Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 337 Emperor's power is like the sky, the national strength of Qin

"Xie Dijun Longen."

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

Then they all returned to their place.

"With the original performance, there is no original retreat.

Zhao Cheng stood beside Ying Qilong's chair and shouted loudly.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"As for the population statistics of my Daqin tripartite world, I have already compiled all the records and entered my Daqin household registration.

Feng Quji stood up and said loudly.


Ying Qi nodded and motioned for Feng Quji to continue.

"My Daqin main world has a population of nearly 400 million, of which our Yanhuang ethnic population has grown to 150 million, and the other ethnic groups have nearly 300 million.

"The world's population of Wuhu has a total of hundreds of millions, of which there are more than 40 million of the Yan and Huang ethnic groups, and 60,000 of other ethnic groups.

"The total population of the martial arts world is 700 million, of which the Yanhuang ethnic group accounts for half, and the other ethnic groups account for half.

Feng Qu shouted loudly.

"I have a large population in Daqin, and all the people return to their hearts. This is the best effort of all the ministers." Ying Qi praised him.

For the population of the Daqin world, Yingqi still underestimates it. Except for the comprehensive martial arts world of the first palm, the Daqin world and the Wuhu world have enjoyed peace and tranquility for more than ten years. , the natural birth rate also increases.

Especially in the Wuhu world, where the Yanhuang ethnic group is the core of Daqin, the population slaughtered by aliens has also recovered, and it has also approached the peak of not being slaughtered in the past. As time goes by, the population will continue to increase.

Many more years have passed.

All the worlds in Daqin will be dominated by the population of the Yanhuang ethnic group.

This is what Ying Qi has always had high hopes for.

Even if all the alien races are now under the control of Daqin, Ying Qi is extremely guarded against alien races in his heart, and the hearts of those who are not of our race will be different. .

"The achievements of the emperor to strengthen the country will not be forgotten by the people of the world.

Manchu civil and military said in unison.

"The world of Daqin has been promoted, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has grown, and the Wuhu world, which had no spiritual energy, has also nurtured spiritual energy, which is suitable for martial artists to practice."

"I have handed down the practice method all over the world, and all my people in Qin can step into the practice. 39

"However, the real profound exercises are still under the control of the imperial court. If I want to select talents from the people, talented martial artists, only the Academy spreads all over the world and selects talents for Daqin.

"Ghost Valley Aiqing."

"How's the school system?" Ying Qi said, looking at Guiguzi.

"Back to the emperor.""

"Over the years, the old ministers have been building school palaces all over the world in Daqin. Now the school palaces have spread all over the world of Daqin, Wuhu world, and the teaching of literature and martial arts in the school palace has begun to take shape."

"This time, the emperor is in charge of the comprehensive martial arts world again. This world has a vast territory and many sects. It will take time to build the school. In addition, the school must be completed without considering the influence of those sects.".35

Guiguzi played respectfully.

"With Guigu Aiqing in charge of the Academy, I have saved everything."

"My Daqin is now in charge of the three worlds, and there are so many talents, but all of them need to be discovered in the world. The Academy is the key to discovering talents. Therefore, I will not allow any mistakes."

"Furthermore, those sects don't need to worry about setting up a school in the comprehensive martial arts world, if they dare to disobey, then they don't need to exist.

"My Great Qin world, my Great Qin people, are all under my Great Qin control, including everything, and talents are the foundation of Great Qin.

"I grant you full control of the school. If there is any obstacle, communicate directly with Lord Wu'an." Ying Qi said to Guiguzi.

"The old minister will never let the emperor down." Guiguzi readily accepted the order.

"Initiate the Emperor. 31

"About the powerhouses that my Daqin now possesses, above the great masters, the ministers have already made statistics.

Meng Ao stood up and said respectfully.

hear this.

All the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty watched with interest.

Daqin is so powerful, with strong soldiers and strong horses, and the strong are like clouds, but the courtiers do not know the specifics, so they are naturally very curious.


They also want to know their strength positioning and what ranking they will be in Daqin.

"Meng Qing, tell me." Ying Qi said.

"Now my Great Qin has two hundred and seventy-eight great masters and strong masters, there are generals who command one side of the army, and my Great Qin worships them.

"There are twenty-eight people in my Daqin who are strong in the realm of heaven and man, including Lord Wu'an, and many who worship the strong."

Meng Ao said excitedly.

hear the number.

All the court officials opened their eyes wide, full of shock.

Although they also knew that Daqin's national strength is now strong, they did not expect it to reach such a powerful level.

Every level of martial arts is difficult to break through, and none of the courtiers standing in this court are lower than the level of the master, the great master, the heaven and the human, and some are out of reach.

And what Da Qin has now has simply subverted their cognition.

"Jun Wu'an, Duguqing, Xiaoyaoqing, Zhang Qing, Wang Qing are no longer in the realm of heaven and man. Ying Qi said with a slight smile.

"Emperor. 99

"Could it be that?"

Meng Ao raised his head with shock on his face.

The gazes of Manchao Wenwu also became horrified.


"With the gift of the emperor, the five of us have stepped into the broken realm.

Bai got up and said with a smile.

Dugu Qiu defeated several people also immediately stood up and signaled to the Manchu civil and military.

"Jun Wu'an has several others dedicated to breaking through the Broken Realm, this is the blessing of my Daqin. 39

"Congratulations everyone.

"That's right.""

"This is the blessing of my great Qin. 35

"Congratulations to Lord Wu'an and all of you to worship.""

Manchu civil and military congratulations.

"Thank you all."

Bai Qi and the others returned their salutes.

"As the national strength of our Great Qin increases, the enemies we will face in the future will also become stronger. Only the great masters will be able to achieve the desired results in the future. 39

"I hope Zhu Qing can practice hard." Ying Qi confronted the Manchu civil and martial arts.

Daqin is now an imperial dynasty, and its national strength has increased, and its level has risen.


Ying Qi has given every Qin courtier the opportunity to lead to immortality and to immortals.

But it is up to them whether they can catch them or not.

"The ministers will never live up to the expectations of the emperor.

Manchu civil and military said in unison, their eyes filled with firmness.

As court officials, they can naturally hear the meaning of Ying Qi's words.

In this great era, if you are a little careless, you will be abandoned by the era.

"Zhao Cheng, read my will." Ying Qi looked at Zhao Cheng who was beside him.


Zhao Cheng bowed respectfully.

Then holding the imperial decree, he looked towards the Manchu civil and military affairs.

The courtiers opened their eyes wide and looked at them with surprise.

I don't know what decrees Ying Qi will issue.

"`" imperial decree


"Daqin has entered the emperor's dynasty, and this merit lies in the unity of all the ministers of Daqin, and here, the emperor is kind to all the ministers.

"Today, the great grace of the emperor has given me a double annual salary increase for the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the court, ruling the world, and even the elites in the army are all doubled their annual salary. 99

"In addition, regarding the granting of opportunities to enter the Dan Pagoda, the Shangwuchang, and the Chongwen Hall, the opportunity has also been doubled.

Zhao Cheng held the imperial edict and shouted loudly.

Hear this decree.

All the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty were full of surprises.

twice the annual salary.

No matter whether it is a general in the army or a courtier in the court, all are treated equally.

What a grace this is.

For the imperial court, countless spiritual stones, medicinal pills, weapons, and military exploits will be given out, but for the courtiers, this is the emperor Longen, the heavenly grace from the emperor.

This is an opportunity for the emperor to give Qin officials a chance to become stronger.

If they can't grasp this, such an opportunity to lead to the strong, then they really can't blame Ying Qi.

"Chen wait for Xie Dijun Longen.""

All the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty faced Ying Qi Yi and bowed, and they were extremely excited.


Ying Qi nodded, majestic as the sky.

For today's Daqin.

The country is prosperous and has countless resources.

However, if these resources are still distributed with the original annual salary, the strength of the army will not be too great for the Qin officials, so Ying Qi simply added a fire (Wang Hao) to give the imperial court officials a chance to improve their cultivation.

After being promoted in the Daqin world.

There are many spiritual veins and spiritual stone mines in the world, and these are all resources.

And in the comprehensive martial arts world.

There are also many spiritual veins and spiritual stone mines, and these resources must be utilized before they can be turned into strength, otherwise it will be a waste.

"I increase the annual salaries to the officials of the imperial court, in order to improve the strength of the imperial officials, and also to give them favors.

"I hope Zhu Qing will not miss this great world of cultivation." Ying Qiwei said.

"The ministers will never let down the grace of the emperor." The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty said in unison.

"Additionally. 35

"Comprehensive martial arts world is set, and all the world's sects will donate their cultivation methods. Now they have been organized in the treasury. Legal opportunity.""

"This matter is left to the four worshipers to handle." Ying Qi looked at Dugu Qiufeng's four men.

"Chen wait for the edict." The four responded immediately.


"The sects in the world of comprehensive martial arts should not be left idle. Their power is not small. Master Wu An, think of a way to see how to use their power for my Da Qin. Ying Qi said to Bai again.

"The minister leads the edict." Bai Qi respectfully said.

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