Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 337 Ying Qi's idea, the combination of different space and architecture

The father and son talked for a long time.

Ying Qi returned to Zhangtai Palace.

There was a worried look on his face.

Looking at the eyes, now many special buildings in Daqin have fallen into the eyes.

Dan Palace.



Chongwen Temple.

Shangwu Field.

Array Hall.

Every special building is of great help to Da Qin.

"There are nine different spaces in the magical world. If I use the power of heaven to combine special buildings with that different space, can I also make the different spaces have the power of special buildings.

"Furthermore, it may also be possible to pull the different dimension into the world of Daqin, and the entrance is located in Xianyang.

Ying Qi thought thoughtfully.

Nowadays, the number of courtiers in the major special buildings is increasing, but they are all within the Heavenly Palace. Although there is no accident, living above this Heavenly Palace seems to be inconvenient.

If it can be combined with the different space, so that the different space has the blessing power of special buildings, and the aura of heaven and earth in the different space will also make the power of the building stronger.

"System, can a special building fit into a different space? Place it in a different space?

Thinking of this, Ying Qi asked the direct communication system.

"Special buildings can be placed through the host's will. If they are compatible with a special space, the space will only have the first layer of attributes." The system prompted.

"That's enough."

Ying Qi smiled.


Facing the void, he said, "The way of heaven."


The void is broken.

05 A flashing colorful ball of light appeared in front of Ying Qi, it was Daqin Tiandao.

For any world, the way of heaven is high above, and it controls the laws and order of all living beings in heaven and earth.

The so-called gods in the magical world regard the Tao of Heaven as the creation god, an inviolable existence.

But for Ying Qi, the way of heaven can be on call.

After all, Da Qin Tiandao was born because of Ying Qi, and was also controlled by Ying Qi.

"Move the different dimension of the magic world to the outside of the main world Tiangong, and open a passage entrance. Ying Qi said solemnly.

If you want to move a different dimension, unless Ying Qi has reached the power of a fairy, it is difficult to do it, but for the Heavenly Dao who controls this world, this is not difficult.

After all, its Heavenly Dao order controls the Daqin world and all the worlds that are annexed into Daqin.

These different dimensions are naturally under its control.

Heavenly Dao flickered with a halo and was directly attributed to the core of the world.

But the next moment.

With Tiangong as the center, the surrounding void began to vibrate violently.

A big change began in the void.

The nine different dimensions that originally relied on the magical world were all transferred to the Daqin world.


The passages of nine different dimensions appeared outside the Heavenly Palace.

"It worked.

"Arranging special buildings in these different spaces is a top secret for me, Daqin, if it is not my will, no one can enter or leave.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

Although these buildings are now very closely arranged around the Tiangong, the alchemy techniques and blacksmiths inside also need to be returned to Xianyang, and they cannot be reunited with their families all year round.

But after integrating into the different space, this dilemma has also been resolved.

Although the different dimension is not as huge as the main world, it is hundreds of miles in size, and each dimension is comparable to the area of ​​Xianyang City, which is enough to accommodate millions of creatures.

At present, Daqin has no immortals, nor a ghost, nor a fairyland.

Wait until the future.

Daqin has grown to the top of the Middle Thousand World.

There are bound to be world levels.

fairyland, underworld.

Presented one by one.

In these different spaces, the families of the officials who served for the Qin Dynasty can also be transferred.

at the same time.

Ying Qi also planned to set up a different space, which was specially used to house Daqin's courtiers and family members. The heaven and earth aura in the different space was richer than the main world, which was also a gift.

"Zhao Dun weak, Xu Fu, Ou Xiong... Enter the Zhangtai Palace."

Ying Qi said outside the hall.

"No. 35

Li Qing responded immediately.


The heads of several special buildings entered the Zhangtai Palace.

"Chen and others see the emperor."

After all the ministers arrived, they all bowed to Ying Qi Yi.

"No gift. 35

Ying Qi nodded.

"I don't know what the emperor summoned?" Dunwei asked respectfully.

"Tell me about the situation of the ministries you rule." Ying Qi looked at the ministers and said.

over the years.

Ying Qi's use of people is just suspicious, and people are not suspicious. If it is not an expedition, Ying Qi will not intervene in everything at the rest of the time, and let them deal with it on their own.

"Go back to the emperor."

"Now the Shadow and Black Ice Platform are developing rapidly. In addition to the ministers, there are already many great masters, and there are countless masters, and the governance of the sects in the world of the Qin Dynasty is also on the right track. 35

"The Black Ice Terrace is so famous that Zongmen dare not violate Qin Fa.

"And the recruitment of secret agents by Shadow and Hei Bingtai continues, training qualified undercover agents for Da Qin. Dunwei respectfully replied.

"Back to the emperor. 35

"Over the years, the Dan Temple has been completely stable. 99

"Now that I am a low-grade alchemist of the fifth rank, there are more than a dozen alchemists of the fourth rank under my command, and there are a thousand alchemists of the third rank, and there are countless below the third rank."

"The Pill Palace is enough to supply all the medicinal herbs that Daqin needs." Xu Fu also immediately started playing.

"Go back to the emperor.

"The forging hall is developing rapidly, and this minister is already a fifth-order blacksmith...

All the ministers reported to Ying Qi the situation of their commanding divisions one by one.

Hearing these really developed numbers, Ying Qi also had a smile on his face.

These are all created by him.

After decades of development, it can be said that it is difficult to achieve such a development.

For those higher worlds, it is difficult to develop pills or any item of refining.

But for Da Qin.

But it is a hundred schools of thought contending, and all kinds of auxiliary methods are perfect.

"How long have you not seen your family?

Ying Qi looked at the ministers and said.

"Serving the emperor, ministers and others dare not ask for extravagance. 35

All the ministers looked at each other with fear.

They are also considered to be in high positions in Daqin, one person is below ten thousand people, so honorable, so powerful, naturally they will not let them slack.

"It's been difficult for you to see your family members for many years. This is also required by the secrets of the various ministries of the empire, and the same goes for the people under your command." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

Alchemy, forging, formation, and spying, these are the most secret departments of the Daqin Empire. If they hadn't won Qi Te's gift, it would have been difficult for them to leave their respective divisions and reunite with their families.

While gaining glory and authority, it is natural to sacrifice a lot.

"If it weren't for the gift of the emperor. 99

"My ministers have no today. 35

"The minister, and even the people under the minister's command, are willing to be the emperor and swear to the death for the Great Qin.

The ministers said solemnly.

"There is no need to be so restrained.

"I'm not here to show your loyalty today."

"The world of Daqin is completely under control, and the world is determined. 35

"Depriving the Qing of the joy of returning home will inevitably be a little inhumane. Ying Qi smiled slightly.

The ministers raised their heads, with anticipation in their eyes.

At this time.

Yingxi walked in from outside the hall.

He bowed to Ying Qi Yi and bowed: "My son sees the father and emperor.


Ying Qi nodded.

"See the eldest son."

All the ministers immediately bowed to Yingxi.

"Respectful, gentlemen.

Yingxi also nodded to the ministers, which was a return gift.

"Xi'er, how are the military and political affairs handled?" Ying Qi asked with a smile.

Looking at his eldest son.

660's appearance has inherited a lot of his own, and now he is in charge of the military and government, and he also has a dignified air, just like when Ying Qi Zhinen was in power in the past.

"Go back to your father.

"It is also handy, and there is no omission."

"However, there are not many children who need to be reviewed by the ministers. All the adults in the court have done a good job, and there is no need for the ministers to worry too much. 35 Yingxi said very politely.

"It seems that Xi'er has really grown up.

Seeing Ying Xi's neither humble nor arrogant appearance, Ying Qi was very pleased.

"I don't know what is important when the emperor summons him?

Ying Xi looked at her father and asked respectfully.

"You have matured to take charge of the military and government, and now I naturally want to give you additional responsibilities."

"In the future, the shadow and the black ice platform will be scheduled."

"Pill Hall, Forging Hall, Array Hall, all the powers and powers of my Daqin are handed over to you.

Ying Qi said to Ying Xi.

It's a heavy responsibility.

"My son leads the order."

Ying Xi did not shirk, but answered directly.

Now that he has grown up, he will naturally worry about his father, and he no longer has the temper of a child.


"Except for Shadow and Black Ice Terrace, all Alchemists and Blacksmiths' families in the Pill Hall and Array Hall will count the rosters and prepare to gather and move."

"My family members of Qin officials are also preparing to relocate.

Ying Qi said to Ying Xi.

"Dare to ask your father.

“Where are they going to move?35

Ying Xi was slightly surprised.

"In the other side's space. 99

"In each space, it belongs to the palm of a temple. 35

"Dan Pagoda, Forging Pagoda, Martial Arts Field, and Chongwen Hall will all be moved to another space.""

"And that space is comparable to the size of Xianyang, enough for all the courtiers and families to survive. Ying Qi smiled.

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