Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 321 Destroying Demons? I, here we come.

Hearing that all the dynasties were involved in dealing with Ying Qi, the warriors gathered here were naturally more confident.

"This time, the World Martial Arts Conference is a Demon Fighting Conference, bringing together the world's heroes."

"As long as everything has a chapter and a tail, there must be a charter, and all the actions of the warriors of the demon sect must be directed by one person, so that the plan of the demon can be better implemented. 35

"So before fighting the devil, we must agree on one person to be the leader of the fight against the devil, so that we can command the martial arts and kill the devil.

Xuanci said immediately.

"This time the world's martial arts are gathered, and they are all called by Master Xuanci, which shows the prestige of Master Xuanci, and Master Xuanci is the strongest in the world. I recommend Master Xuanci as the leader of the alliance. 35


"Master Xuanci is the leader of the alliance, and I will respect the martial arts.""

"Master Xuanci should be the leader..."

After a while of chatting, in the end, Xuan Ci also successfully took over as the leader of this demon-fighting conference, and commanded the martial arts heroes who came to the alliance this time.

"According to the information received from the court of the Great Song Dynasty, the violent Qin Dynasty has now captured nearly half of the territory of the Great Song Dynasty.

"If we want to kill Ying Qi, we have to kill Chang'an.

Xuanci said to everyone.

"Chang'an is far away from this place. If you want to be caught off guard by the devil, you can only go above the great master, volley away, and make a surprise attack on Chang'an." A woman dressed as a nun said to Xuanci.

"What Shi Tai said is very true."

"If you want to kill the devil, there is still a key point in 05. If it is wrong, we will all be doomed." Another man said.

"I wonder if Yang Zuo Envoy has any insights?" Xuan Ci looked at the man and said.

If in the past.

A well-known and upright sect like Shaolin is definitely unwilling to be in the company of the Ming Cult, also known as the Demon Cult, but now they have a common enemy, and naturally there is no distinction between good and evil. This has to be said to be an irony.

"The devil Yingqi is no longer alone, but has become the emperor of Qin."

"Everyone knows that the emperor has the power of the sky to protect his body, and the martial artist cannot hurt him. If a martial artist hurts the emperor, he will even be attacked by the power of the sky, which will cause serious injury and death. 35 Yang Xiao said in a deep voice.

"That's really a problem.

Xuan Ci also nodded.

"Although the power of the sky is strong, it also lies in the stability of the country and the strength of the country.

"Now that the violent Qin Dynasty has emerged, although the devil is an emperor, the foundation of the country is unstable, and the power of the sky is certainly unstable."

"If Bao Qin is allowed to completely control the captured territory, then the result will be uncertain." Shi Tai said immediately.

"The words of extinction, this seat agrees.

Li Qiushui immediately agreed.

"Master Mie Xie makes too much sense. 35


"We must slash the horses quickly, and kill the demon head by surprise. We must not delay it any longer. If the demon head is really protected by the power of the sky, then the martial arts experts in the world will have nothing to do with him."

"That's why the poor monk decided to overthrow all his forces tomorrow and kill him in Chang'an to kill the devil.

"All the strong masters above the Grandmaster, all go to battle."

"As for those under the great master, the poor monk proposed to support the battlefield of the Great Song Dynasty and deal with the Qin army, and we can achieve victory through two-pronged approach." Xuanci said loudly.

"This seat agrees." Li Qiushui agreed immediately.

Now that her Xixia has been destroyed, and her son has also died in the chaos of the army, she hates Da Qin very much.


Many Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses also opened their mouths.

No one objected.

After all, most of these people follow the strong, and many also want to gain benefits by relying on such a steady victory.

"it is good."

"My Shaolin has already prepared a meal, and I will have you all to stay in my Shaolin for half a day."

"As long as the night falls, we will take advantage of the night to raid Chang'an. 35 A cold light flashed in Xuanci's eyes, and he announced loudly.

But right now.

"No need to raid Chang'an and waste your time. 39

"I'm here already."

Above the void, a mighty voice suddenly sounded, and the voice together was like thunder.

All of a sudden.

All the warriors in Shaolin were shocked.

The Heaven and Human Realm experts who were originally seated stood up abruptly, their expressions full of surprise and horror.

Everyone's eyes turned to the direction from which the voice came.

But there is no one in the void.

"A thousand miles of voice transmission.

"The devil is coming."

Xuanci said with an indifferent expression.

"We haven't looked for him yet, but he dares to come to us, is he looking for death? Master Jue said coldly.

"Yun Cong, the strongest man in the world, let alone the emperor who has already ascended to the throne, Ying Qi, whose cultivation base has fallen sharply, even if Bai Qi comes personally, we are not afraid. 99

"It's just right, killing the devil to win Qi can save the world from this calamity."

"This devil dares to come here, will he have something to rely on?"

"What else can he rely on? Even if he has trump cards, can he still be the enemy of the world?"""

Many warriors were talking about it.

After Ying Qi's voice resounded in this Shaolin void.

All the warriors also disappeared from the original comfortable feeling, leaving a seriousness.

"I don't know what methods have been used in the battle of the Demon Head Lishan. All fellow martial artists must deal with it with all their strength and must not underestimate the enemy." Xuanci reminded loudly.

His own Shaolin monk perished in Mount Li, Xuanci knew about such a powerful strength, but he was so powerful but perished in Mount Li, which had to be taken seriously by Xuanci.

All warriors stared at the void and waited.

In the bottom of their hearts, they may all be playing drums, and they don't understand why Ying Qi dared to come to Shaolin.


above the void.

Ripples appeared.

I saw a huge black dragon spread its wings and came from the sky. Eleven figures stood on the dragon's body.

"Ximen Chuixue.

"Yan Nantian.

"The rumors are true.

"These powerhouses who have never been destroyed in Mount Li have all joined the devil's command and become the devil's eagle dog."

The eyes of many experts in the realm of heaven and human were condensed, and they were separated by thousands of meters, but they saw the figure on the giant dragon at a glance.

"To serve the devil is to fight against the world."

"None can be spared.

Extinction said coldly.


Many warriors joined in.

next moment.

Among the many realms of heaven and human beings, the great masters and powerhouses rose up into the sky, staring at the galloping dragons, eyeing them, and their killing intent was undisguised.

And the warriors on the square also pulled out their weapons one after another, and were ready to fight.


The giant dragon came to this Shaolin Void of Songshan Mountain.

Ying Qi, and the figures of ten people behind him also appeared in front of these warriors gathered here.

"Ying Qi, your sins are monstrous, my world's martial arts are gathered here to exorcise the demons of the world, how dare you come? Xuanci also rose in the sky, waved his Zen stick in his hand, and pointed at Ying Qi and shouted coldly.

"Why don't you come here?"

Ying Qi smiled lightly, and glanced at the warriors gathered here, with a kind of satisfaction in his eyes.

so many strong.

For Ying Qi, they are all prey and experience points.

If they are all destroyed, for this side of the world, more than 80% of the powerhouses will be destroyed by themselves.

This will be easier for Da Qin to control this world in the future.

This side of the world is the world of cultivators. There are many strong people. They violate the taboos by force, ignore the laws of the court, and are difficult to deal with.

If it were to kill them individually, it would be too time-consuming and difficult to search for, but all gathered here, Yu Daqin's present and future will be the best.

"The devil, if you kill my Ming sect leader, I, Yang Xiao, will let you smash into pieces."

Yang Xiao raised his hand, clenched the sharp blade in his hand, pointed at Ying Qi and shouted angrily.

An aura came out.

Straight beat Qi.

"Besides you, the devil, for the martial arts is to make a living for the common people."

Mie Shitai held the Heavenly Rank Divine Weapon Yitian Sword in his hand and scolded angrily.

"Slaughter my son, destroy our country, 600 Ben Gong will never die with you." Li Qiushui shouted angrily.

One by one, the Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses burst out with their own momentum, all of them staring at Ying Qi with killing intent.

"The devil?


Ying Qi had a playful smile on his face: "The people I killed were all greedy people, if they weren't greedy, how could they die?

"If this is the devil, when those greedy people want to seize the treasures of Daqin, aren't they devils?

Hear this.

Everyone here knows that Ying Qi is a mockery.

The world knows it.

The world's sects, powers, and strong men from various countries went to Mount Li for the treasures of the ancient Qin Dynasty, thinking that as long as they got the treasures, they would be able to transcend the realm of heaven and man, and also be able to control the world.

Driven by greed, let them enter Mount Li.

It can be said.

They died because of their own greed, no one could blame them.

And on the bright side, it is those who are the strongest in the world who coerce Win Qi to go to Mount Li, and they can't blame anyone.

Everyone in the world, as long as they are not stupid, understands this.

But today they gathered here to deal with Ying Qi.

Hearing this, although their faces were very ugly, how could they admit that the strong men of their sect died because of greed.

"The devil, you are not talking nonsense."

"Everything is because you designed the layout, if not, how could the strongest in the world fall for you and destroy you?

"No matter what you do today, you can't wash away your name as a devil, and you can't leave Shaolin alive."

"Today you must die."

"This seat will definitely smash you into pieces... let you be completely wiped out. 39

One by one, the Martial Artists of the Heaven and Human Realm cursed angrily.

But the voice fell.


The ten courtiers around Ying Qi moved.

Moving in the air, standing in a row, the monstrous aura emerged from their bodies.

The entire void vibrated under the aura of ten people.

And this moment....

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