Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 344 Killing the tribulation powerhouse, Ying Qi's ruthlessness


Baiyue suddenly burst out laughing.

Looking at Ying Qi with a strange look.

After a while.

Baiyue said: "Although your strength is good, compared to me, there should be a gap. What qualifications do you have to make me surrender?"


"I won't say more.

"It is up to you whether you surrender or not. 55

"If you don't want to, I naturally won't force it." Ying Qi calmly said.

In Ying Qi's mind, Baiyue's talent is good, and he is a rare talent, and earning Daqin's income is indeed helpful to Daqin's national strength.

But if he doesn't want to, that's all.

All worlds.

The strong, the talents, and countless others.

Ying Qi won't do anything to plead with the cottage, there is no need to lower his status.

If you don't obey, you will die.

There are only these two options.

Ying Qi's voice fell.

The breath between the voids instantly became tense, showing a kind of arrow drawn.

If two people are fighting.

This fairy island will be sunk.


It all depends on the choice of the moon worship.

"You see everything in this world as prey.

"Do you have a way to deal with it?

Baiyue pointed to the sky and asked suddenly.

"What do you think?" Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"Your goal is this side of the world, and even the power of the world.

"Dominate the world?"

"I can work with you and do everything in my power to make it happen. 99

Baiyue pondered for a moment and said to Ying Qi.

"I don't need a collaborator.

Ying Qi shook his head.

next moment.

The Lingshuang Sword appeared in his hand.

Sword Intent volleyed into the sky, sweeping across the sky.

"You deliberately brought me to Xianling Island for me? 35

"If you don't obey, you will die."

Looking at Ying Qi's actions, Baiyue said 670 words in a deep voice.

"In my dictionary, everything except the subject is the enemy, and if you are not a subject, you are my enemy.

"I won't let go.""

Ying Qi said flatly.

Even though Baiyue has the strength to cross the Tribulation Realm in front of him, Ying Qi is not afraid of it.

A few days of arrangement can kill him.

"It seems that there is no more talk between you and me."5

Baiyue sighed, his eyes a little complicated.

Ying Qi has a purpose for him and wants to subdue him.

But Baiyue didn't want to take Ying Qi for his own use, complete the act against the sky, and completely change the world.



He will not surrender to anyone, because he is worshiping the moon, even if he was defeated by Ying Qi's few words, he could not do it if he surrendered to Ying Qi.

He is still disrespectful to Heaven, so why would he surrender?

"in this way."

"That's all." 5

"Go ahead.

Ying Qi picked up the sword and stared at Bai Yue.


"If only you could do it for me.

"With the combined efforts of you and me, it is also possible to kill the sky."

Baiyue said with some disappointment, but his expression did not show any waves.

The cultivation base has reached his level, and under the hatred, his heart has been extremely cold.

Even the adoptive father who raised him in the past could kill him.

He has no friends, no relatives.

Show no mercy to anyone.

A monstrous weather appeared on Baiyue's body, and the entire Xianling Island was crumbling under this aura, showing a scene of collapse and sinking.

I saw Baiyue raise his hand, and an extremely terrifying murderous intent was instantly condensed in the void.

The sword energy condensed by countless spiritual powers slashed towards Ying Qi.

Hands up.

The void where Ying Qi was located was enveloped by the power of worshiping the moon.

under this force.


Even the powerhouse who entered the Tribulation Realm for the first time will perish.

It can be seen that the strength of worshiping the moon is not the first time to enter the Tribulation Transcendence Realm, but has already reached two or three levels above the Tribulation Transcendence Realm.

Under the palace of Xianling Island, in a formation. ,

"The moon worship is shot. 35

"Grandma, brother Qi will not be in danger.

Zhao Linger said worriedly.

"Princess, don't worry.""

"The benefactor is very powerful. This time, he deliberately invites the moon to worship the moon. He must be able to rely on it. He can definitely defeat the moon worship." Grandma Zhao comforted with a smile.

But having said that.

She was also very worried at the bottom of her heart, but at this moment, she had no choice but to believe in Ying Qi's strength.


The Sword Saint suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the location of Xianling Island.

"Baiyue, actually shot."

"Who is he fighting with?"

"The number of days is so chaotic and difficult to predict, it's a variable. 95

The Sword Saint looked at Xianling Island with a complicated expression.


He couldn't help but stood up, tore open the void directly, and headed towards Xianling Island.

Although Xianling Island is separated from Shu Mountain by an unknown distance, but under the perception of his powerful cultivation base, he is keenly aware of it.

Eyes turned.

"A sword that separates the world.

Ying Qi raised his hand, and the Lingshuang sword pierced through the void.

In an instant, the confinement of the void was cut open.

The sword that filled the sky turned into a bubble.

"Worship the moon, and let your life establish the opportunity for me to break through the calamity."5

Ying Qi sneered.

Lingshuang Sword was released from his hand.

In vain.

It turned into a sword glow and fell towards the ground.

The moment Lingshuang Sword was inserted into the ground, it was like a formation.

"The killing squad.


Ying Qi's low voice resounded through the void of Xianling Island.



The entire Immortal Spirit Island instantly rushed into dozens of beams, completely shrouding the island in the tube bundle.

A formation was formed in an instant.

The entire island is empty and the earth is forbidden by this formation. ,

Even with the cultivation base of transcending the calamity, it is difficult to break through the power of this formation and move the void.

"It seems that you already have a surefire way to deal with me.

"It turned out to be an array."

Looking at the imprisoned Xianling Island, Baiyue's eyes also had some panic.

"If it's not complete, how can we deal with you, the moon worship leader. Ying Qi sneered.

"It seems that one of you and me will die today.


"If you can really kill me."

"At least this side of the world has a chance to change.""

"bring it on.

Baiyue laughed loudly.

Raise your hands.

The spiritual energy in the void suddenly mobilized, forming a more terrifying spiritual pressure.

Endless sword energy, with overwhelming murderous intent, headed towards Ying Qizhen.

With that the entire void was stirred by his power.

The power of immortality is like this.

Baiyue did not practice martial arts.

But fairy tales.



Ying Qi raised his hand and pointed.


In the formation, all the aura disappeared in an instant,

Even the spell that Yu Baiyue cast was pulled away from the spiritual energy in an instant, turned into a bubble in the sky, and was swallowed up by the formation.

"Spiritual Array."

"There is no spiritual energy in the void."

"You are actually a sixth-order array mage."

Seeing that his spell had just been cast and then turned into nothingness and collapsed, Bai Yue was shocked.

The sixth-order array mage is comparable to the level of the powerhouse of the transcendence realm, but under the power of the formation, once the transcendence realm enters the great formation of the sixth-order array mage, it will be seriously injured at light, or fall in the serious.

But to reach such a level of formation cultivation, there is no such thing in this world.

"For you, I have used all the promotion points to improve the formation.

Ying Qi smiled in his heart.

Compared with martial arts, immortality relies too much on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the power of martial arts has an advantage. It can not only mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also defend the enemy with its own martial arts energy and blood.

One is a warrior.

One is a mage.

And the lore formation arranged by Ying Qi can not only isolate all spiritual qi, but also can embezzle the empty spiritual qi and turn it into murderous intent.

"Worship the moon."

"I, gave you a chance. 35

"In this side of the world, all those who do not serve as ministers are my enemies.

"It's you today.

"The Sword Saint of Shushan in the future, all the powerhouses in this world are enemies."

Ying Qi drank coldly, his voice resounding on Xianling Island.

next moment.

The True Yuan in Ying Qi Dantian rushed towards the formation.


The power gathered by the formation is even more extreme.

The entire formation gathered an endless storm of sword energy, strangling the past towards Baiyue.

Baiyue did not answer.


He did not dare to mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the void, but used his own spiritual energy to form a barrier to protect the whole body, resisting the sword energy storm formed by this formation.

same time.

Baiyue also withdrew towards the edge of the formation.

The whole body is gathered.

Bombed towards that formation.

The tyrannical force made the entire Xianling Island tremble. Outside Xianling Island, a monstrous ocean wave was formed within a thousand miles, and countless water columns rose into the sky.

You can see the power of Baiyue's blow.

If it hits the ground, thousands of miles away will be destroyed by this blow.

But the formation trembled.

Although there are cracks, it is not broken.

The power of this blow was dispersed by Xianling Island and even the sea.

"You actually locked the Thousand Mile Earth Vein of Xianling Island with a formation.

Baiyue frowned, looking at the constantly repaired formation, a bit of despair emerged.

"If not, how could this formation trap you?" Ying Qi sneered.


Increase the motivation of the formation power.

The murderous intention of the sword qi storm is even worse.

He frantically killed the worship of the moon, and the spiritual power of the worship of the moon was rapidly consumed, and the moment when the spiritual power was exhausted, was the time of his death.

Against a strong man like him.

Ying Qi can only use these methods to isolate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so that he cannot recover, and then consume him to death. After all, there is a huge disparity in strength.

at the same time.

On the coast outside Xianling Island, monstrous waves swept in.

Countless people watched in horror, waiting for death to come.

Once the waves swept.

A hundred miles along the coast will be overturned.

And this time.

A crack appeared in the void.

A figure with white hair walked out of the void.

Looking at the surging waves that swept over, the person who came did not hesitate, and gathered spiritual power in his hands.

In an instant, countless sword shadows were formed, slashing towards the surging waves.

under his power.

The monstrous waves were instantly smashed, and the flood returned to the sea.

"Baiyue, who are you fighting against?

The swordsman stared at the sea, daring not to have any delay, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

And the coastal city looked at the shattering waves, and they all carried the aftermath of the catastrophe.

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