Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 320 If you win, Qi will die, the martial arts conference

Song Dynasty.

Songshan Shaolin.

As a super-first-class force in this world, Shaolin has always enjoyed a very high status.

Prestige is not limited to a country, but in the world.

This time Shaolin called.

The sects who received the letter from the Shaolin Abbot naturally followed them in groups.

a time.

This Songshan has gathered warriors from all over the world, there are sects who have received letters, and there are small forces who watch the fun and do not think it is a big thing, scattered cultivators.

The number of people gathered from all over the world has exceeded tens of thousands.

From then on, it can be seen that Shaolin has a great reputation in the world.


There is also the hatred of all the sects in the world for Ying Qi. At that time, many sects sent people to take a piece of the pie, but they all died. This is hatred.


The square outside the Daxiong Palace.

Gathering forces from all sides.

However, those who can enter this Shaolin are those who have received the invitation letter of Shaolin and are above the second-rate potential "600" power, and have certain cards.

As for those forces that did not receive the invitation letter, scattered cultivators were not qualified to enter.

The entire Shaolin Square was extremely lively, gathering in the sects of the five hustle and four seas, and they naturally made friends with each other, just like a martial arts conference.

See this in the square.

A flag was erected, and there were four large characters on the flag.

Demon Conference.


This demon is Win Qi.

Inside the Daxiong Palace.

"Abbot, everything has been changed.

"However, in the future of the Vulture Palace, so will the Wudang faction.

"There are also a few forces that have not come.

"But it has no effect on the overall situation. More than 90% of the world's sects have come."

A monk reported to the abbot.

"Ling Vulture Palace belongs to the Free and Easy Sect, and has always acted strangely, so it's not surprising that it doesn't come.

"The reason why the Wudang faction can't come is also because of Zhang Sanfeng's character. In the death of Mount Li, his Wudang faction never went and didn't suffer any damage. It's understandable that they didn't come." Xuanci said in a deep voice.

"What the abbot said is very true."

"The Demon Demon Conference is entirely based on the will of the sect, if they don't come, I Shaolin won't force it.

Several Shaolin elders said in succession.

"All right."

"Everything that's supposed to come has come."

"It's also time to meet the heroes of the world.

Xuanci stood up from the futon, holding a Zen staff, and walked out of the hall.

Many Shaolin elders followed behind.

As a world-famous faction, a super-first-class force.

Although the demise of the sweeping monk greatly damaged Shaolin's strength, Shaolin's heritage for so many years is still there, there are still many sects in heaven and man, and there are more than a dozen great masters.

If not.

He simply cannot call on so many sects.

Look around.

"Master Xuanci has come out."

"The devil wins Qi Domineering and kills my fellow martial artist for no reason. His evil deeds will kill him."

"That's right.

"This devil is very powerful. Back then, when he was in the Ming Dynasty, he wanted to kill many people, causing heavy losses to many Ming sects. This time, he even deployed in Lishan and killed countless fellows in the world. This hatred should not be forgotten."5

"You must kill this devil and win Qi before you can rule the world, otherwise there will be no peace in the world. 39


"However, this devil has now gained momentum, opened the emperor's mausoleum, and resurrected the former Daqin first powerhouse Bai Qi, the one million Qin army, and our strengths have no way to deal with this devil.

"Now the martial arts conference is to deal with that devil.

"Gathering the power of the world's martial arts, we will definitely be able to get rid of the devil and win Qi..."

After seeing Xuanci come out, the martial artists of the martial arts all started to talk about it.

Each one looks like a common enemy.

Follow Xuanci out.

All eyes fell on Xuan Ci.

This time gathers the world's strongest.

Almost all of the Heaven and Human Realm that still exists in this world, the great masters, have come.

However, compared to what Ying Qi's design of Mount Li attracted, the number of these powerhouses was very small, with less than twenty people in the Heaven and Human Realm, and less than one hundred great masters.

They all live in the forefront of the square, high above.

The Battle of Lishan.

It can be seen from this martial arts conference that this side of the world's martial arts has suffered heavy losses.

"You fellow martial artists."

"The poor monk Xuanci, on behalf of all the people in the world, would like to thank you all for coming to this demon gathering."

As soon as Xuanci came out, he immediately said to everyone.

Looking at his performance, it seems that he is also an eminent monk.

The voice fell.

The warriors of all sects in the square naturally cooperated one after another.

"Master Xuanci is too polite.

"The rise and fall of the world, the martial arts of my generation are all responsible. The devil is rampant and the Qin is domineering. If Master Xuanci hadn't provoked the world and called on the world's martial artists and sects, how would we deal with the devil?"

"That's right.

"The devil is rampant, and the violent Qin is now in a frenzied manner, slaughtering all living beings. If we do not form a group to fight against the violent Qin, I am afraid that the violent Qin will be destroyed, and the world will become a purgatory on earth. 39

"It is our great responsibility to destroy the violent Qin and kill the devil to win Qi.

"I'm waiting for the martial arts sect, swearing to kill the devil to win Qi, swearing to destroy the violent Qin..."

One by one, the warriors cooperated one after another...

Seeing this scene, Xuanci also had a smile on his face.

This is what he wants to achieve.

The world shares the same hatred.

Fang Ke can fight against the devil to win Qi and destroy the violent Qin.

"The devil wins Qi and destroys humanity."

"Set up a bureau to lure the world's strong, and kill tens of thousands of warriors in Lishan, causing heavy losses to my world's sects. This hatred and this hatred are not shared by the sky."

"I Shaolin will kill the devil to win Qi, so that the world is right. 35

With the blessing of True Yuan, Xuanci shouted loudly, a picture of righteousness and awe-inspiring, looking at death as if at home.

"I swear to kill the devil to win Qi, to be the righteousness of the world."

"The devil wins Qi, the sin is unforgivable, and it must be cut with a thousand swords."

"Break the devil to pieces and smash the corpse into thousands of pieces, and let the world be right, and give an explanation to the strong men who died tragically in the sects of the world. 99

"The devil does not die, the world is restless, and all living beings are restless.

"Kill the devil...


The warriors in the entire square were boiling, and they all raised their weapons and roared, it was called a united effort.

The name of the devil, Ying Qi, also resounded throughout the void.

"it is good."

Xuan Ci raised his hand.

The sound of roaring in the square also gradually fell.

"The devil Ying Qi is very powerful. According to rumors, the former killing god Bai Qi was also resurrected by Ying Qi, and there are many strong people in Qin." Xuanci's voice revealed a seriousness.

"Master Xuanci."

"The killing god Bai Qi is powerful, but he is also a character from thousands of years ago, and with the power I have in the world today, I can kill him.

1.7 "However, we still don't know how many powerful people there are in Qin.

"Also, there are millions of troops in Qin, and we must also try to deal with these forces.

One by one the warriors said.

"Everyone's ideas are correct.

"The rebirth of Bao Qin is indeed terrifying.

"But the poor monk also told you martial arts colleagues a piece of good news."

"This time, I, Shaolin, called on the world's martial arts colleagues to deal with the devil. At the same time, the Ming Dynasty also called on the world's countries to jointly deal with the violent Qin. 55

"With the help of all the countries in the world, we don't need to worry about Qin's army at all, as long as we concentrate on dealing with the demons Ying Qi and Bai Qi.

Xuanci said to everyone.

"In this way, this is really gathering the power of the world to deal with the devil and the violent Qin.

"Hahaha, the power of the world, He Chou's devil is immortal.

"This time, the devil will be destroyed.

"Win Qi will die."

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