void.


As soon as Ying Qi's breath appeared, Bai Yue's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Ying Qi in surprise.

He seemed surprised by Ying Qi's sudden appearance.

After all, he is the cultivation base of Transcending Tribulation Realm, and his strength is powerful. When Ying Qi appeared, he didn't even know.


"Who are you?

Baiyue raised his head, looked at Ying Qi and asked.

"The one who killed you."

Ying Qi smiled coldly.

Hands up.

The two palms gathered the spirit fire.

There was no difference in hitting Nanzhao City, the focus was on Baiyue.

Boom, boom, boom.

The spirit fire fell to the ground, and each of them produced a destructive force, and the entire Nanzhao City suddenly became a sea of ​​fire, and even the flood that poured from the sea was burned by the spirit fire.

When Baiyue saw the incoming spirit fire, a congregation of spirit powers directly destroyed it.

When he was in Xianling Island, Ying Qi used the formation method to imprison most of the strength of the moon worship, so that he could not exert his strength and died, but now the moon worship is able to exert 1.7% of his full strength.

"My friend's move seems a bit cruel?

Baiyue rose into the air, looking at the tragic situation below, frowning at Ying Qi Dao.

Although in his heart, everything in this world needs to be cleaned up, and he doesn't have any mercy for sentient beings.

But Ying Qi was like this on his territory at the moment, how could he not be angry.

"Compared to the cruelty that you want to destroy the world, my actions are nothing. 99

Ying Qi laughed mockingly, and then said bluntly: "Stop talking nonsense, let's take action, today, I want to kill you."

"How do you know the purpose of this seat?"

But Baiyue fell into Ying Qi's words and was very surprised.

"A sword that separates the world.

Baiyue wants to talk nonsense, Ying Qi is too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

A shot is a high-grade martial arts of the heavens.

The magnificent sword light slashed through the void, and the Lingshuang sword exploded with infinite murderous intent, slashing directly towards the worshiping moon.

Today, Ying Qi wants to see what it will bring to this world after killing the moon worship in this time and space.

PS: Please follow up.

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