Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 343 Heaven and Earth are not benevolent

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Baiyue was silent.

For the moon worship.

He wants to destroy the world and reshape the world because his ideas are in contrast to those of his adoptive father in the past.

In the end, his adoptive father even knocked him off a cliff, making him almost die.

After living for so long, he saw the endless slaughter in this world, fighting everywhere, and dying every moment, which, in his opinion, was also a lifelong evil.

The world is terminally ill.

Since then, Baiyue is full of hatred for this world, so he wants to create a world he wants, a world with love.

"Can I really reshape the world?"

"Can the descendants of Nuwa really be able to recreate sentient beings?"

Baiyue also became suspicious.

"Although Ling'er is a descendant of Nuwa, she is not a true immortal, and even a true immortal cannot create the world and reshape all beings in the world.

"How can the power of ants shape the sky?"

"Perhaps you think your cultivation base has reached the top of the world, but you are like an ant in front of the sky."

Ying Qi spoke slowly again.

"God, it does exist.""

"Have you seen the sky? 35

Baiyue opened his eyes wide and looked at Ying Qi.

"I have seen.

Ying Qi said solemnly.

Heaven is the way of heaven.

Ying Qi has not only seen, but also seen more than one, and even personally destroyed the existence of many heavens, and there is one heaven under his control.

"How chaotic the world is, why doesn't the sky appear? The world is so ill, why doesn't the sky heal?" Baiyue asked loudly.

"Have you heard a word?" Ying Qi said.

"What?" Baiyue opened her eyes wide.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and they treat all things as cud dogs. Ying Qi said solemnly.

this sentence.

Like Leiyin, it shook directly into Baiyue's mind, buzzing, and his expression changed instantly.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent.... regard all things as cud dogs.

"Heaven and earth are unkind..."

Baiyue muttered to himself, his eyes fell into a kind of confusion.

The breath of the whole person has also become mixed, it seems that this sentence has washed away the concept originally adhered to by the moon worship.

all the time.

Baiyue blames all the turmoil in the world on sentient beings, and believes that everything in the world is caused by the greed of sentient beings and the desires of sentient beings, killing and chaos, covering the world.

But Ying Qi's words shattered the idea in his heart.

The suffering of all beings.

under the gaze of heaven.

It may not be that God did it on purpose.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs.

Heaven regards all living beings in the world as cud-dogs, and how can they care about their lives?


Everything between heaven and earth, and everything of sentient beings, is under the control of the high heaven, and there is no way to liberate it.

"Baiyue is worthy of the number one villain in this world, the idea is under attack, but at this moment, he has a clear understanding."

Ying Qi watched Baiyue's aura gradually stabilize, and praised her inwardly.

This worship of the moon is really remarkable.

After a while.

The aura on Baiyue's body became stable and no longer chaotic.

"I was wrong.

"For a long time, I thought that all beings in the world were terminally ill and beyond cure."

"But look at it now."

"It's all inhumane.

"It's no wonder that the Sword Saint of Shushan has done nothing since he entered the Dao, because he pays attention to conforming to the sky, and everything is conforming to it. Worshiping the moon has a bright and enlightened thought.

"He is indeed a strong man who comprehends the Tao.

"Follow the way of heaven and govern by inaction." Ying Qi said.

in the past.

For the powerhouses in the world of Immortal Sword, it is said that Baiyue is the first powerhouse in this world, but it is not the case. The real No.1 powerhouse is the Sword Saint of Shushan. To rule, to follow the way of heaven.

His only shot was to lock Zhao Linger into the lock demon tower, trying to change the number of days, but it still ended in failure, proving that the sky cannot be violated.

Ying Qi stared at Baiyue and said, "Now, do you still want to destroy the world and rebuild it?"

"The sky is high, and with my strength, even if there are five spiritual beads, it will not be able to destroy the world at all."

"Furthermore, it is impossible to reshape all beings with the help of the descendants of Nuwa.

"Everything is taken for granted.

Baiyue said in a deep voice, with a complex expression on his face.

all the time.

The idea he pursued turned out to be wrong, and he was completely wrong about everything in this world.

"and then?"

Ying Qi asked again.


Baiyue was silent.

Once again lost in a kind of confusion.

After a long time.

His eyes flashed brightly.

"Since the heaven and the earth are not benevolent, they regard all things as cud dogs.

"Then if I go against the sky, can I kill the sky?"

Baiyue stared at the void sky and shouted angrily.

As soon as his voice fell.

Boom, boom.

Above the sky, a terrifying thunder suddenly appeared.

It seems to be a warning from heaven.

If it is said that the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the Middle Martial World is not too strong, but it has reached the Heavenly Dao of the High Martial World, the origin is powerful and controls the entire world.

If someone scolds the sky and defies the sky, he will be deterred by the sky.


"It seems that everything you said is true.""

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs.""

"Okay, okay.

Looking at the thunder that appeared in the sky, and the warning from the sky, Baiyue smiled.

Ying Qi looked up and smiled.

Baiyue wants to destroy the world and rebuild it.

In the end.

It is to use the power of the five spirit beads to destroy the five elements of time, lose the two that maintain heaven and earth, and then use the power of water monsters to overturn the world and achieve the purpose of destroying the world.

But as he himself said after realizing it.

It is impossible to do it with his strength, even with the help of the power of the Five Spirit Beads.


"You know the world so thoroughly?"

"Are you also dissatisfied with this side of heaven and earth, this side of heaven? 35 Baiyue looked at Ying Qi and asked.

"Accurately, this side of the world is my prey. 35

Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"Is Yitiandi your prey?"

"Does it include me too?"

Baiyue smiled.

"Everything in this world.

"Naturally you are among them." Ying Qi said bluntly.

Today, I led the worship of the moon to this Xianling Island.

Ying Qi has only two purposes, one is to be used by Da Qin, and the second is to kill.

Baiyue wants to go against the sky and kill the sky.

He couldn't do it with his strength, but Ying Qi was able to do it.

With the power of mortals, it is almost impossible to fight against the sky, unless it is a top powerhouse from another world, surpassing a powerhouse of a higher world level.

Hear the word prey.

Baiyue was not angry either.

He has lived for many years, and Ying Qi is the only person he can't see through.

Since he dared to say such a thing, he obviously had a power that he could not grasp.

"`" As soon as I met you ten years ago, I knew you were extraordinary. I communicated with divination, but I never figured out your origin, where did you come from?" Baiyue stared at Ying Qidao.

"If you say, I'm not from this side of the world, do you believe it?"9

Ying Qi smiled.


Baiyue's eyes widened, astonishment emerged: "Who, exactly, are you?"

"I, Emperor Daqin. 95

"Win Qi.

Win Qiwei said.

The majesty of the monstrous emperor appeared on his body, and the nine dragons surrounded Ying Qi with the majesty of the emperor.

The sky is empty.

The entire Fairy Island was deterred by this imperial threat.

Even Baiyue felt a sense of oppression in the face of such a level of imperial coercion.

It seems that the existence standing in front of him is an inviolable emperor.

"Emperor Qin, win Qi?"

"In ancient times, the son of Qin Shihuang, the Wudi Emperor Ying Qi who created the whole country of Da Qin.""

"You, actually came back.

Hearing the name of Ying Qi and Da Qin, Bai Yue was also horrified.

"Ying Qi in this world appeared because of me, but I am not Ying Qi in this world." Ying Qiwei said.

(Wang Zhao's)

"Does the fairyland really exist?

"What kind of world is that?

"Is there no war, no killing?"

"Is the heaven in the immortal world, just like the heaven and earth I live in, with all things as cud dogs? 35

Baiyue asked with a strong desire.

"The world I live in is not a fairyland.""

"But there is no war, no killing, the way of heaven is benevolent and righteous, the law rules the sky, and it does not interfere with all living beings.

"Everything in the world is under my control.

'Under Qin's law, everything is peaceful.

Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

Hear Ying Qi's description.

Baiyue fell into a kind of longing, and longing also appeared in his eyes.

This kind of world is not exactly what he tried so hard to create.

There is no killing in this world, presumably, there is a body of love that he has lost for a long time.

"You told me so much."

"Probably not for free.""

"What is your purpose for me? 35 Baiyue is a smart man, and he doesn't talk too much.

"It's simple."

"I want you to enter my Great Qin and submit to me."

Ying Qi stared at Baiyue and said arrogantly.

PS: Please pursue it, brothers. If you have any comments, please leave a comment in the book review section.

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