Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 336 The Long Talk Between Ying Zheng's Father and Son

"Who I am, presumably you all know.

"This side of the world, this side of the earth, wherever the territory goes, is my territory."

"Everyone in our territory is a minister of the Great Qin.35

"Among you, there are the emperors of this magical continent, who control one side, and some are the heads of the clan, who hold the authority of the clan, and some are priests who spread the faith of the so-called gods."5


Ying Qiwei's stern eyes swept over everyone, with a pressure that suffocated them: "From the moment when Da Qin took control of the world, your previous identities no longer exist."

The thunder sounded loudly.

Everyone knelt on the ground, lowered their heads, didn't dare to say a word, and appeared extremely terrified.

"Among you, there are believers who believe in the so-called gods, and there are also lackeys for those gods."

"But I tell you."

"The gods you believe in have all died in my hands. 99

"There is no god in this world.

"If there is, then I am the only God.

Ying Qi stared at everyone and shouted loudly.

"I beg your Majesty's mercy.""

"I am willing to believe in His Majesty. 35

"Your Majesty, I am willing to believe in...""

Everyone knelt on the ground and said in a panic.

If it was at the beginning of Daqin's attack on the magical world of the mortal world, the ethnic groups in this side of the world, the empire still had expectations for the gods they believed in, but with the intervention of Daqin's powerful, "Six, Five, Seven" they were defeated like a mountain, the empire Destroyed, the army collapsed, but there was no trace of the gods they believed in.

No matter how devoutly they pray, no matter how hard they pray.

None of their gods appeared.

From that moment on.

They knew that their gods might have died.

"In the past, when the false gods controlled the world, what rules and regulations were there, I will not go back."

"But in my world.

"The law of Qin is the foundation, and the law of Qin shall control this world for me. If anyone violates the law of Qin, they will be dealt with according to the law of Qin.

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

There is undeniable arrogance in every sentence.

The voice fell.

No one dared to disagree.

"Jun Wu'an. 35

"What to do next, you can arrange it. Ying Qi's eyes moved, and he looked at Bai Qi.

"The minister leads the order.

Bai Qi bowed and bowed.

He stepped forward and looked at these aliens indifferently.

"The emperor is in charge of our Great Qin Empire, and the country is governed by Qin law. If you have merit, you will be rewarded, and if you have failed, you will be punished. 35

"The gods you believed in in the past can give you nothing but gifts, but as long as you wait to serve Daqin wholeheartedly, what those false gods can give you, I, Daqin, can also give you."

"This side of the world has huge potential."

"Magicians, elves, orcs, and dragons can all form a brave and good fighting army in our Qin Dynasty.""

"My Daqin will form an army of one million people in this world, and all ethnic groups can join the army.

"Doing meritorious service for Da Qin will be rewarded." Bai Qi shouted loudly.

Ying Qi came here today to give this clan a shock.

The wizarding world begins.

His presence can make them even more fearful, shock their courage, and make them obediently serve Da Qin.

After all, making good use of the power of this world will also become a sharp sword for Da Qin.

"We will swear allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor.

"I swear allegiance to His Majesty... 99

Everyone shouted in unison.

"Wu'an-Jun, I will give you the full power of this side of the world. 35

"You should know how to be heavy and how to be light. 35 Yingqi said to Bai Qi with a serious face.

The deep meaning in this sentence is enough to make Bai Qi treat this world with caution.

"Please don't worry, Emperor.

"As long as I give this minister two years, the world on this side will surely be reorganized." Bai Qi said confidently.

Taishang Royal Palace.

The two generations of emperors sat opposite each other, and some maids in the surrounding served, serving delicious wine and food.

"Could it be that you stinky boy took the initiative to come over, it seems that this time the harvest is good, and you have come to announce the good news to your father."

Ying Zheng looked at Ying Qi with a bit of ridicule.

"Father's expectations were good. The harvest this time far exceeded my expectations. It can even be said that I didn't know there would be any harvest this time. 35 Yingqi took a sip of wine and replied with a smile.

"Tell me what kind of world that world is, is there really a god?" Ying Zheng looked at Ying Qi with interest and asked.

"Just a world of high martial arts, where did the gods come from. 35

"Just some stronger people.

"If they are also gods, then the strong people in my Daqin are gods." Ying Qi sneered.

When the Daqin world was overthrown, Ying Qi really thought that the god of death in this magical world was a real god, and even thought that the undead world was a place of reincarnation, a hell.

But after I really understood it, I thought too much.

Although the Void Realm powerhouse is indeed very strong for Da Qin at this stage, it is far from being called a god.

"That's what Qi'er said.

"If they were really gods, they wouldn't have been beheaded by Qi'er just after they invaded my Daqin." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

How could Ying Zheng not know about his son's victory?

Although he ignores state affairs, his son's feat of slaughtering gods has spread throughout Daqin.

"Speaking of which, since those people are not gods, how do those skeletons live? And they have intelligence?"

"This kind of power, isn't it the power of God?" Ying Zheng asked again.

A few years ago, the undead army attacked Daqin on a large scale. Although they were all killed by Daqin Ruishi, the Daqin Ruishi also lost a lot. The undead caused this.

Reviving the dead is something that a martial artist cannot do.

"The cultivation system in this world is different from that of my Daqin, and there is no Yanhuang ethnic group in this world, they are all aliens, and there are many ethnic groups born in heaven and earth.

"These are also the reasons for the creation of the undead." Ying Qi said slowly.

Although this side of the world was captured by Da Qin, the cultivation system of this world is not weak.

All kinds of magic.

Just like undead magic, it can even force the soul to exist in the lost corpse, which is also a way to preserve the soul.

"Speak up.


"There are many ethnic groups in this magical world, do you want me to find some unique women of different races for you?" Ying Qi suddenly smiled, facing Ying Zheng jokingly.

Orcs, elves, and other groups.

"Stinky boy.

"Your father and your mother are enough."

Ying Zheng cursed angrily.

He couldn't hear that it was his son teasing him again.

"It seems that the royal father is really unhappy, and the world does not say anything else, catwoman, elves, these are unique in my Qin Dynasty. Ying Qi sighed.

Hear this.

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and he was really interested.

After all, in this era, what can a man do other than this kind of thing?

"Are those really different from my Daqin women?" Ying Zheng asked curiously.

"Isn't my mother enough for my father?" Ying Qi teased.

"Stinky boy, you have no conscience.""

Ying Zheng said a little sullenly.


Looking at the appearance of his father, Ying Qi laughed.

Who would have thought that Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the ages, would be so angry.

"Don't worry, Father.

"At that time, I will definitely find some excellent products for you." Ying Qi smiled.

Hear this 0.....

Ying Zheng smiled again: "It's not too bad.

"However, having said that, Da Qin had been recuperating for 18 years, and you were going to start the war again. Now that the magical world is coming, your original plan has been disrupted. How about you plan to recuperate again?" Ying Zheng asked.

"After Daqin captured the comprehensive martial arts world, the development of national strength is far from my world level, but now it has made up a lot."

"So even if you recuperate, it won't exceed five years, maybe it will be faster." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Qi'er. 35

"In the future, Qi'er, the world you are fighting against will become stronger and stronger, and the enemies you will face will become more and more powerful.

"These things, the royal father can't help.

"But there is one thing, Qi'er, you must always remember. 99

"Don't put your life in danger."

"You are the core of Da Qin, and also the root of Da Qin's destiny.

"Everyone can die, but only you can't. 35

Ying Zheng faced Ying Qi Dao very seriously.

"Father, don't worry.

"I am one with Daqin, Daqin will not be destroyed, and I will not die." Ying Qi said with a smile.

"Anyway, I have watched you go further and further over the years, and now you should be not far from a real immortal. Ying Zheng said with a smile.

The strength of Ying Qi is a mystery in the Daqin Empire. Countless Daqin people believe in gods and gods, and the people of Daqin guess that the strength of the emperor Yingqi has reached the level of immortals.

"It's not far."

"But entering the realm of immortals is far from enough for the real peak of the heavens. 35 Yingqi said with a sigh.

The realm of fairy gods.

Just like Daqin, who never stepped into the cultivation world in the past, at that time, the cultivation base that won the master Qi level was called the best in the world, but now, the master realm can be seen everywhere in Daqin, especially the army. middle.

If you don't enter the Great Master, you can't be regarded as a true cultivator after all.

to the future.

Thousands of years.

After thousands of years have passed.

Immortals are nothing to Da Qin at all.

"Qi'er's way, even I can't see through it.

Ying Zheng thought with a sigh in his heart.

For Ying Qi.

In the huge Qin Empire, the only person who could make him open his heart was his father.

Chatting with his father is also a rare relaxation.


"By the way, the father, you live in the palace all the year round, and sometimes you can take your mother to other worlds to see."

"After all, my Daqin is not just a world, the scenery of all worlds, the creation of heaven and earth, if you can see it, it will greatly improve your cultivation mood. Ying Qi suggested to Ying Zheng.

"Ha ha."

"Qi'er, you have a heart."

"If it was usual, the father would really not dare to leave Xianyang. After all, Qi'er, you will go out to another world at any time, but now that Xi'er has grown up, even if you and my father and son all leave Xianyang, he will never do anything about government affairs. If there are any omissions, Ying Zheng said with relief.

For him.

Ying Qi's growth did not have his intervention, but the growth of his eldest grandson was all caused by him.

From a young age, every step of the way is attributed to him to teach and grow.

For the love of the eldest grandson, Ying Zheng made up all the debt he owed to Ying Qi.

within the royal family.

Huge Da Qin.

These years are Ying Xi in charge of military and political affairs, also shows his ability.

"Xie Er did not disappoint me. 39

"With him, I can speed up my battle against the heavens without any worries." Ying Qi also smiled and nodded.

The father and son sat opposite each other chatting, revealing their hearts to each other.

Time also passed slowly at this moment.

PS: I am very grateful.

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