Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 319 Ying Qi: This is the essence of the world


For Ying Qi, these days were a lot of good fortune, and Yaoyue and Lianxing had already entered the urn.

During these times, Ying Qi was dealing with the affairs of this world while enjoying the blessings of the people of Qi.

The palace hall.

"Congratulations to the host, the Great Qin Dynasty, for destroying the Western Xia Kingdom, and a reward for a treasure chest." The system prompt sounded in Ying Qi's ear.

Back then in the Daqin world.

At that time, the battle of destroying the country could reward a mysterious treasure chest, which was burning high incense. With the entry into the comprehensive martial arts of this world higher than the Daqin world, the reward for destroying the country naturally ushered in a change.

After all, even the weakest country in this world is stronger than any country in the Daqin world in the past by virtue of its cultivation foundation.

"Xixia is just the beginning."

"At most ten years, at least four years, I will take all the world in this world." Ying Qi thought to himself.

The world in this world is too huge, and the earth is several times larger than the world of Daqin, which is why it takes time for Ying Qi to annex this world.

Deploy troops, govern.

All this takes time.

This side of the world is too big, even the ancient Great Qin in this world in the past, it took dozens of years to rule the world.

"With some more time, the many sect forces gathered by Shaolin should be almost the same."


"It can't be wasted.

A sneer appeared on Ying Qi's face.

At this time.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"Wu'an Jun, please see me."5

Li Qing came to the hall and said respectfully.

"Xuan. 99

Ying Qi came back to his senses and said.


Li Qingli retreated at 597 minutes.


Bai Qi led Dugu Qiufei to the main hall.

"See the Emperor. 35

"Dugu pays respects to Emperor Qin."

The two entered the hall and immediately bowed and bowed.

"Be flat.

Win Qiwei said.

His eyes fell on Dugu Qiubai, and Ying Qi could see the strength of this Dugu Qiubai at a glance.

The pinnacle of heaven.


"Bai Qi's expedition brought me a surprise."

"Sword Demon, Dugu seeks defeat. 35 Yingqi smiled secretly in his heart.

For the Great Qin Dynasty, with the passage of time, the national power of Great Qin has transformed, and the worlds to be fought in the future will be stronger than each other.

The strong, talented, and talented ministers, these are all what Da Qin wants.

And this Dugu Qiufeng, as the top powerhouse in this world, has no objection. If there is no check and balance at the world level, he can go further.

And it just so happened that Ying Qi was the one who could bring him farther.

"Reveal Your Majesty.

"The minister personally supervised the battle to attack Xixia. Now the country of Xixia has been attacked and destroyed by my Daqin iron cavalry, the emperor of Xixia has been beheaded by Meng Wu himself, and all his royal family have been imprisoned. Bai Qi will report the result of the destruction of Xixia.


"Xixia has been destroyed."

"The next step is to destroy Song. 55

"Just do what I want you to do. Ying Qi said calmly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty.

"The minister asked Wei Ran to lead an army of 300,000 people to attack Song, and he must be able to encircle Shaolin within the period designated by the emperor, so that those rebels can't escape. 55 Bai Qi immediately replied.

"With you in charge, I can rest assured." Ying Qi smiled and praised.

in the past.

Although Ying Qi had five army battalions under his command, he still had to decide on the matter of dispatching troops to win Qi, and to mobilize the soldiers of the fifth army battalion by the emperor's order. After all, at that time, Ying Qi did not have a commander who could lead the fifth army battalion. No one is competent and cannot have the real power of convincing the crowd.

But white is different.

His prestige was inherited in Daqin, and he belonged to Daqin's natural commander.

With him.

Ying Qi doesn't need to deal with the military conquest.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust."

"This time to destroy Xixia, this minister has found a strong person for the emperor, his strength is rare in this world, and it is the peak of the world.

"He is also willing to be loyal to the emperor, enter my Great Qin, and pursue the path of stronger martial arts.

"I also ask the emperor to accept it, earn money from Daqin, and strengthen the national strength of my dynasty." Bai Qi pointed at Dugu beside him, begging for defeat, and said respectfully.

"You already have the peak strength of the Heaven and Human Realm, and you will not be able to repent if you enter our Great Qin. Even if I want you to die, you will not be allowed to go against it. Would you like it? Ying Qi stared at Dugu and begged for defeat, and an invisible pressure appeared instantly.

The emergence of this pressure made Dugu Qiubai instantly wake up.

"Emperor Qin, really is above the realm of heaven and man."

Dugu seeks defeat secretly in his heart.

Dare not to hesitate.

Immediately said: "Dugu's lifelong wish is to pursue the peak of martial arts. Today, we will fight against Wu Anjun to let Dugu know the strength of martial arts, the fundamentals of Qin, and the power of Emperor Qin."

"If you miss this opportunity, Dugu will regret his life for the rest of his life. For the pinnacle of martial arts, Dugu is willing to be loyal to the Qin Emperor and enter the Daqin drive."


Dugu Qiu defeated directly on one knee and expressed his submission to Ying Qi.

If you say martial arts.

In this side of the world, perhaps only Dugu Qiuqiu is the most maddened. In pursuit of the peak of martial arts, he has no regrets in death.

Now that there is an opportunity, he naturally does not want to miss it.

"I, accept your allegiance.""

Ying Qi walked up to Dugu Qiufeng and helped him up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Dugu Qiu defeated immediately changed his tune.

"When you enter my Daqin, you will not lose your happiness."

"On the contrary, Daqin will give you the opportunity to exhaust your cultivation resources and even enter the top of martial arts.

"And all you have to do is obey my orders.

Ying Qi said solemnly.

"I understand." Dugu Qiufei nodded.

"Okay, you are new to my Daqin, if you have anything to ask at this moment, just ask.

"I know you have a lot of questions." Ying Qi smiled and patted Dugu Qiufeng's shoulder.

"Dare to ask the emperor."

"The Broken Realm above the Heaven and Human Realm, why can't the people of this world reach it?

"How did the emperor break the emperor's curse that has been passed down through the ages and come to the broken?

Dugu Qiuwei was also not ambiguous, and directly asked two questions that he desperately wanted to know.

Ying Qi smiled slightly, waved his hand, and a stream of True Essence emerged out of thin air, turning into a water basin directly in front of him.

A lot of invisible water even formed in this illusory water basin, almost reaching the mouth of the urn.

Bai Qi and Dugu Qiufeng both looked at it in surprise, not knowing why.

next moment.

Ying Qi waved again.

Several stones appeared in this illusory water basin. As the stones entered the water, the water inside began to fill up. Gradually, the water directly overflowed and came out, and then the entire water basin became unstable and shattered directly.

"What do you see?"

Ying Qi waved his hand, his true essence dissipated, and he looked at the two of them.

"This basin is the world, the world?"

"And those stones are the cultivation powerhouses in the world?"

Bai Qi said with a kind of thought.

Dugu Qiufeng also nodded, obviously, he also understood.

"The world is like this basin."

"There is a limit to what it can endure. If the limit is exceeded, the world will be unbearable and bring unimaginable disasters."35

"In the world, there are countless practitioners, and the spiritual energy consumed every moment is nurtured by the world, and these are all transformations from the source of heaven and earth. The stronger the practitioner, the more spiritual energy is swallowed, and the more the source is consumed.

"And the limit that this world can endure is the realm of heaven and man."

"If you go beyond the realm of heaven and man, you will not be able to maintain the fundamental order of the world."

"Speaking of which, do you understand?

Ying Qi looked at the two and said.

"My Lord understands.

"It turns out that this is heaven and earth, and this is the order between heaven and earth.

The two were a little surprised.

But the next moment.

Dugu Qiufei raised his head and looked at Ying Qi with a shocked look: "How did the emperor break the balance of this world and break it?"5

But ask.

Dugu Qiufei immediately bowed his body and changed his face with fear: "This minister is abrupt, and this minister should not ask.


Ying Qi didn't blame it.

This Dugu Qiuwei is a martial idiot, and now that he knows the real mystery of this world, he is naturally hard to restrain.


Ying Qi smiled lightly: "I am not from this side of the world at all, and furthermore, the curse of this side of the world against the emperor will not fall on me."

He has the fortune of the dynasty, and Ying Qi has a data-based physique. He relies on experience points to upgrade, but he does not consume the spiritual energy of this world, and naturally he will not be targeted by the heavens of this world.

"Isn't the emperor from this world?" Dugu Qiu was shocked and looked at Bai Qi,

"Soon, you'll understand.

Bai Qi smiled without explaining too much.

"The strong man that Shaolin went to should be almost there."

"Get ready to go to this event."

"They have prepared such a big gift for me. If I don't go, I will lose face." Ying Qi became serious and said solemnly.


Bai Qi immediately took the order.

"Go to Shaolin?"

"Could it be? 39

Dugu Qiufei opened his eyes wide and his heart shook.

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