"Engong, Moon Worship is very powerful, even the young lady at the beginning had many opponents."

"If he comes to Xianling Island, then Her Royal Highness will be in danger." Zhao Linger's grandmother said worriedly.

"If he wants to make a move, I will naturally fulfill his death." Ying Qi said coldly.

The reason why Worshiping the Moon was brought in was because Ying Qi had a chance to subdue him. At the same time, he was also the top powerhouse in this world. If he did not serve as a minister, then Ying Qi would take this fairy island as the foundation and kill him. kill,

In this way, you can gain a lot of experience points.

For Ying Qi, there is only so much experience for killing powerhouses of the same level, but if he kills him by leaps and bounds, the experience value will be extremely rich, and it may be able to make Ying Qilian go up a few levels.


Attracting the moon, killing two birds with one stone.

Kill it for the enemy, and use it for the minister.

On Xianling Island, Ying Qi will arrange a lore formation to deal with him.

"Engong has grown in strength over the years.

Grandma Zhao said respectfully.

In the face of Ying Qi, she is naturally very respectful.

"Brother Qi, you said back then that if I saw you again, you would marry me."

"Now that I see you again, it's time for you to keep your promise."

Zhao Linger opened her eyes wide and raised her head, full of expectations.

"In the beginning, did I say that?

Ying Qi was stunned.

"Eunuch did." Grandma Zhao smiled.

"Linger, I have many women, are you sure you want to marry me?" Ying Qi looked at Zhao Linger and asked.

For women, Ying Qi has always disliked coercion, even among the many concubines in his harem, except for the princesses of the kingdoms who were bestowed by Ying Zheng at the beginning, none of them were coerced in the 05 follow-up. Come, willingly.


Even the former princesses of various countries have no regrets after becoming Ying Qi's concubine.

"Brother Qi, I said this ten years ago."

"And then you said I was too young. 35

Zhao Linger replied gently.

Hear this.

Ying Qi did not refuse.

Anyway, you won't suffer.


worship the moon.

"Sect Leader, this subordinate is incompetent."

"I didn't bring the princess back from Xianling Island, and I asked the sect master to forgive me."

Several congregants knelt on the ground.

And above the high position, Baiyue sat calmly.

It seems that the moon worship is not surprised by the reports of several church members.

The entire Moon Worship Cult main hall was silent, and all the congregants looked at the kneeling congregants indifferently.

After a long time.

"Who stopped you?

Baiyue asked in a deep voice.

"Muslim Lord."

"He's a man in black, very strong...

Several congregants quickly described Ying Qi's appearance.

hear this.

A strange color flashed across Baiyue's face.

"Ten years. 35

"He finally appeared again.

"In this world, whether it is the Sword Saint of Shushan, the Demon Sect, the Buddhist Sect, or the Taoist Sect, I can see through it all. 99

"But the only thing that cannot see through him. 55

"He understands the world, the world, even more than I do.

"very good.

A smile suddenly appeared on Baiyue's face, which was unprecedented for him.

"What else did he say?"

Baiyue looked at a few members of the church and asked.

"My lord.

"He said he would wait for you at Xianling Island."

The congregation responded immediately.

"Waiting for me on Fairy Island. 35

"very good.

Baiyue nodded, and there was hope in his eyes.

And this time.

Several sect members suddenly changed their expressions, became painful, and struggled and screamed on the ground.

Baiyue glanced.

Divine Sense came out.

"Are you left behind?

"The power of martial arts can actually be like this."

With a swipe of the Moon Worship Spiritual Mind, he immediately saw the situation of several cult members.

next moment.

A wave of hands.

A surging force appeared and sprinkled towards several people.


All the talismans of life and death planted in their bodies were removed.

In this world, those who have the ability to remove the life and death talismans that Ying Qi had planted by himself, in addition to the cultivation base, are also at the Void Realm level, or they are at the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

It can be seen that this Moon Worship is also worthy of being the first villain in this world, and is extremely powerful.

"Old friend.

"I should go meet you for a while."

Baiyue raised his head and looked in the direction of Xianling Island, his figure flashed, and he disappeared into the worship of the moon. When he reached the void, he actually tore open a space and stepped into the space.

If Ying Qi sees it, he will be more sure of the strength of the moon worship. This is a magical power that can only be found at the transcending tribulation realm level.

Even if they are separated by tens of thousands of miles, the space is torn apart, and they arrive in an instant.

Fairy Island.

Ying Qi is in the palace on the island.

On the first day of entering the island, Ying Qi and Zhao Linger got married, and had already done what was required.

"I didn't expect the vitality of the Nuwa family to have such an effect, which made me gain millions of experience points, and successfully rose to level 67. 55

"It's no wonder that in ancient legends, the emperor ascended to the throne by flying three thousand. This is not false. 99

Ying Qi thought with a sigh.

"Brother Qi. 35

Zhao Linger happily walked to Ying Qi's side.

At this moment, her hair has been tied up in a bun, which is also a symbol of being a woman for the first time.


Ying Qi also smiled gently.

But the voice just fell.

Ying Qi suddenly sensed something, raised his head suddenly, and looked outside the palace.

"It's finally here. 99

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

"Worshiping the Moon Sect Master?" Zhao Linger immediately returned to her senses.

"Ling'er, you take everyone from Xianling Island to the formation that I set up. If I don't tell you, don't come out." Ying Qi said.

"En. Luo

Zhao Linger nodded.

Although she has practiced the Immortal Technique, her strength is only equivalent to the Shattered Realm, so naturally she cannot help Ying Qi.

"Bai Yue, I hope you don't let me down."

"For you, I have arranged a great formation on the entire Fairy Island. 99

"Crossing the Tribulation Realm, you can also kill.

Ying Qi laughed, his figure flashed, and he flew out of the palace directly.

In an instant.

Ying Qi came to the void of Xianling Island.

Just in the moment of arrival.

The void was directly torn open.

Baiyue flew out of it.

When he saw Ying Qi not far away, Baiyue was not surprised, but very calm.

"Old friend, haven't seen you in ten years. 35

Baiyue faced Ying Qidao with a smile on his face, it seemed that it was really a scene of old friends meeting.

"Ha ha.

Ying Qidan laughed and didn't answer.

Now he hasn't traveled back to ten years ago.

"Ten years ago.""

"You and I hurried for a while, but you have a better understanding of the world than I do. 35

"Let's talk today."

"You gave me the answer ten years later, and now the time has come.

Baiyue smiled and then said.

"What answer do you want?

"This side of the world?"

"Is the earth round?"

"Or is it about all beings in the world? Or, the extinction of the world?"

Ying Qi spoke slowly, his expression unwavering.

"Sure enough, you know it all. 35

Hearing Ying Qi's words, the smile on Baiyue's face became even wider.

"Ever since ancient times, the so-called immortals, all beings in the world, have thought that the world is vast and boundless, and they can't find the edge, but they just sit in the well and watch the sky.

"Even if it is that Shushan Sword Saint, his cultivation base is indeed strong, and I am a bit inferior to him, but he is not as transparent as I see the world."

"The sky is round and the place is perfect.

"It seems that you know everything." Baiyue said with a smile as if he had found a bosom friend.

"The sky is round and the place is round, this doesn't mean anything." Ying Qi shook his head.


"The principle of heaven and earth is like this. Only by gathering the power of the five treasures nurtured by heaven and earth, the world can be reshaped, and then with the power of the descendants of Nuwa, all living beings can be recreated."

"The filth of this side of the world has reached the extreme. The world is filthy, all living beings only know how to fight and kill, and the world is full of resentment."

"In such a world, with such sentient beings, do you think it is necessary to exist?"

"my friend.

"You have the same vision as mine, you can see through the essence of heaven and earth, and I wonder if you can recreate this world with me? Create a world that truly has love.

"The world doesn't understand me, but I believe that you will understand me.

"Only by reshaping the world can this world be more complete." Baiyue invited Ying Qi with a smile on her face.

Ying Qi shook his head: "Your way is too narrow."

If it was someone else who said this, maybe Baiyue would do it directly, but looking at Ying Qi in front of him, Baiyue didn't do anything, but smiled slightly: "Please enlighten me.

Ying Qi slowly sat down in the void.

Baiyue also followed closely.

A view of the Tao.

"I know your purpose.

"You want to use the ancient monsters to cleanse the world and destroy the world, then use the power of the Five Spirit Orbs to deal with the world's strong, and finally use the descendants of Nuwa to recreate all beings. 35

"Therefore, create the world you want."

"But have you ever thought about... 35

Ying Qi's voice paused: "With your strength, with the strength of the five spirit beads, and with the strength of Nuwa's descendants, can you really recreate the world and all beings? 35

"It's all a result of what you take for granted."

"Even if you succeed."

"In the end, the recreated beings in the world may be what you want in the first generation, but as time goes by, will the recreated beings not change?35

"The human heart is the most unpredictable and changeable is the human heart.

"You, can you dominate the hearts of all beings? 99

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