Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 339 Another new world, the son of luck

Central Plains.

Sui State.

"With such a powerful force, could it be that the old guy from Shushan shot?"

"No, this old guy has always followed the way of heaven, and will never interfere in world or worldly affairs.

"It shouldn't be him.

"Could it be that Baiyue from Nanzhao?"

In a place where endless demonic energy surged, a woman raised her head and looked at the sky, revealing a sneer.

"Shushan, Nanzhao, Taoism, Buddhism.""

"Four gates."

"This side of the world is going to be chaotic after all. In the end, only my Demon Sect can stand in the world and dominate the world."

The woman muttered to herself, full of sneer.

Fairy Island.

A stunning woman of 28 years old suddenly raised her head and looked at the sky, as if sensing something.

"This breath belongs to Brother Qi."

"Could it be that Brother Qi is back?"

After the stunning woman was at a loss for a moment, ecstasy appeared on her stunning face.

Invisible room.

Many powerhouses in this side of the world raised their heads one after another and looked towards the sky.

They all sensed a very powerful energy wave.

And the appearance of this energy fluctuation made them feel a kind of fear.

Even though they are the top powerhouses in this side of the world, they still have heart palpitations under this powerful force.

It is located on the coast of the Central Plains, a small coastal town.

Yuhang City.

It is located on the coast and has a certain degree of prosperity. The city is very lively, there are noisy hawkers everywhere, and people are in an endless stream. It can be seen that although the undercurrent is surging in this side of the world, but in this far away from the noisy coast, there is a It belongs to their tranquility.

"It seems that the era of this world is also in the era of my Yanhuang clan."9

In this Yuhang City, a man in a black robe walked slowly, his eyes scanning everything around him.

The tranquility around him and the prosperity of this world made him smile.

Every time you go to a world.

Either the Yan-Huang ethnic group, or the western region.

But this feeling of Otherworld gave Ying Qi an unspeakable state of mind.

in Daqin.

Ying Qi has to maintain his majesty, but in this Otherworld, Ying Qi can completely let go of his heart.

kill the enemy.

Gain experience points.

You can have no worries.

After all, the world of this Otherworld is not Daqin's.

"Yuhang City, is it the place where the children of luck in this world are located?"

Ying Qi looked at the plaque at the gate of the city with a slight smile on his face.

Li Xiaoyao.

The son of luck in the Immortal Sword World, he is also the top powerhouse who belongs to this world in the future.

However, Ying Qi doesn't know what the timeline of this world is. Now Li Xiaoyao seems to have left Yuhang City and has not found Zhao Linger.


The two still didn't know it.

with this curiosity.

Ying Qi walked into the city and joined the crowd.

And this time.

A handsome young man dressed in ordinary clothes set his sights on Ying Qi.

"This guy dresses really well, he's a good Shu brocade, and he's definitely rich.

The young man stared at Ying Qi with a wicked smile on his face.

Then he quietly walked over to Ying Qi, merged into the stream of people, and slowly approached Ying Qi.


When approaching Ying Qi Hou.

The young man's hand stretched out towards Ying Qi's waist.

"Little brat."

Ying Qi smiled lightly.

With his strength, how could he not notice it.

At the moment when the young man's hand was about to touch, Ying Qi was captured.


"Loose... ah... let go... it hurts..."

The young man cried out in pain, and fell to the ground in pain.

The people around looked at each other.

It's all kind of weird.

"That stinky boy from the Li family wants to steal from a foreigner again, and this time he has encountered a ruthless character."

"It's a loss."

"His aunt knew it must have been another beating. 99


When many people around saw it, they all laughed.

But it didn't stop anything.


This young man is famous in Yuhang City.

Ying Qi turned his eyes and landed on the young man, looking at his outfit and his temperament.

Immediately guessed his identity.

"Interesting. 35

"I just arrived, and I actually met this son of luck, Li Xiaoyao.

Ying Qi looked at the man in front of him and smiled.

"Big... big brother... it hurts... it hurts."

"Can you let go?"

Li Xiaoyao looked at Ying Qidao in pain and pretended to be weak.


"Steal my things and want me to let go? Ying Qi said coldly.

"I...I didn't.

"I just came across it by accident."

Li Xiaoyao quibble.

His character in this world is a very smooth one.

"It seems that it is impossible not to send you to the government."

Ying Qi said with a sneer.

When he mentioned Li Xiaoyao, he walked towards the city.

"Don't, don't."

"Brother, don't send me to the government.

"I'm a hero, very famous in Yuhang City, as long as you let me go, I can help you do a lot of things. 99


Li Xiaoyao hurriedly begged for mercy.

"He has no cultivation base and no martial arts strength. It seems that the time line of this world has not reached the time when he leaves this city (afbh), and the world process has not really started."

"That Shushan Wine Sword Immortal, and even the people who worship the moon did not come."

Ying Qi Shen Nian swept away, and naturally saw that Li Xiaoyao did not have any trace of infuriating energy, just an ordinary person.

It didn't grow to the power of the Child of Luck in memory at all.

"Son of luck, the world revolves around him, keep him by your side, and the enemies will come to your door one by one. Ying Qi smiled and had an idea.

"It's easy for me to let you go."5

"I'll be a servant next to me in the future, how about I'll be there when I'm called?" Ying Qi looked at Li Xiaoyao and asked.

"Am I a hero as a servant?"

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaoyao's eyes widened, full of dissatisfaction.

Although he is just a little pickpocket now, he has a dream in his heart, and being a hero is his dream.

Is it too insulting to his dream to be a servant?

"Don't want to?"

"Then send it to the government. 99

Ying Qi frowned, pulled Li Xiaoyao and walked towards the city.

"Big brother...big brother...I will do it, I will be your servant."

"Guaranteed to be on call. 35 Li Xiaoyao responded immediately, but he also had a bad idea in his heart: "Let's talk about getting rid of him, then hide and see how he finds me. ""

But Ying Qi's next sentence made Li Xiaoyao collapse.

"Go, go to your house."

Win Qi Dao.

"What? Go to my house? 99

"Not good?" Li Xiaoyao said with a bitter expression.


Ying Qi stared.

"I'll take you there. 99 Li Xiaoyao said humbly, swearing in his heart: "I am a future hero, and I have suffered such a big loss today. When I learn my skills, I will make you a servant. ""


Li Xiaoyao led Ying Qi to an inn.

Clouds come and go to the inn.

"Stinky boy, where did you go?"

"Hey, is this the guest you brought?"

"Yes, the brat has grown up."

As soon as they walked to the door of the inn, a middle-aged woman came out, first cursing at Li Xiaoyao, and then smiling wide when she saw Ying Qi.

"I wonder how long this guest will stay?" Aunt Li Xiaoyao said with a smile.

"Look how long this will last."

Ying Qi smiled, with a piece of gold in his hand, which he threw at Aunt Li.

The latter immediately took it and took a bite.

Looking at Ying Qi's eyes became even more excited, no matter which world you are in, as long as there is an orderly existence and a secular existence, gold is hard currency.

Although spirit stones are more precious than gold, in the mortal world, mortals would not use them.

"Master, it's no problem to live for a year. 39

"Please, please.

"Stinky boy, don't hurry up and arrange a room for the uncle."

Auntie Li said immediately.

"You make arrangements.

"I have something to ask him. Ying Qi waved at Aunt Li.


"I'll make arrangements right now. 95

Where could Aunt Li refuse, she immediately arranged it.

On the other hand, Li Xiaoyao had a bitter look on his face.

"Tell me, which country controls the world now? Which emperor is in power? What forces are there?"

Ying Qi looked at Li Xiaoyao and asked.

I just came to this world, except for the basic understanding of this world in my memory, I don't know anything else, so Ying Qi asked this question.

But the problem came out.

Li Xiaoyao looked at Ying Qi like a fool.

"Brother, are you kidding me, or what?" Li Xiaoyao said speechlessly.

"Just say it. 99

Ying Qi glared at him.

"Come on."

"You are the boss, and I am afraid of you.

Li Xiaoyao said helplessly, and then said: "Now it is the world of the Great Sui Dynasty, and the current emperor's surname is Yang, but now the world is not peaceful, there are anti-kings everywhere, and wars are everywhere, the current emperor Yang Guang can no longer hold back, and There are still four great gates in the world, very powerful ones."5

"Of course, there are immortals, but mortals like us can't see them."

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