Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 340 Big brother, you turned out to be an immortal.

Hearing what Li Xiaoyao said, Ying Qi was surprised.

In this world of Immortal Sword, it turned out to be the historical background of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and it was not the ordinary historical Sui and Tang Dynasties, but had the background of the four major gates, Taoism, magic gate, and Buddhist gate.

"It seems that the heavens and the world are not as simple as I thought."

"This world is the fusion of Immortal Dao and Martial Dao, the fusion of the two worlds.""

"fair enough."

"If it's just the world of Immortal Sword in my memory, there are not so many strong people in it except for the hidden world, but in this world, the strong people are like clouds, the Void Realm, and even the Transcending Tribulation Realm. There must be many. ."

After really understanding this world, Ying Qi's face showed a smile.

The more strong there are, the more excited Ying Qi is.

After all, that is the endless experience value, the source of Ying Qi becoming stronger.

"That's how things are in the world."

"Anyway, it's very chaotic outside, and there are wars everywhere. You are really lucky to be able to come to the paradise of Yuhang City. Li Xiaoyao said very proudly.

"Any luck?"

Ying Qi looked at Li Xiaoyao with a faint smile.

Maybe it's really luck.

As soon as I came to this world, I met the son of luck, not luck or anything.

"Brother, where did you come from?

Li Xiaoyao looked at Ying Qi tentatively and asked.

Although he is just a little gangster now, he can also see that Ying Qi's temperament is extraordinary, otherwise there are so many people in the city, how could Li Xiaoyao only focus on Ying Qi.

"another world.

Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"another world?

Li Xiaoyao's eyes widened, imagination unfolded in his mind, and then he showed a touch of excitement: "Brother, are you a legendary immortal who came from the fairyland?

This world is full of fairy gods.

Moreover, Martial Dao, like Immortal Dao, is confused in the world.

That kind of existence with powerful power is naturally revered by mortals like an existence like a fairy.

"Ha ha.

Ying Qi smiled lightly and did not answer.


In terms of the cognition of this side of the world, it is.

However, Ying Qi still has a long way to go from immortals, one realm and one layer of heaven, so it is long.

"Big brother, no, immortal."

"I beg the immortal to accept me as a disciple.

Li Xiaoyao knelt down in front of Ying Qi with a puff, looking extremely sincere.

Follow along.

He also directly kowtowed three times.

"Did I say I want to take you as a disciple?

Looking at Li Xiaoyao's shameless appearance, Ying Qi was a little speechless.


Just like how he knew about the Son of Luck in this world in his previous life, Li Xiaoyao was just a little bastard, and he grew up after going through many things.

"If the seniors don't accept me for a day, I can't afford to kneel for a day.

Li Xiaoyao said stubbornly, ready to cheat.

"You're useless to me.""

Ying Qi shook his head.

Raise your hand.

Li Xiaoyao was directly supported by an irresistible force.

Then I wanted to kneel and I couldn't get down.

"Immortal, you really are an immortal.""

"Immortal, please accept me.

"I bring tea and water, anything is fine."

Seeing that Li Xiaoyao couldn't kneel down, he felt the power of such an immortal, and immediately became even more excited.

"Why do you want to cultivate immortals? 35

Ying Qi looked at Li Xiaoyao and asked.

"Learn the skills well, help all living beings, eliminate demons, defend the Tao, and defend the world.

Li Xiaoyao said righteously.

Look at him like this.

If it is someone who doesn't know his character, maybe someone who doesn't understand him, I'm afraid that he will be immediately deceived by his rhetoric.

But Ying Qi just glanced: "give you another chance to tell the truth."

"Hey hey. 35

"Senior is indeed an immortal." Li Xiaoyao smiled awkwardly.

Then he stated his true purpose: "If you cultivate immortality, you can live forever, and you can also gain power beyond the mortal world. When the time comes, you will be prosperous and rich, and countless beauties will welcome me. This kind of day is what I want.


"It's your truth. 35

Ying Qi nodded.

"Does the immortal want to accept me as a disciple and teach me immortal methods?"9

Li Xiaoyao's eyes lit up and asked in surprise.

"I never take apprentices. 99

Ying Qi shook his head.

As the Emperor of Qin, how could he accept disciples?

Ying Qi doesn't have that kind of leisure.

However, Li Xiaoyao, as the son of luck in this world, has a very high talent for cultivation, and is a genius.

Moreover, as the son of luck in this world, he will grow very fast, and he can be used by Da Qin and can also be used as a help for Da Qin.

After all, it has always been.

Ying Qi has only two disposals for the son of luck, the first is to kill, and the second is to accept.

No matter what the world's children of luck, almost all have one thing in common, that is, they can't be killed, and the more they fight, the stronger they become.

But for Ying Qi, he is not under the control of the Heavenly Dao of this Otherworld, and he is naturally out of control.

If he kills Li Xiaoyao at this moment, Tiandao can't stop him, even if he can get a strong man who can cross the tribulation realm to stop him, he can't stop Ying Qi.

"Immortal, I don't think I will give up."

Hearing Ying Qi's words, Li Xiaoyao didn't give up, his eyes were firm.

"You just kowtowed three times to me, it's not a ceremony of apprenticeship, it's a ceremony of allegiance. 35

"You, are you willing to be loyal to me?

Ying Qi stared at Li Xiaoyao and asked in a powerful voice.

Invisible room.

The emperor's power suddenly rose and disappeared in a flash.

Li Xiaoyao was immediately stunned by this momentum, the person in front of him just now was like the sky above.

Although it was only for a moment, Li Xiaoyao clearly felt it.

"Opportunity, opportunity to get ahead."

At this moment, a voice resounded in Li Xiaoyao's heart, he knew that if he missed it, he would never have this opportunity again.

"I would.

Li Xiaoyao knelt down again and said firmly.

If it is Li Xiaoyao after growing up, naturally it will not be like this, but now he is only a teenager, a mortal, naturally he will not miss this opportunity.

"it is good."

"I accept your allegiance. 99

"Although I don't accept apprentices, I can find a master for you."

"And there are several masters for you to choose from.

"But it is different from the immortal way you think, all the people under my command are martial arts. 55 Ying Qi said in a deep voice, waving his hand to support Li Xiaoyao.

"Martial arts can also become immortals."

"My lord can give me this opportunity, and Li Xiaoyao will never let it down."

"However, who are the masters that the lord is talking about?"

"Can you really choose?

Li Xiaoyao was serious at first, and then said with a smile on his face.

Now he still doesn't know Ying Qi's identity, if he knew, he would definitely not dare to do so.

"Does Bai Qi know?"

"Do you know Zhang Sanfeng?

"Do you know that Dugu seeks defeat?"

Ying Qi smiled lightly and said three names casually.

...for flowers ·


Ying Qi knew that in this world dominated by Yan Huang, the name of Bai Qi might be passed down with history, but Dugu seeks defeat, Zhang Sanfeng and the others should not.

But obviously.

Ying Qi thought too much.

"These are the top powerhouses of the ancient Xianqin era, killing gods in vain, suppressing an era, Daqin worshipping Zhang Sanfeng, and worshipping Dugu to seek defeat. These are all the powerhouses of the ancient Qin Dynasty."

"My lord, don't you know these powerhouses?"

"According to the historical records of the world, when Emperor Wu Yingqi took the Daqin Empire to the upper realm, these strong men also left with Daqin. Could it be that the lord came from the real fairyland?

Li Xiaoyao looked at Ying Qidao with a look of surprise and admiration.

"This side of the world also has the historical records of my Daqin?" Ying Qi was also a little surprised.

"My lord really has an extraordinary origin, and it turned out to be a person from the ancient Daqin. 99

Li Xiaoyao said excitedly, even more excited in his heart: "This time I really hugged my thighs, I, Li Xiaoyao, are finally going to develop, hahaha."

"Since you have chosen to join my Daqin, then there is no chance to go back, if you betray me, you will betray Daqin.

"The consequences are not as simple as death." Ying Qi warned Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao froze in his heart, and immediately said: "I definitely won't.

"Although you don't have the foundation of cultivation, but this world is full of spiritual energy. I will teach you a practice method that will allow you to step into the realm of cultivation." Yang Shen Gong was taught to him.

Jiuyang Shengong, as a high-grade Xuanjie cultivation technique, might have been a miraculous technique when Ying Qi just started practicing, but now it is nothing at all.

It is not bad to give Li Xiaoyao as the foundation-laying technique.

"Practice the exercises."

"I finally got it. 35

The next moment, Li Xiaoyao realized that there were more exercises in the world, and he was very excited: "Thank you, sir.

"Your talent is good, and I will give you spirit stones and medicine pills, enough to make you go further." Ying Qi waved his hand and directly gave Li Xiaoyao a space ring, which contained some resources and medicine pills, enough for Li Happy to use it.

"The legendary space ring."

Li Xiaoyao looked at the ring in front of him, even more sluggish.

"Thank you sir.


Li Xiaoyao repeatedly thanked him.

There was an unspeakable sincerity and gratitude on his face.

"My lord, since I was born, apart from my aunt, no one has treated me as well as you. I will be an adult in my life and a ghost in death. Li Xiaoyao looked at Ying Qi with tears in his eyes.

At this time.

outside the inn.

A few men in fancy clothes walked in again, and there was an aura that strangers should be kept away from.

"Stinky boy, there are guests here, so hurry up and greet them.

Aunt Li shouted from the second floor.

"Sir, this..."

Li Xiaoyao looked at Ying Qi and hesitated.

"get out.""

Ying Qi said angrily.

"Thank you sir.

Li Xiaoyao put the space ring directly on his hand, and quickly greeted those few people.

Ying Qi glanced at him and sneered a bit: "Has the process of this world begun? Next, as long as you make good use of this child of luck, enemies should be sent to your door continuously, right?"

"By the way, people from the shadows can also be summoned to sneak into this world."

PS: Seeking to be determined, thank you very much.

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