Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 346 Level 71, the real Tribulation Realm.


Ying Qi's order was issued.

The system prompt sounded in the ear immediately: "The host's command is accepted."9

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 68.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 69.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 70. 35

With the 35 million experience points gained from killing Baiyue, Ying Qi was not surprised, and directly upgraded to level 70, which is also the pinnacle of Void Realm in terms of cultivation.

at the same time.

Ying Qi is only one level away from a higher level.

Level 71, Crossing the Tribulation Realm.

The real top powerhouse in this world.

Even in the mortal world, it can also be called a strong existence.

"Crossing the Tribulation Realm."

Ying Qi was looking forward to it.

"With 9 million experience points deducted, congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 71." The system prompted.

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Ying Qi's body was shrouded in bursts of golden light, and the strength of Ying Qi was rapidly increasing.

Each promotion of one level, each promotion to a large level, is a qualitative leap for Ying Qi's strength "Six Seven Three".

Shrouded in golden light.

One after another suffocating momentum was released from Ying Qi's body, causing the entire Yuhang City to shroud a terrifying sense of depression.

But for ordinary people, this kind of depression is difficult to feel at all.

"This breath.

"Crossing the Tribulation Realm."

"Seems to have just broken through. 35

"In this world, there is one more top powerhouse."

Outside Yuhang City.

The weirdo who met Li Xiaoyao before looked at the place where the breath was released, and was extremely shocked.

Fairy Island waters.

The Sword Saint stood quietly in the void, staring at the island that had sunk into the sea, with a kind of confusion in his eyes that he had never seen before.


Juggernaut looked at Yuhang City.

"He broke through the tribulation.

"I have to talk to him."

The Sword Saint's expression changed slightly, and he swept towards Yuhang City.

Eyes turned.

"Level 71, Transcend the Tribulation Realm.

"It's not far from Wonderland.

Feeling the power he possesses at this moment, Ying Qi smiled.

If you don't really step into this level, you really can't know how powerful the power of this realm is.

Reaching this level, I don't know how much stronger than Ying Qi's original strength.

"Being able to kill Baiyue, the powerhouse of the fourth level of transcending calamity, if I hadn't set up a great formation to isolate the spiritual energy, I would not have been able to kill him with my own strength.

"Thank goodness."

Ying Qi thought with great joy in his heart.

In the lore formation, Baiyue's strength did not show 50%, only defensive power, but no offensive power.

That's when.

The moment Ying Qi was successfully upgraded to level 71.

above the void.

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered, covering thousands of miles around, all showing a dark cloud cover, and the endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning gathered in the dark cloud.

Countless mortal creatures looked at the dark clouds that covered the sky and covered the sun. Suppressing thunder is all panic.

In particular, the coastal city, which had almost been overturned by the torrent, was now in a state of unease again.

In this kind of world with the real mortal top powerhouse, reaching above the broken realm is above the mortal world, possessing power that is unimaginable in the world, and reaching the realm of transcending tribulation.

With all your strength, a thousand miles can become a piece of scorched earth.

This is the power possessed by the immortal gods, and it is impossible for mortals to touch them.

And this thunder catastrophe that covered thousands of miles naturally inspired the entire world of Immortal Sword.

magic door.



Many strong people in this world all looked at Yuhang City.

"Someone breaks through the calamity, and the sky descends the calamity.

"Waiting for the moon, the leader fell, and someone actually broke through the tribulation realm.

"Could it be that there are so many tribulation-transcending realms in the world? Once a calamity-transcending realm powerhouse falls, a new tribulation-transforming realm powerhouse will be born? 99

"This calamity-transcending powerhouse appeared in the southern part of the Central Plains, on the coast, and I don't know which party's ancestor he is. If he is as ambitious as the moon, and his ambition is in the world, it will be extremely unfavorable for our clan, but if he is as ambitious as the moon, Like Shushan, he ignores worldly affairs, which is fortunate.

"There are only a few people in the world who cross the Tribulation Realm. This seat has been at the peak of the Void Realm for thousands of years, but I can't see the threshold of the Tribulation Realm."

"Bai Yue died, and a new calamity-transcending realm powerhouse appeared again. The pattern of this world is about to change. Whether my clan can gain the world depends on this time. The realm of immortals has a chance."

At the moment when this thousand-mile dark cloud and thunder appeared, the world was shocked.

Countless powerhouses and countless forces were shocked.

And Yuhang City.

Inspire the world.

"Thunder calamity?

Ying Qi stared at the dark clouds and thunder that gathered in the void, and realized something in his heart.

The reason why Transcending Tribulation Realm is called Transcending Tribulation Realm is because the key to entering this realm lies in Transcending Tribulation.

Even if it is like Ying Qi, who has risen to level 71 and successfully crossed the calamity, if he cannot survive the calamity, he will be seriously injured and his cultivation will be regressed.

But for Ying Qi.

If you can't survive the calamity, you may be seriously injured, but the cultivation base will not fall.

After all, the path he took was to kill enemies to gain experience points, rather than the need to keep practicing like the cultivators in the world.

"Come on. 39

Ying Qi smiled and stared at the thunder cloud above the void.


The thunderclouds on the top of the dark cloud cover gradually formed a terrifying force.

The endless power of thunder, which is enough to make all living beings fear, is brewed in the thunder cloud.

When the thunder is formed.


A thunder like a hundred-zhang dragon slammed down towards Ying Qi...

The power of this thunder has already possessed the power to enter the calamity for the first time.

But Ying Qi was not in a hurry.

God thought a move.

"The Seal of the Township.

A golden light flew out and instantly turned into a giant seal and fell on top of Ying Qi's head.

The endless power of Great Qin's national fortune is reflected on the seal, and transformed into the shadow of the black dragon of the Great Qin's national fortune.

The tyrannical thunderbolt destructive power exploded on the top of Ying Qi's head, and all hit the seal.

Yin Xi only trembled slightly, and then returned to calm.

The first way of thunder robbery, Ying Qi easily passed, and did not even make a real shot.

But at the instant of this thunder, another thunder came.

It still hit Yinxi, but it still didn't hurt Ying Qi by a single point.

In a blink of an eye.

Five thunderbolts fell one after another, Ying Qi did not make a move, and all were blocked by the Zhen Guoxi.

Until the sixth thunder, it seems to be the last of this thunder.

Ying Qi finally got his mind.

Holding the Frost Sword.

"A sword that separates the world.

A sword cut out.

A hundred-zhang stegosaurus rose from the sky and collided fiercely with the thunder dragon.

The moment of collision.

The violent energy overflowed, causing the mountain forest where Ying Qi was located to present a scene of destruction, and the mountain forest for dozens of miles turned into a scorched earth.

And hidden in the shadows of this forest.

Under this violent energy, he retreated in a hurry.

One of them was even directly injured and vomited blood. Fortunately, at a critical moment, a person appeared and blocked the fatal blow for him. Otherwise, under the power of this thunder calamity, he would surely die.

"Brother, you are here too.

The man looked at the 1.7 Sword Saint, and a hint of happiness flashed in his eyes.

"You are too reckless. When you cross the calamity, the power of thunder can destroy a hundred miles of land. Although you are very powerful, you are like an ant under this thunder. You dare to look so close." The Sword Saint taught the man a lesson.

"I was originally here, and I didn't expect anyone to survive the calamity." Jiu Jianxian said helplessly.

He originally wanted to teach Li Xiaoyao Shushan Kendo, but for some reason, Li Xiaoyao had already stepped into the mundane martial arts, which surprised him originally. ,

When he won the Qi Du Tribulation, he couldn't help but come over to watch.

"Such a powerful thunder calamity, I almost died when I crossed the calamity, but he passed it so easily."

"Five thunderbolts couldn't break the seal, and the last one was cut off by his sword." The Sword Saint looked at the figure in the distance in awe.

"Senior brother, who is he? I have never seen such a strong person before." Jiujianxian asked curiously.

"I do not know either."

The swordsman shook his head.

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