Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 340 In the 18th year, Daqin has underg1 earth shaking changes

The time in the Daqin world passed quickly.

For Da Qin.

After the comprehensive martial arts world is set.

Ying Qi did not plan to continue fighting in the short term. Although he had absorbed the background of the ancient Daqin Empire, the number of strong men in Daqin was still too small, and the mainstay ministers had not yet achieved the corresponding strength of Daqin's national power.

Therefore, Ying Qi must use the resources of the tripartite world to improve the strength of his subjects.

After the decree of Ying Qi's whole nation to cultivate with all his strength was issued.

Court officials.

The courtiers who govern the Quartet.

Soldiers of the military camp.

All of them use the double annual salary granted by the imperial court to enhance their strength.

Especially the soldiers of the military camp, Daqin's main battle five battalions.

Countless people who have not entered the Xiantian realm have felt great pressure. Once they cannot enter the Xiantian realm, they will be assigned to ordinary soldiers from the main battle camp and will lose their previous glory.

Therefore, all the soldiers in the military camp tried their best to cultivate.

However, under such a salary of Daqin, there is still the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the world of Daqin, and it is not difficult for the innate realm.

Let the time pass.

The barracks will not only have all members of the Innate Realm, but also the Grand Master Realm will emerge one after another.

A year has passed.

Three years have passed.

in a blink.

Eighteen years have passed.

Years go by.

The three worlds in the hands of Da Qin have changed a lot.

Some are old and some are still alive.

Under the teaching of the Great Qin Emperor, a new era began.

It is called the era of martial arts.

The world of comprehensive martial arts does not mention it, but in the world of Daqin and the world of Wuhu, in addition to respecting Yingqi as the emperor of the emperor, there is also an honorary title for Yingqi in the folk, called Wuzu.

Today, in the three-way world under the control of Daqin, not to mention comprehensive martial arts, in the world of Daqin and the world of Wuhu, martial arts practice has already originated in the "633", and schools are spread all over the world of Daqin.

The establishment of the academy also adopts the recruitment of all age groups. From the age of ten to the age of eighteen, it is the time to cultivate skills in the academy. Of course, if you fail the exam at the age of fifteen, you will not It will be entered by the Palace of Higher Learning.

Just like the modern teaching of Ying Qi's previous life, every level of academy needs to be tested.

Only by entering a truly high-level academy can you have the opportunity to be outstanding and become an outstanding person.

And in the Daqin world.

There are fewer than five that can be called higher learning palaces.

The imperial capital Xianyang Academy.

Chang'an Academy.

Luoyang Academy.

Northland Academy.

Lishan Academy.

These five university palaces.

There are two Daqin worlds, one is Xianyang and the other is Beidi.

The other three are one in the Wuhu world and two in the comprehensive martial arts world.

Why are these five academies resounding in the world, not only because of the profound heritage of the academies, but also because each academy is taught by experts in the realm of heaven and man from time to time.


For the students in the world of Daqin, what they most want to enter is the Xianyang Academy of the imperial capital, which is also the first school in the world. Merit.

Moreover, as long as you enter the Xianyang Academy, you can also look up to the Emperor Chaotian Palace in Daqin, and if you are lucky, you can even see the emperor go to the Academy.

This is what every student looks forward to.


If you want to enter the Xianyang Academy, you must emerge in the world of Daqin. Either you have outstanding talent in martial arts, or alchemy, forging, or even outstanding in government and military affairs. Otherwise, it will be difficult to enter the first Academy of Daqin.

Today's Daqin.

the past eighteen years.

For cultivators, especially those at the Grandmaster level, this time is nothing in their long life, but for Da Qin, who has endless resources, this is like a big innovation.

Now in Daqin, the powerhouse above the great master has ushered in a double promotion again.

There are a few more Heaven and Human Realms.

Xianyang Academy.

It was another day when a group of students graduated from the Academy.

after today.

They will be distributed all over the world in Daqin, including generals in the army, officials in various government offices in Daqin, and students who enter the Pill Hall and the Forging Hall.

After all, they are students of the highest university in Daqin, and they are all talented, so naturally they are different.


On the Palace Square.

Gathered two thousand students who graduated this time.

Dressed in the uniforms of school disciples, they were divided into several graduate lineups.

Guiguzi, the dean of the school, stood on the high platform and looked at the students in the square with a gentle and gratifying smile on his face.

This is the sixth time that Guiguzi has bid farewell to students, watching each and everyone outstandingly graduate from the academy, and serve as an official in Daqin, in charge of the army, and serve the country.

This makes Guiguzi very useful.

This sense of accomplishment is far stronger than Guigu's chaos in the world. Over the years, he has taught tens of thousands of students, and there are countless winners. This is also the glory of Guiguzi.

"Students of Xianyang Academy."

"I'm Guiguzi, the dean of this academy."

Guiguzi smiled and said to the two thousand students.

Looking at Guiguzi's figure, although he has gray hair and looks old, but he is blessed by the imperial fortune and resources of the imperial dynasty, and now he is also a martial artist at the level of a great master, with a thousand years of lifespan.

Over the years, he has cultivated many talents for Daqin, and Ying Qi is naturally a generous gift.

"Meet the Principal."

All the students obeyed the etiquette of the teacher, bowed and clasped their palms, and bowed to Guiguzi.

This is the disciple ceremony.

What was taught in the university palaces of the imperial dynasty was not only the literature and martial arts, but also the etiquette of loyalty and filial piety, loyalty to the king and patriotism.

In Daqin controlled by Yingqi.

It is not that he respects the law alone, but uses the power of a hundred schools to intercept the essence of a hundred schools and transform them into the use of Da Qin.

The etiquette of loyalty and filial piety is derived from Confucianism.

have to say.

This point of Confucianism is of great use to win the kingdom of Qi.

The two thousand students bowed and bowed, and Guiguzi also folded his palms and bowed, returning a salute.


After the ceremony was over, everyone stood up.

"Students of the Academy. 35


"I would like to congratulate you here. After today, you will graduate from the Academy, and you will make contributions to the empire and repay the great kindness of the emperor."

"You are not from the same place, but from the three worlds under the control of my Daqin. They are not far away, and they are not far away. They are all for the sake of learning their strengths, serving the great Qin, and serving the emperor. 35

"Those of you who have been practicing in the school for many years, there are those who practice writing and administering politics, those who practice martial arts, and there are also unparalleled alchemists, blacksmiths, and even magicians. It can be said that you are all the heroes of my school. He is also the hero of my Daqin.35

"I Guiguzi, and even today's emperors are proud of all the students.

Guiguzi said solemnly.

Although it has been six times to send off students, but for Guiguzi, each time is particularly unforgettable for him, and each time is treated with sincerity.

As the dean of Xianyang Academy.

Not only is he directly responsible for the teaching of Xianyang Academy, but he is also an official who controls all the Academy in the world.

It can be said.

Guiguzi has a high status and is second only to Jiuqing in Daqin.

"Serve the Great Qin, serve the emperor.

"Students should be proud of this."

Two thousand students shouted in unison with determination.

"Do you students still remember the oath of the entrance hall? 35 Guiguzi asked loudly.

"I swear allegiance to Daqin to the death, and I swear allegiance to the emperor.""

"The emperor's decree is the order of heaven."

"The words of the emperor are holy words. 35

"The emperor Jianfeng pointed out that my generation of Qin people swears to accompany them to the death.

All the students shouted loudly with their passion and loyalty towards Da Qin.

And when they mentioned the name of the emperor, they had infinite awe and loyalty.

"Good. 35

"After today. 39

"You will each do your part.

"But no matter what position it is, it is to serve the emperor for Daqin, to expand the territory of Daqin, and to strengthen the national strength of Daqin.

"I believe that none of you will let the emperor down."

Guiguzi said to all the students.

"The dean's words, the students should bear in mind.

All the students said in unison.

"All right."

"My lords.

"These students will be handed over to you."

After Guiguzi finished speaking, he looked at the many officials in official uniforms on the side of the square.

They naturally want to lead the students to serve in the imperial court.

"There is a dean of Laoguigu."

Many officials bowed to Guiguzi, and then began to leave the square with the students who had already been assigned.

The originally crowded square became empty again, leaving only the teachers of the academy.


"Although it has been many times, I still feel a little reluctant to say goodbye to these students every time.


"Over the years, I, Guiguzi, have lived up to the great kindness of the emperor to me.

Guiguzi looked at the school square with a smile on his face.

Daqin's academies all over the world, from scratch, were all created by him.

He is also proud.


He also wanted to repay the emperor's great kindness to him, whether it was the great kindness given to the martial arts method or the grace of the prolongation pill.

A place that is longed for and feared by hundreds of millions of Qin people.

Xianyang Center.

Emperor Chaotian Palace.

Inside the Palace of King Qin 0...

Hundreds of officials gather.

"Chen and others see the emperor."

"May the emperor's holy life be boundless and immortal.

All the ministers shouted in unison, and the voice resounded inside and outside the hall, even in the sky above the sound of majesty.

"Be flat.

Ying Qi waved his hand slightly.

"Xie Dijun.""

All the ministers said in unison, returning to their own positions.

Eighteen years have passed.

Let Daqin open a new era, and the population is also increasing in this process.

Looking at Ying Qi in the high position.

There are beards on the mouth, but the appearance has not changed in any way, the majesty like the emperor makes the whole hall feel a sense of suffocation.

Although it has been said that these eighteen years have passed, for Ying Qi, who has a long lifespan, it is obviously only a minute.

"With the original performance, without the original retreat."

Zhao Cheng shouted loudly.

"Awaken the emperor.

"As for the students who have graduated from Xianyang Academy, they have all been handed over to the various departments and assigned to our Daqin authorities."

Guiguzi stood up and started playing loudly.


Ying Qi nodded slightly, and said to Guiguzi with a compliment: "Over the years, Guigu Aiqing has worked hard, the Daqin Academy was founded by Aiqing, and has cultivated countless talents for the empire over the years, I, thanks to you.

Hear this.

Guiguzi was excited, and immediately said: "If it wasn't for the grace that the emperor knew and bestowed, the minister would have been buried under the loess several decades ago, and everything the minister did was right.

"I, you will be rewarded for meritorious deeds. 99

Ying Qi smiled.

A wave of hands.

A porcelain bottle appeared in his hand and floated towards Guiguzi.

"I give you an immortality pill, which can prolong your life for thousands of years.

Win Qiwei said.

The words fell.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty were all shocked.

The elixir that prolongs life for thousands of years is a real elixir.

Even if the cultivation base has not broken through, but in a thousand years, everything is possible.

"Chen, Xie Dijun Longen. 35

Guiguzi solemnly took the medicine pill and bowed.

"Keep going.

Ying Qi nodded and looked at Chaotang Wenwu.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"After years of accumulation, lieutenants and soldiers in the army tried their best to cultivate. 35

"Now in my Great Qin Army, the main battle soldiers, the cultivation base is not lower than the fifth level of innate, and the talent is not bad, and has stepped into the master level. Bai Qi stood up and said.

"Jun Wu'an was in charge of the army, and he did not disappoint me.""

Ying Qi smiled.

A wave of hands.

Another immortal pill.

"Similarly, I gave you an immortal pill to show your merits. Ying Qi smiled.

"Chen, Xie Dijun Longen." Bai Qi took the medicine pill and bowed.

For Bai Qi, the longevity of life is long, and this longevity pill is not of much use, but for the younger generation, it is of great use.

"Kai playing the emperor.""

"In eighteen years, the population of Daqin has increased..."

"Awaken the emperor.


"The world's sects have been completely owned by my Daqin, and Daqin has issued a policy to contribute points, so that the world's sects can be completely used by my Daqin. 39


The courtiers revealed everything one by one.

Anyone who has a great influence on Daqin and made great contributions to Daqin, Yingqi will give the immortal pill to show his merits.

these years.

Da Qin not only made great progress in overall strength, but also in the way of assistance.

Xu Fu has become a fourth-order peak alchemist, and Ou Xiong has become a fourth-order peak blacksmith. As for Ying Qi, who later chose a way to fight in the third-order, he has a lot of training. Now Daqin also has a third-order peak array mage. .

There are more than fifty thousand alchemists in the alchemy hall, and of course there are different levels.

The number of blacksmiths in the Forging Hall is even larger, reaching hundreds of thousands. After all, the threshold for blacksmiths is much lower than that of alchemists.

As for the array masters, it is a little less. Ying Qi has increased the strength of training, and now there are no more than 10,000 people, and the level is not high.

It is precisely because of Daqin's current auxiliary powers that Daqin's national strength can be fully displayed.

In terms of spirit beasts, after Ying Qi laid out the beast garden, he also learned about its attributes, not only to domesticate spirit beasts, but also to increase the chance of breeding blood for spirit beasts.

for more than ten years.

The empire has subdued many spirit beasts, and the giant dragon captured from the undead world has also successfully multiplied, from the original ten to more than fifty, which can be said to have doubled.

Many national strengths have grown over the years, too many.

PS: Pursue steadfastness, brush your thoughts, and restore the third watch.

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