Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 336 Upgrade to 3 levels in a row

Ying Qi runs and casts the Holy Court.

Based on the national fortune of the Great Qin Dynasty, a palace for national fortune was established.

burst time.

The seal of the town is out.

With a power that suppresses everything.

With the promotion of Daqin to the imperial dynasty, Zhen Guoxi also ushered in a great transformation, from the original earth-level magic weapon to a heaven-level high-quality magic weapon.

Good luck.

It is connected with the luck of Daqin, one is prosperous, and one is lost.

The prosperity of Daqin's luck brought about the promotion of the treasure of luck.

"The Palace of National Fortune, open up."

Ying Qi shouted.

The prestige resounded in the ears of every Qin courtier.


Except for Ying Qi, in the core of the national transport hub that no one can see, the transformation of the palace begins.

in the brilliance of that country.

In vain.

An illusory National Fortune Palace of the King of Qin was successfully opened.


Outside the Palace of the King of Qin, a martial arts field with no boundaries opened up.

"All my great Qin ministers, all the true spirits return to the palace, and the country's fortune protects the true spirits of the great Qin officials."

"Amnesty. 99

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"The minister waits for the order.

In the three worlds, countless Qin courtiers and Ruishi responded in unison.

next moment.

Under the traction of the power of the national fortune, every courtier has a ray of true spirit that enters the palace along the power of the national fortune.

And Ying Qi closed his eyes, and a ray of true spirit also entered the National Fortune Palace.

The imperial court and the national fortune palace can protect the real spirit of the Qin courtiers from being destroyed.

For Ying Qi, this function is even greater, because the national fortune can protect his soul, and the power of the national fortune is based on protecting him.

After all, he is the emperor of the dynasty.

If there is an enemy who can defeat Da Qin Guoyun 05 and kill Ying Qi, it must be facing a powerful enemy at the level of immortals.

Win Qi Zhenling into the palace.

It fell directly on the dragon chair in the Hall of King Qin of the National Fortune.

I saw the halo of the Palace of National Fortune spilling out.

The true spirits of the great Qin courtiers appeared in the Palace of the King of Qin, according to their official rank and title.

in a blink.

Hundreds of Qin courtiers appeared in the empty palace of the King of Qin.

And outside the palace of the King of Qin.

Countless halos converge.

First of all, the officials of the Qin Dynasty were divided into various places, and the officials of the three worlds were among them.

Then there is the Ruishi who guards the three worlds from Daqin.

Their true spirits are all gathered here.

Take a look.

The true spirits of the Great Qin Ruishi displayed in the National Fortune Palace are endless and countless.

"The Great Qin accomplished the imperial dynasty.

"I am the emperor."

"All the ministers should be empowered by the imperial fortunes and protect the true spirit from extinction. 35

Ying Qi Zhenling stood up from the dragon chair and said arrogantly.

The voice resounded in the entire National Fortune Palace and reached the ears of every courtier.

"I swear allegiance to the emperor to the death, and I swear allegiance to Daqin to the death."

"For the emperor, for the Great Qin.

"My ministers are willing to step on and destroy all the enemies that hinder me in Daqin.

All the courtiers said in unison.

The voice also resounded through the National Fortune Palace, but the difference was that it was not the voice that came out of the mouth, but the voice of the true spirit's soul.

"Everyone I am a minister of Qin."

"All of them have imperial fortunes to help them make great progress. 99

Ying Qiwei shouted.

This sound is the pardon from the emperor of the dynasty.

The sound falls.

The consciousness of Ying Qi returned, and the consciousness of all Qin courtiers returned.

"Ang. 35

The imperial dynasty and the country transported the black dragon with a roar of dragons.

accompanied by.

Countless splendor of Taoist and national fortunes spilled out towards the world of the three sides of the Great Qin Dynasty, and all the ministers of the Great Qin had national fortunes.

National fortune added.

With the promotion of cultivation.

The few Bai Qi, who had just broken through, were shocked when the National Games approached.

"The National Fortune of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"It's so powerful? This is the reason why the emperor has never given it. This kind of power can maximize the cultivation base. 35

"I just broke through the Broken Second Realm, but behind the Imperial Dynasty, the realm is stable, and I will break through again.

"Xie Dijun Longen."

"With the addition of national fortune, the cultivation base will make great progress..

How majestic is the fortune of the empire.

For Da Qin.

It is equivalent to leaping forward and being promoted to the third level, from the low-rank of the dynasty to the low-rank of the imperial dynasty.

The national fortunes of these three levels can be imagined.

"Qi'er, Emperor Dynasty."

"The realm of heaven is coming soon."

Ying Zheng in the palace was excited and used the imperial fortune to break through his cultivation.

As the Supreme Emperor of Daqin, he was second only to Ying Qi in the National Games of Daqin.

Apart from that.

The national fortunes that many of Ying Qi's sons and daughters received are also extremely majestic, surpassing many courtiers.

"Dynasty and national destiny, don't let me down. 35

Ying Qi was looking forward to it.

Mind a move.

Summoning the imperial dynasty to the national fortune.

As the lord of the imperial dynasty, Ying Qi's national fortune is undoubtedly the greatest.


An incomparably majestic national fortune fell towards Ying Qi.

When the national fortune fell.

The system prompt sounded: "With 15 million experience points, does the host upgrade the level?"5

"it is good."

"The fortunes of the imperial dynasty and the country really did not disappoint me. 35 Yingqi burst into laughter.

15 million experience points.

Enough for him to advance three levels.

In the seven years in the comprehensive martial arts world, in addition to beheading many powerful people to improve their level, the army under his command has wiped out countless powerful enemies and killed countless enemies. These are all experience points that belong to Ying Qi.

Looking at the level of experience needed by Ying Qi, it was only 3 million away from level 55.

"Upgrade. 35

Ying Qi said immediately.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 55.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 56.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 57.

The system beeps three times in succession.

A golden light shrouded Ying Qi's body, and a terrifying aura was released from Ying Qi's body, causing the entire void to tremble, and the momentum increased so quickly that the entire Lishan Mountain could feel this suffocating breath for thousands of miles. .

"Your Majesty.

"Breakthrough again."

Behind Ying Qi, the powerhouses who were practicing with the national fortune suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Ying Qi in disbelief.

From their emperor's body, they felt a kind of oppression that was hard to resist.

Even the few people who had successfully broken through to the Broken Realm felt suffocated under this power.

And this power is still increasing layer by layer.


Ying Qi's Dantian began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

As the level increases.

Ying Qi's martial arts cultivation and immortal cultivation are both increasing.

Dantian has become a chaotic scene, but the chaos has become more open.

As Ying Qi's cultivation level increases, Dantian Chaos will undergo earth-shaking changes. Perhaps when Ying Qi achieves the realm of immortals, Dantian Chaos will be completely transformed into a small chaotic space.

Once you reach a stronger level on the Immortal God, it will be about the evolution of the Star Art.

But that's still too early.

"Level 57, Broken Seventh Realm. 99

"There are 5.1 million exp before the next one.

"Void Realm, it's coming soon.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

For Ying Qi, the expansion of territory, the control of the world, and the breakthrough of strength are what excites him.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully promoting the control of the empire to the imperial dynasty, and rewarding a heaven-order treasure chest. 35

"Congratulations to the host for successfully promoting Daqin World to Zhongwu World and rewarding a Heavenly Rank treasure chest. 35

At this time.

The system prompt sounds.

"Three heaven-level treasure chests."

"very good.

"Let's see how luck goes. Hearing the reward from the system, Ying Qi is even more happy.

Three heavenly treasure chests.

At least it can open treasures of the heaven rank, and there is a chance to open treasures above the heaven rank.

All this requires luck.

As before, when he won the Qi Tian-order treasure chest, he opened the immortal-grade exercise "Xing Chen Jue", which added a main occupation to Ying Qi and greatly improved his strength.

"Open all Heavenly Rank treasure chests." Ying Qi immediately gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Open the Heavenly Rank Treasure Chest.""

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special building "Beast Garden".

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the high-grade martial art "Sun Archery"

"Congratulations to the host for getting a level 61 one-day experience card. 35

The system prompts.

"Should this be good luck or bad luck?"

Looking at the rewards from the three heaven-level treasure chests, none of them are lower than the heaven-level level.

But Ying Qi always felt a little unsatisfactory.

"Shooting the Sun Arrow, this should be the magic sword's martial skill in the world of life and death. Shooting the Sun Five Arrows can kill a high-level expert. With my current strength, the five arrows can be shot at once, and the Void Realm can also be killed.

"As for this level 61 experience card, it's really tasteless to me who has not yet set out on the expedition, but if he goes to fight in the high martial world in the future, this experience card may be of great use.

"The zoo, the building of 630 has not been laid out and its properties are unknown."

"If you think about it, it's not bad."

"After all, I have another hole card." Ying Qi thought to himself.

At this moment, the imperial dynasty and the national fortune are added.

The courtiers in the whole world of Qin are cultivating.


some more time.

The strength of the Great Qin Dynasty will usher in another rise.

The martial artist at the Grandmaster level will be a blowout for Daqin. After all, many courtiers in the original Daqin world have reached the peak of the Grandmaster, and they are only one step away from the Grandmaster.

As for the powerhouse in the realm of heaven.

In a short period of time, there will not be a blowout. It will take at least twenty years for a powerhouse of this level to appear.

The realm of heaven and man surrendered from the world of comprehensive martial arts is naturally not among them.

Time flickers.

Two months have passed since Daqin World was promoted and Yunchao was promoted.

These days have passed, and the original discussion in the world has gradually subsided.

Inside the Palace of the King of Qin.

The ministers meet.

Each with a vibrant energy.

The courtiers in the entire court carried the ambition of a powerful Qin.

Only a few decades have passed, but Daqin has undergone earth-shaking changes, from a mortal kingdom to a country of cultivation, and there are many courtiers who have reached a life span of hundreds of years, and many who have lived for thousands of years.

In such an atmosphere, how could the courtiers of Great Qin not be full of longing for the future.

"The emperor is coming."

Suddenly, a loud shout resounded in the hall.

Diwei, like Ying Qi, walked slowly from outside the hall.

"Chen and others see the emperor."

"May the emperor's holy life be boundless.

All the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty bowed to pay homage and shouted.

Ying Qi's figure passed by, and it was full of courtiers visiting the scene.

So solemn and solemn, only today's Great Qin Dynasty.

Under the awe-inspiring gaze of the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty.

Ying Qi climbed the stairs, waited until he reached the dragon chair, turned around, and overlooked the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

"Flat body.""

Ying Qi raised his hand, and his mighty voice resounded throughout the hall.

PS: I am very grateful.

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