Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 341 Xianling Island, Brother Qi, You Are Finally Back

"Several uncles, are you staying in a restaurant or eating?"

Li Xiaoyao went up to meet him, facing several people from the Moon Worship Cult.

Li Xiaoyao was also very excited because he had just obtained the cultivation method.

"Stay in.

The one in the lead spoke up.


"The uncles sit down for a while, and I will arrange the room immediately. Li Xiaoyao said, and immediately turned around and walked towards the second floor.

A few people from the Moon Worship Cult sat beside Ying Qi.

When they saw Ying Qi, their eyes swept away, and they just skipped it.

"The sect master has already figured out the location of the escaped princess, which is on Xianling Island, but there is a formation outside Xianling Island to protect it. With our strength, we can't break through it, and no one with any cultivation can enter Xianling Island. .99

"We must think of a way, otherwise, the leader will blame if we fail to complete the task."

A moon worshiper said in a deep voice.

"That formation is too weird, our great master's cultivation base can't be approached, I'm afraid that there is no way to do it in the realm of heaven and man."

"Unless we find a mortal to break into the formation, maybe we won't be hindered by the formation, and we can defeat the formation inside, allowing us to enter Xianling Island smoothly," said the leader.

That's it.

The eyes of several "Six Six Seven" congregants all fell on Li Xiaoyao, who was busy on the second floor.

Seems to be calculating something.


"The world has not changed because of my arrival."

Although the conversation of several people was low, how could they escape Ying Qi's ears.

"Xianling Island, the descendants of Nuwa.""

"The biggest secret in the world, Nuwa.

Ying Qi smiled.

Slowly stood up and walked in front of a few members of the Moon Worship Cult.

"what are you going to do?"

Seeing Ying Qi who was suddenly approaching, several sect members showed a kind of anger.

"Tell Baiyue that you have time to visit Xianling Island in person." Ying Qi said to several people.

"Who are you?"

"How dare you call the leader by name?"

Several sects clenched the handle of the sword one after another and looked at Ying Qi with fear.

"You are like ants before me. 35

Ying Qi raised his hand, and a terrifying pressure instantly descended.


Several people cried out in pain, and fell to the ground directly.

"Leave Yuhang City and pass my words to Baiyue." Ying Qi said coldly.

"If we have not completed the mission of the leader, we will not leave even if we swear to death.

Several congregants had fanatical expressions on their faces.

"It's really a pity that Baiyue is not a god in that magical world, his means of bewitching people are stronger than those of false gods.

Looking at the appearance of these disciples, Ying Qi smiled lightly.


Wave your hand.

Congealed into ice directly from the void.

The life and death talisman was activated and directly penetrated into the bodies of several people.


Several sects screamed in agony, struggling on the ground in great pain.

And the second floor of the inn.

When Li Xiaoyao and Aunt Li saw this scene, their eyes widened.

"Xiaoyao, you must never interfere in this kind of thing, these people are not easy to mess with." Aunt Li said to Li Xiaoyao.

"Auntie, don't worry."

Li Xiaoyao naturally nodded in agreement, but in his heart he was even more in awe of Ying Qi.

After making these believers suffer for a long time.

Ying Qi released a few bursts of infuriating energy, temporarily suppressing their pain.

And at this moment, they no longer had the frenzy, worry and fear of Ying Qi.

"You have my life and death talisman, besides me, the moon worship can also unlock it for you."

"Pass my words to Baiyue, and I will wait for him at Xianling Island.""


Ying Qi shouted to several people.

"We took note."


A few people looked at Ying Qi timidly, they didn't want to bear the pain of the life and death talisman again, and left the inn in embarrassment.

"Baiyue, I am really looking forward to meeting you.

Ying Qi smiled slightly, looking forward to it.

in this world.

If it is to define the villain, it may be the moon worship.


This is the situation under the progress of this world. If he wants to destroy the world, he naturally stands on the opposite side of all living beings.

But is it wrong for him to worship the moon?

For all beings in this world, worshiping the moon is naturally wrong, but for himself, he has his own persistence and wants to reshape a better world.

Prove that the earth is round.

He just wanted to tell the world that the earth is round, and ended up asking about love.

For Ying Qi, this moon worship may be subdued and let him see the sky beyond the sky.

"grown ups."

"Are those people just bad guys? 99

After those people left, Li Xiaoyao came over and asked curiously.

"You don't need to know these things right now, practice hard and don't let me down."

"If you can reach the master cultivation level within a year, I can find you a good master. If you can't, then forget it." Ying Qi said to Li Xiaoyao.

"I won't let the adults down." Li Xiaoyao's eyes were full of firmness.

"Well. 55

Ying Qi nodded and said nothing more.

From now on.

The child of luck in this world is already in control.

Fairy Island.

Surrounded by a vast ocean.

And this moment.

Outside this island, a figure appeared in the void of the sea.

Looking at the island in front of him, surprise appeared on Ying Qi's face.

"Why is this formation so similar to my formation method?"

Ying Qi looked at the formation in front of him, a little surprised.

with this surprise.

Ying Qi flew directly into the formation, and suddenly, the formation suddenly rose, and the endless sword energy slashed towards Ying Qi Pokong.

But Ying Qi didn't panic.

A wave of hands.

When the real essence turned, he directly and accurately found the core of the formation, and the real essence was released.

The endless sword energy that was chopped up instantly turned into a sky-filled energy dissipating, and the formation seemed to be directly closed.

"This formation is really arranged by me. Is it possible that I traveled through the time of this world to the past?"

Looking at the formation that was easily closed, Ying Qi came up with an idea.

If it wasn't for the time travel back to the past, how could the formation arranged by himself be in this Xianling Island.

In this world, there is the existence of the law of time, so there is a reality that travels through the void.

Array is closed.

The fog created by the formation in front of him also completely dissipated, and Ying Qi flew into Xianling Island without hindrance.

into the eye.

It's a paradise...  

And on the coast.

On the other hand, there were hundreds of women holding sharp blades, and there was an old woman behind, who was fully alert.

Obviously, the formation was forcibly closed, which has put the entire Xianling Island in danger.


"The people on that day were like Brother Qi.

Beside the old woman, a stunning woman suddenly spoke.


The old woman also looked at the figure above the void, surprise and surprise flashed in her eyes.


Ying Qi fell from the void and looked at the many women in front of him, as well as the old woman and the woman beside her.

"The descendant of Nuwa, Zhao Linger.

Ying Qi fell on Zhao Linger's body at a glance.

"Everyone knelt down and greeted the benefactor.

The old woman shouted to the woman in front.


Hundreds of women all put down their weapons and knelt down facing Ying Qi: "Congratulations to Engong."

And Zhao Linger's beautiful eyes completely fell on Ying Qi's body, giving birth to a lot of nostalgia and friendship, and then she couldn't help but rushed towards Ying Qi and threw herself into Ying Qi's arms.

"Brother Qi, I finally waited for you for ten years.

"You are finally back.

"I miss you so much. 99

Zhao Linger threw herself in Ying Qi's arms and said with tears in her eyes.

"I really traveled back ten years ago."

"Successfully rescued Zhao Linger. 35

Seeing Zhao Linger like this, Ying Qi immediately confirmed his guess.

It's no wonder that he has set up a formation on this Fairy Island.


Ying Qi came back to his senses.

Feeling Zhao Linger's sincerity, this is not false.

"Yes, I'm back."

Ying Qi stroked Zhao Linger's hair and smiled slightly.

"When you come back this time, brother Qi, you won't leave, will you? 35

Zhao Linger raised her head and looked at Ying Qi with tears in her eyes.

"I will go, but I can come and see you at any time. Ying Qi smiled.

"That's fine.

Zhao Linger smiled softly.

This time 1.7.

The old woman came over.

"Engong, after ten years, you are finally back."

"These years, the princess doesn't know how much she misses you."

"If the lady can see you come back, she will be very happy." The old woman said to Ying Qi, her words were full of respect.

"Zhao Linger's mother, Lin Qinger?"

Ying Qi naturally knew who the young lady she was talking about was.


It's worth thinking about.

Ying Qi even had an affair with Lin Qinger.

This makes Ying Qi somewhat unexpected.

"No one bothered you all these years, right?" Ying Qishun asked.

Ying Qi still doesn't know what happened ten years ago, but as he stays in this world, he will naturally know.

"Just a few days ago, the Moon Worship Cult discovered us and was about to forcefully attack the island, but it was repelled by the formation of the benefactor," the old woman said.

"The worship of the moon will not come in the future.

"However, Baiyue should come in person." Ying Qi smiled and said.

Hear this.

The old woman's face immediately showed surprise.

PS: Seek to be determined.

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