Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 341 Changrong's Royal Family, Ying Qi's Family

During these eighteen years.

The court meeting is not opened every week, but every year. If there is an emergency, Yingqi can be presented through a memorial.

But under such a meeting, Daqin was stable and developed rapidly.

The meeting dispersed.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Qi dealt with the memorial and state affairs with a focused expression.

Da Qin has been recuperating for many years, Ying Qi's daily life is to deal with memorials in the morning, and the rest of the time is either going to the harem or practicing.

It has been like this for 18 years, enjoying the peace that war cannot bring.


For such a long time, Daqin's overall strength has made great progress. For Ying Qi, it is naturally the same. For 18 years, Ying Qi has also tried his best to cultivate, and now he is level 59, breaking the Nine Realm.

It took only eighteen years to break through two levels, which is enough to prove Ying Qi's cultivation speed.

After reaching this level, even if some people are talented, it is difficult for some people to break through a level for decades or hundreds of years, but for Ying Qi, there is no obstacle in the realm at all, as long as the experience points are reached, they can level up.

The heavens and the world, the only one who wins Qi.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"The eldest son and the family are asking to see you.

Li Qing played a speech outside the main hall.

Ying Qi stopped to deal with the memorial, smiled slightly, and said to the outside of the hall: "Xuan. 99


Ying Xi walked at the front, followed by three flat wives and five children, both male and female.

when they come in.

"My son sees his father.

"Daughter-in-law see father and emperor.""

Yingxi knelt down and bowed with her three wives and five sons.

"Grandpa Emperor."

"Hug. 99

Beside them, a little girl in the front saw Ying Qi, shouted excitedly, and then rushed towards Ying Qi.

"Grandpa, I want to hug you too.

"I also want."

The other four little guys also rushed towards Ying Qi excitedly.

Three boys, two girls.

These are Ying Xi's children and Ying Qi's grandchildren.


In terms of age, Ying Qi is already a rare age for ordinary mortals, but his cultivation base is enlightened, and his life span is beyond ten thousand years.

After coming to this world for so many years, Ying Qi has his own wife, many children, and now has grandchildren, which must be said to be the blessing of Qi people.


The intergenerational relationship is really deeply ingrained. After having his own grandson, Ying Qi is also very fond of him, just as Ying Zheng loved his sons and daughters back then.

The five little guys all jumped on Ying Qi's body and hugged them tightly, as if to divide their grandfather into five parts.

"Bring them all back to me."

"How can you be so rude in Zhangtai Palace?"

Seeing the five sons and daughters like this, Yingxi immediately shouted.

"Grandpa Huang, Daddy scolds us.

The five little guys pursed their lips and looked at Ying Qi aggrievedly, as if their grandfather did not give them justice, they would cry.

"To shut up.

'Why didn't you see that you were polite when you stinky boy was in Zhangtai Palace?

"I heard your grandfather say that when you were ten years old, you were still peeing in Zhangtai Palace, is this your previous etiquette?

Ying Qi cursed at Ying Xi angrily.

Hear this.

Yingxi blushed, and out of the corner of the corner, he secretly looked at his three wives, all with a kind of teasing.

"Father. 99

"That's all in the past, what are you talking about?" Ying Xi said embarrassedly.

"Didn't you say etiquette?"

"Then Laozi will tell you well.

"You ten-year-old father is still acting like a spoiled child in Zhangtai Palace. Compared with you before, these grandchildren of Zhen have more manners." Ying Qi said with a smile.

ridiculed like this.

Yingxi was even more embarrassed.

Forget the past.

He and his sister have been by Grandpa's side since childhood, and they almost grew up in Zhangtai Palace, so naturally they made a lot of jokes.

"Daddy shy shy.""

"Shy shy.

With Ying Qi's support, the five little guys became more daring and made shy expressions towards their father.

This made Ying Xi's eyes widen, staring fiercely at his five disobedient daughters.

"Grandpa, Daddy stares at me.

"I'm so scared."

A few little guys pouted again, very aggrieved.

"What are you staring at?"

Ying Qi said angrily.

"Father, you love them too much.

"It will definitely be lawless in the future."

Yingxi said helplessly.

In front of his father, he has no dignity at all.

"You were hurt so much by your grandfather before, why didn't you see you being lawless?" Ying Qi said again.

"Er. 35

Yingxi was helpless.

Anyway, it's possible to kiss this thing across generations.

"What about Chi'er?"

Ying Qi looked at Ying Xi and asked.

these years.

Many of his children are already married.

The sons have already married, and the daughters have also married a lot, but Ying Qi gave his daughter absolute autonomy and would never be forced to marry, and the children and grandchildren would have their own children and grandchildren.

But only his eldest daughter, Ying Yuqi, is called a Sahuan, who is wild everywhere.

"It seems to be traveling to the world of comprehensive martial arts." Ying Xi replied.

"This girl, it really is."

Ying Qi shook his head helplessly.


"Tomorrow all the younger brothers and sisters will enter the palace, and the queen mother said that a court banquet will be held in the palace." Yingxi said.


"I haven't been with you for a long time."

"This is also the last feast before the expedition." Ying Qi smiled.

Hear this.

Ying Xi opened her eyes wide and looked at Ying Qi in shock: "Father, are you going to go out again?

Eighteen years.

The strength of the empire is steadily improving, and many people still want to continue to fight in other worlds, expand their territories, and plunder resources.

But it all depends on Ying Qi.

over the years. ,

Since the comprehensive martial arts world was settled, Ying Qi never said anything about the battle, so the courtiers naturally did not dare to ask or speculate about the Sacred Heart.

"Eighteen years of recuperation, the strength of the empire has also been improved, enough.

Ying Qi smiled.

these years.

Daqin has never started a battle, and many courtiers seem to be enjoying peace in their hearts, and they also guess that Ying Qi also wants to hurry up and enjoy it.

Not so keen on fighting.

But how could Ying Qi's heart be so easily shaken.

If he can't be above the heavens, Ying Qi will never be greedy for enjoyment.

These 18 years are not the enjoyment that Ying Qi gave him, but the enhancement of the national power of Da Qin.

"Father, can I go on the expedition with me?"

Yingxi asked expectantly.

"The emperor goes on an expedition, and the prince supervises the country.""

"Don't you understand this truth?""

Ying Qi smiled and looked at Ying Xi.

"Isn't there a grandfather?" Ying Xi said helplessly.

"Your grandfather is keen on cultivation now, and doesn't want to interfere in state affairs at all. Otherwise, why do you think he taught you how to deal with government affairs in the first place, he just quit it just to quit." Ying Qi smiled.

"Is that so?"

Yingxi's eyes widened.

"All right.

"So be it."

Ying Qi was too lazy to say anything.

the next day.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

Banquet opened.

However, no foreign ministers entered the temple.

Today is Ying Qi's royal banquet.

above the high.

Ying Qi and Ying Zheng sat side by side.

Beside them are Li Yan'er and Ying Qi's mother.

Two generations of emperors are in high positions, and two generations of queens are in side positions.

in the main hall.

Many sons, princesses and their families entered the temple.

According to their age, all stood in the center of the hall.

The first is Ying Qi's sons and daughters, more than 20, some are adults, some are still teenagers.

They face high above.

All 637 knelt down and bowed.

"See Grandpa Emperor."

"See your father."

Twenty or so sons and daughters bowed down and shouted in unison.


Looking at so many grandchildren, Ying Zheng's face was filled with a gratified smile.

"Be flat.

Ying Qi smiled and waved his hand.

"Thank you, Grandpa.

"Thank you, Father."

All the children said in unison.

Then stood on both sides of the hall.


A bigger lineup is coming.

Fifty or sixty children lined up neatly, all kneeling in the hall, bowing their heads to Ying Zheng and Ying Qi.

"Meet the emperor's great-grandfather.

"Meet the Emperor."

All the children made naive voices and paid homage to Ying Zheng and Ying Qi.


"All good boys. 35

Ying Zheng still smiled gently, with doting eyes in his eyes.

For him, watching the royal bloodline develop so majestic, he is also very gratified.

"Get up, grandchildren.

Ying Qi said to all his grandchildren.

For them, the tone was very gentle, there was no majesty, only the kindness of the elders.

For Ying Qi.

It is impossible for these grandchildren to take care of them all, and it is impossible to accompany them completely. This is the royal family, but what they deserve, Ying Qi will definitely not treat them badly.

And there are very strict rules in the royal family.

No competition for power, let alone brothers cannibalism.

Once you find it, you must deal with it.


There was no such competition among Ying Qi's royal family.

Because as long as Yingqi reigns and never abdicates, they will not have greed as the princes of the royal family.

And then.

Yingxi, the eldest son of the emperor, is so humble, taking care of his younger siblings, and making all his younger siblings convinced.

With Yingxi in charge of royal affairs, there is no chaos at all.

PS: I am very grateful.

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