Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 345 The monstrous experience value, Shushan Sword Saint

Eyes turned.

In the great formation, endless sword energy and endless murderous intent poured out towards Bai Yue.

At this moment, his body protection spiritual power was rapidly consumed.

"It seems that I am not your opponent.

"Never mind.""

Looking at the spiritual power that was nearly exhausted, Baiyue laughed, not fearing death, but relieved.


And this moment.

Outside the big formation, there was a low voice.

Accompanied by a volley-sword intent swept over.

But how could Ying Qi stop.

"Worship the moon."

"It's gone.

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

The endless power in the great formation gathered, forming a sword beam of a hundred meters, and suddenly, it moved towards the worship of the moon - chopped down.

A sword cut out.

Set off the stormy waves of Xianling Island.

The earth is shaking.

Jianmang directly slashed Baiyue, and the tyrannical sword power instantly penetrated Baiyue's whole body.

Baiyue looked down.

His chest was already bright red, and his vitality for crossing the Tribulation Realm, which was almost immortal, was rapidly passing.

"you win.

Baiyue laughed.

Slowly closed his eyes.


The body was also swallowed by the sword energy, turning into a bubble and disappearing.

"It's done."

Looking at the worship of the moon who had disappeared from heaven and earth, Ying Qi's mouth overflowed with a smile.

Not wasting the arrangement of these days, finally got the results it deserved.

The biggest villain in this world, the cult leader of worshiping the moon.

died in his own hands.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 74 enemy, obtaining 35 million experience points, obtaining the soul imprint of the ancient Warcraft Water Warcraft, obtaining the high-grade fairy-level spell "Space Chaos", obtaining the middle-grade fairy-level spell "Water Control", and obtaining the fairy product 5000 Spirit Stones, get...

"Congratulations to the host for killing the Moon Worship Cult Master, changing the process of the Immortal Sword World, and rewarding a Immortal Rank treasure chest.

After successfully beheading the worship of the moon, the system prompt sounded.

Hear this lift.

Ying Qi knew that today's layout had achieved real results.

After crossing a large level, he killed the worship of the moon and gained endless rewards.

And this moment.

The sword shadow outside Xianling Island came out of the sky, and the formation that had endured the full blow of the moon worship could no longer be maintained under this sword shadow, and it turned into a bubble and dissipated in the void.

accompanied by.

The collapse of the entire Xianling Island leylines.

Ying Qishun took a look, and the figure of the Sword Saint appeared in front of him.

"Shushan Sword Saint.

At a glance, Ying Qi knew the identity of the person who came.

"You actually killed Baiyue.

The Sword Saint looked at Ying Qi in shock.

As the world's top powerhouse, he naturally knows the strength of the worship of the moon. Even if he is, if he fights with the full-strength of the worship of the moon, the outcome may be 50-50.

And Ying Qi in front of him actually killed Baiyue.

The key is.

under days.

Baiyue will not die at all now.

It can be said.

Ying Qi changed the number of days originally set in this world.


Ying Qi looked at Juggernaut indifferently.

"The number of days is chaos, the world is chaos.""

"In this world, something big is going to happen."

The swordsman frowned.

"Isn't this world chaotic enough?

Ying Qi said jokingly.

Hear this.

Juggernaut didn't know what to say, staring at Ying Qi, frowning with a kind of complexity.

"I can't figure out your origin."

"Everyone in the world is famous, who are you?"

The Sword Saint asked in a deep voice.

He has always mastered all symbols with composure, but what happened today made him unable to calm down.

"Soon, you'll know.

"But not now."9

Ying Qi shook his head.

After worshiping the moon.

Ying Qi no longer holds out much hope for the idea of ​​conquering the world's powerhouses.

After all, in this world, those whose cultivation base has reached the void, and even beyond the Tribulation Realm, have their own ideas, and how can they be so easily surrendered as the powerhouses of the world.


Ying Qi doesn't care either.

If you are an enemy, just kill it.

There are countless talents in Daqin, and there are also countless talented people, so why should you care so much.

"What's your purpose?" The Sword Saint asked again.

"What do you think my purpose is?"

Ying Qi smiled.

I don't care about this Juggernaut.

"This fairy island is going to be destroyed, I have no time to talk nonsense with you."

Ying Qi's figure flashed, and he left the void directly and fell towards the Xianling Island Palace.


Then he left with Zhao Linger and the people on Xianling Island.

As for the Juggernaut, he directly put him aside.

The Sword Saint looked at Ying Qi's back, very surprised, but did not stop anything.

Just like worshiping the moon, he couldn't see through Ying Qi.

"To worship the moon and die, the number of days is chaotic.

"The secrets from the sky also disappeared.

"In the past, I wanted to disobey the sky, but the consequences were difficult to do, but now he is able to disobey the number of days set by the sky and kill Baiyue.

"Go against the sky.

"Baiyue is dead."

"Will the original number of days still exist?"

"Is the future head of Shushan, will he still be him?"5

The Sword Saint's brows were filled with thought, which was extremely complicated.

next moment.

Boom, boom, boom.

Xianling Island began to vibrate violently, the ground cracked, and suddenly, it was shattered by an invisible force and sank into the sea.

"The power of the formation.

"He actually killed Baiyue with the formation method. 99

Juggernaut took a keen look and saw the formation plates standing all over Xianling Island at the moment when Xianling Island overturned.

"This person is too mysterious. 35

"Don't fight against it.

Juggernaut thought to himself.

And at the top of the void.

Along with Baiyue's death.

A fate star fell silently from the starry sky.

And at this moment, the fall of the fate star made the whole fairy sword world startled.

"That fate star seems to be worshipping the moon.

0.....for flowers·

"The star of life falls into the sky, and the master of life falls.

"He, actually fell?"

"His strength is one of the few in the world, who can kill him? 35

"Baiyue was originally ambitious, and now the world is in chaos, it was his opportunity to display his ambition, but now he suddenly fell, why is this?"

At the moment when the moon worship star fell, countless powerhouses in this world raised their heads with unspeakable shock.

The death of one of the world's top powerhouses naturally affected them.

at the same time.

Outside Yuhang City.

"Boy. 99

Li Xiaoyao was cultivating when suddenly a person appeared in front of him.

"Who are you?

Li Xiaoyao stood up cautiously and looked at the person who came.

This person is dressed lazily, with a wine gourd hanging around his waist, but his temperament is outstanding.

"Your benefactor is here to teach you the cultivation method."

"Without further ado."

"I'll only show you once, and after that, there will be no more.

The person who came said to Li Xiaoyao.

Then he walked directly in front of Li Xiaoyao, and a hand fell directly on Li Xiaoyao's forehead, just waiting to teach the practice.


He seemed to sense something.

"You, on the martial arts?"

The visitor looked at Li Xiaoyao in surprise.


Li Xiaoyao immediately took a step back, looked at this person cautiously, and thought to himself: "What's wrong with this world? Those weird people who came to the inn first, and now it's another weird person? No, I'll go back to the inn to practice.


Li Xiaoyao immediately turned around and fled to his own inn desperately.

And this man didn't go after him either.


"Why has he already entered cultivation? According to what my senior brother said, he should have not entered cultivation in the past few days, and he should follow my Shushan Kendo all the way in the future, so why did he embark on Martial Dao?"

The man thought with a contemplative look on his face, extremely puzzled.

And this time.

A place outside Yuhang City.

"Brother Qi, Baiyue is really dead?

Zhao Linger looked at Ying Qi Dao expectantly.

"Well, I killed him myself." Ying Qi nodded.


"My mother's revenge has finally been avenged." Zhao Linger said happily.

"Mother Zhao, you take Linger to the city to settle down, I still have some things to deal with, and I will come back to you later." Ying Qi said to Grandma Zhao.


Grandma Zhao did not dare to hesitate and left with Zhao Linger and the maids of Xianling Island.

And Ying Qi naturally prepared to take this moment to upgrade the level.

Killing such a strong person as the Moon Worship Cult Master has gained tens of millions of experience points.


Ying Qi's cultivation is bound to be greatly improved.

"I originally thought that it would be good to be able to rise to level 70 after killing Baiyue, but now that I look at it, maybe I can directly enter level 71 and reach the transcendence realm.

Ying Qi thought to himself, and immediately, the communication system: "Upgrade the level."


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